16 research outputs found

    Adherence to 24-Hour Movement Guidelines among Spanish Adolescents: Differences between Boys and Girls

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    Background: The 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for adolescents recommend >= 60 min/day of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (PA), <= 2 h/day of screen time, and 8-10 h/day of sleep. Since little information is available on the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines in Spanish adolescents, this study aims to estimate the proportion of Spanish adolescents meeting individual and combinations of these 24-Hour Movement Guidelines. Moreover, another aim of this study is to examine gender differences in compliance with 24-Hour Movement Guidelines. Methods: A final sample of 1465 Spanish adolescents (44.50% girls; 13.08 +/- 0.86) participated in this cross-sectional study. The 24-Hour Movement Guidelines were measured during weekdays and the weekend days by self-reported questionnaires. Results: Although most adolescents met sleep duration guidelines (81.3%), only 38% and 15.8% met physical activity and screen time guidelines, respectively. Only 5.4% of these adolescents met all three 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, whereas 10.2% of this sample did not meet any of these guidelines. Although boys reported greater compliance with physical activity recommendations and girls with screen time recommendations, no significant gender differences were found in the compliance of all three 24-Hour Movement Guidelines. Conclusion: Given that 94.4% of Spanish adolescents did not meet 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, promoting all these three movement behaviours in both boys and girls is an urgent public health priority

    Cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de práctica de actividad física y percepción de barreras en estudiantes de bachillerato

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer los niveles de actividad física (AF) así como la percepción de barreras para la realización de AF en estudiantes de Bachillerato, analizando dichas variables en función del género, curso académico, práctica deportiva extraescolar y tipo de jornada. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el que participaron 248 adolescentes, 120 chicos y 128 chicas ( M = 15.32; DT = 1.81), 144 de 1º de Bachillerato y 104 de 2º de Bachillerato. Se utilizó el Cuestionario Internacional de AF en su versión corta (IPAQ-SF) y la Escala de Barreras para la práctica de AF . Los resultados señalaron que menos del 30% de los estudiantes de Bachillerato alcanza las recomendaciones de práctica de AF, siendo el grado de cumplimiento más elevado en los chicos (38.3%), en el alumnado de 1º de Bachillerato (30.6%), en el alumnado que realiza práctica deportiva extraescolar (36.7%) y entre semana (31%). Por otro lado, las barreras referentes al tiempo fueron superiores en el alumnado de 2º de Bachillerato, mientras que las barreras relativas al disfrute fueron superiores en las chicas y en el alumnado que no realizaba práctica deportiva extraescolar. Los resultados destacan la importancia de promover la práctica regular de AF en Bachillerato, especialmente en las chicas y en los adolescentes de 2º curso, a través de programas de intervención que ayuden a mejorar la gestión del tiempo de ocio y estimulen el desarrollo de los procesos motivacionales. The aim of this study was to analyze physical activity (PA) levels and perceived barriers to PA in High School students. Similarly, differences in gender, academic year, out-of-school sport and type of day were analyzed among these variables. In this cross-sectional study, 248 adolescents, 120 boys and 128 girls (M = 15.32; SD = 1.81), were involved. The sample was made up of 144 12th grade students (58.1%) and 104 13th grade students. The International PA Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF) and the Scale of Barriers to PA were used. The results showed that less than 30% of High School students comply with the PA guidelines, being higher in boys (38.3%), in the 12th High School students (30.6%), in the students who practiced extracurricular sports (36.7%) and weekdays (31%). On the other hand, barriers relating to time adolescents were higher in students of 13th High School, while barriers relate to enjoyment were higher in girls and students who did not practice extracurricular sports. The results highlight the importance of promoting PA in High School students, especially in girls and 12th High School, through intervention programs that help improve the management of their leisure time and development of motivational processes

    A hybrid tgfu/se volleyball teaching unit for enhancing motivation in physical education: A mixed-method approach

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    Grounded in self-determination theory, this pre-experimental study analyzed the effects of a hybrid teaching games for understanding/sport education (TGfU/SE) volleyball teaching unit on students’ motivational outcomes, using a mixed-method approach. It also examined whether the intervention was equally effective for boys and girls. Participants were 53 secondary school students (Mage = 15.50, SDage = 0.57) who were taught through a hybrid TGfU/SE unit. The structure of this unit was designed according to the characteristics of SE model, while learning tasks were designed by using the pedagogical principles of TGfU model. Both self-reported validated questionnaires and focus groups were used before and after intervention to assess students’ motivational responses. After the hybrid TGfU/SE unit, both quantitative and qualitative findings showed improvements in students’ perceptions of need-support from the physical education (PE) teacher, basic psychological needs satisfaction, novelty, and variety satisfaction, as well as intrinsic motivation compared to baseline values. Although the hybrid TGfU/SE unit was effective in both genders, a large effect size was found for girls. Despite the existence of social and cultural stereotypes in team sports such as volleyball in favor of boys, results highlight the importance of developing hybrid TGfU/SE units to improve students’ motivational outcomes, especially in girls

    Efectos de una intervención escolar en la actividad física, el tiempo de sueño, el tiempo de pantalla y la dieta en niños

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    La inactividad física, los comportamientos sedentarios y el consumo de alimentos no saludables representan un problema de salud pública entre los adolescentes. El objetivo es examinar los efectos de una intervención escolar en los comportamientos de movimiento que interaccionan durante las 24 horas (actividad física, pantallas y sueño), la dieta mediterránea y el estado de salud. Se ha llevado a cabo un diseño cuasi-experimental, durante dos meses y medio. Han participado 121 niños, entre 8 y 9 años (M = 9.01 ± .09 años; 47.11% niñas), de dos escuelas de Educación Primaria, de los cuales 66 se han asignado al grupo control y 55 al grupo experimental. Se han desarrollado diez sesiones de tutoría, de una hora semanal, sobre hábitos saludables. Se han medido la actividad física, el tiempo de pantallas, la duración de sueño, la dieta mediterránea y el estado de salud, antes y después de la intervención, a través de cuestionarios. Los niños del grupo experimental muestran un incremento significativo en la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea y en los valores de actividad física entre semana en comparación con sus valores iniciales. Además, los mayores valores iniciales en el grupo control en la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea y en la proporción de sujetos activos, han desaparecido entre los dos grupos después de la intervención. Un programa escolar implementado en las tutorías, a través de diez sesiones de una hora de duración, parece eficaz para mejorar la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea y la proporción de niños activos, pero no para otros comportamientos relacionados con la salud. Multiple health-risk behaviors such as physical inactivity, sedentary behaviors or unhealthy diet represent a public health problem among adolescents. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of a school-based intervention on 24-hour movement behaviors (i.e., physical activity, screen-based behaviors, and sleep), Mediterranean diet, and self-rated health status. A quasi-experimental design has been carried out for two months and a half in a sample of 121 children, aged 8-9 years (M = 9.01 ± .09 years old; 47.11% girls), from two elementary schools. Sixty-six students from one of the schools has been assigned to the control group and 55 students from the other school has been included in the experimental group. In the experimental group, ten one-hour weekly sessions about knowledge, awareness, and practices of health-related behaviors have been implemented by a research group member through the tutorial action plan. 24-hour movement behaviors, Mediterranean diet, and self-rated health status has been measured before and after the school-based intervention using self-reported questionnaires. Experimental group children show a significant increase in adherence to the Mediterranean diet and being physically active during the weekdays compared to their baseline values. Moreover, the greater baseline values in the adherence to the Mediterranean diet, as well as being physically active during weekend days in the control group, disappear between both groups after the intervention. Ten one-hour sessions of a school-based intervention conducted through the tutorial action plan seem effective in improving children's adherence to the Mediterranean diet and the proportion of active children, but not other health-related behaviors

    Orientaciones para la comunidad científica sobre el diseño, implementación y evaluación de intervenciones escolares sobre promoción de comportamientos saludables

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    A pesar de los beneficios asociados a la adopción de un estilo de vida saludable, un gran porcentaje de jóvenes no cumple las recomendaciones establecidas para los diferentes comportamientos saludables. Por ello, resulta conveniente el desarrollo de intervenciones basadas en la promoción de comportamientos saludables. Si bien el contexto educativo resulta un entorno ideal para ello, la mayoría de las intervenciones han reportado efectos muy bajos o no significativos, desapareciendo en las medidas de seguimiento posteriores. Los programas escolares multinivel, multicomponente y multicomportamiento se han identificado como los enfoques más prometedores para la mejora de los comportamientos saludables. Sin embargo, debido a la gran complejidad en su aplicación, todavía existen numerosas dificultades y retos en su implementación y sostenibilidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es aportar ocho orientaciones metodológicas y/o reflexiones para la comunidad científica para mejorar el diseño, implementación y evaluación de intervenciones escolares sobre promoción de comportamientos saludables. Todas ellas vienen avaladas por la literatura científica y por las lecciones aprendidas en la implementación de programas previos. Se espera que este trabajo pueda facilitar a la comunidad científica indicaciones claras y precisas de cómo deben abordarse este tipo de intervenciones, con objeto de favorecer que los programas escolares de promoción de comportamientos saludables sean realmente efectivos. Despite the benefits of adopting a healthy lifestyle, a large percentage of young people do not meet the established recommendations for these health-related behaviors. Developing multiple health behavior interventions are, therefore, required. Although school has been considered an ideal setting to promote healthy lifestyles in children and adolescents, most school-based interventions reported small or non-significant effects, diminishing over time. Multilevel, multicomponent, and multiple behavior school programs have been identified as the most promising approaches for improving health-related behaviors. However, due to the great complexity in its application, there are numerous difficulties and challenges in its implementation and sustainability. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to provide eight methodological guidelines and/or reflections for the scientific community to improve the design, implementation, and evaluation of school-based interventions for promoting health-related behaviors. All of them are supported by the research literature and also by the experience developing school-based intervention programs. We hope that this manuscript provide to the scientific community clear and precise indications of how this type of intervention should be addressed in order to maximize the effectiveness of school health interventions

    Barreras percibidas para la práctica de actividad física en estudiantes universitarios. Diferencias por género y niveles de actividad física

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    La etapa universitaria supone un momento sensible respecto a la realización de práctica de actividad física (AF), especialmente en las mujeres. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue identificar la prevalencia de barreras de práctica de AF, y analizar las posibles diferencias en función del género y el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de práctica de AF para adultos, establecidas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (2010). Participaron 901 estudiantes universitarios (M = 22.59; DT = 3.59) que cumplimentaron el IPAQ-SF y la Escala de Percepción de Barreras. Entre los resultados destaca que las barreras relativas a la falta de tiempo obtuvieron los valores más altos entre la población universitaria. El MANOVA realizado mostró que los estudiantes que no cumplían las recomendaciones de práctica de AF percibían valores superiores en la mayoría de barreras de práctica de AF que aquellos estudiantes que sí cumplían las recomendaciones. De igual modo, las mujeres que cumplían las recomendaciones de AF presentaron valores superiores en todas las barreras analizadas, que los hombres que cumplían dichas recomendaciones. En esta misma línea, las mujeres que no cumplían las recomendaciones de AF presentaron valores superiores en las barreras referentes al tiempo y a la capacidad de disfrute que los hombres que no cumplían dichas recomendaciones. A raíz de la alta prevalencia de percepción de barreras, especialmente en las mujeres, se destaca la importancia de desarrollar programas de intervención y políticas que puedan suponer una mayor adherencia a la práctica de AF, asentando unos hábitos más activos en la población universitaria. University stage is a sensitive moment about doing physical activity (PA), especially in women. The main objective of this study was to identify the barriers to PA in university students and analyze possible differences in gender and compliance with PA guidelines established in adults by World Health Organization (2010). 901 students (M = 22.59; SD = 3.59) completed the IPAQ-SF and the Scale of Perceived Barriers. Among the results, the barriers related to lack of time obtained the highest values among the university population. The MANOVA showed that students who failing to meet PA guidelines perceived higher values in most analyzed barriers than the students who meet PA guidelines. Likewise, women who met the PA guidelines presented higher values in all the barriers analyzed than the men who met the PA guidelines. In addition, women who failing to meet PA guidelines presented higher values in the barriers related to time and disliking of PA than the men who failing to meet PA guidelines. In summary, this study showed a high prevalencia of barriers in university students, especially in women. The results highlight the importance of developing health policies and PA interventions targeting university students

    ¿Se deberían replantear las recomendaciones relativas al uso sedentario del tiempo de pantalla en adolescentes?

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    The aim of thisstudy was to analyze the daily sedentary screen time of four electronicdevices behaviors (i.e., TV, computer, videogames, and mobile),and the proportion of adolescents who meet recommendations for screen time either independently or combined. Differences according to the type of day and gender were analyzed. One hundred fivestudents (M=13.05±0.59) completed a self-reported questionnaire about these sedentary screen time behaviors. Adolescents reported an average daily time of 407 minutes of sedentary screen time behaviors, with TV being the most used electronic device. Results showed that all adolescents failed to meet screen time recommendations. Greater values of sedentary screen time behaviors were reported on weekends days and in boys than in weekdays and in girls respectively. The need to update the sedentary screen time guidelines in adolescents is discussed.El objetivo fue analizar el tiempo medio de uso diario de cuatro medios tecnológicos de pantalla (i.e., TV, ordenador, videojuegos y móvil) e identificar el grado de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de pantalla, tanto de manera independiente como en su conjunto. Asimismo, se analizaronlas diferencias en función del tipo de jornada y el género. Participaron 105 estudiantes (M=13.05±0.59)que cumplimentaron un cuestionario referente al tiempo de pantalla de dichos medios tecnológicos. Los adolescentes de esta muestra pasan untiempo medio de uso diario de 407 minutos de medios tecnológicos de pantalla, siendo la TV el medio más utilizado.Ninguno de los adolescentes cumple las recomendaciones de tiempo de pantalla. Asimismo, existe un mayor de tiempo de uso tecnológico los fines de semana y por parte de los chicos. Se discute la necesidad de actualización de las recomendaciones relativas al uso del tiempo de pantalla en adolescentes

    ¿Se deberían replantear las recomendaciones relativas al uso sedentario del tiempo de pantalla en adolescentes?

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    El objetivo fue analizar el tiempo medio de uso diario de cuatro medios tecnológicos de pantalla (i.e., TV, ordenador, videojuegos y móvil) e identificar el grado de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones de pantalla, tanto de manera independiente como en su conjunto. Asimismo, se analizaronlas diferencias en función del tipo de jornada y el género. Participaron 105 estudiantes (M=13.05±0.59)que cumplimentaron un cuestionario referente al tiempo de pantalla de dichos medios tecnológicos. Los adolescentes de esta muestra pasan untiempo medio de uso diario de 407 minutos de medios tecnológicos de pantalla, siendo la TV el medio más utilizado.Ninguno de los adolescentes cumple las recomendaciones de tiempo de pantalla. Asimismo, existe un mayor de tiempo de uso tecnológico los fines de semana y por parte de los chicos. Se discute la necesidad de actualización de las recomendaciones relativas al uso del tiempo de pantalla en adolescentes. The aim of this study was to analyze the daily sedentary screen time of four electronic devices behaviors (i.e., TV, computer, video games, and mobile), and the proportion of adolescents who meet recommendations for screen time either independently or combined. Differences according to the type of day and gender were analyzed. One hundred five students (M=13.05 +/- 0.59) completed a self-reported questionnaire about these sedentary screen time behaviors. Adolescents reported an average daily rime of 407 minutes of sedentary screen time behaviors, with TV being the most used electronic device. Results showed that all adolescents failed to meet screen time recommendations. Greater values of sedentary screen time behaviors were reported on weekends days and in boys than in weekdays and in girls respectively. The need to update the sedentary screen time guidelines in adolescents is discussed

    Students’ motivational experiences across profiles of perceived need-supportive and need-thwarting teaching behaviors in physical education

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    Background: Consistent with self-determination theory (SDT), teachers may differ in the motivating style used to motivate students in physical education (PE). When relying on need-supportive behaviors, teachers attempt to provide students with opportunities for choices and initiative (autonomy support), valuable information and feedback (competence support), and an emotional and affective environment (relatedness support). Alternatively, teachers relying on need-thwarting behaviors tend to adopt a controlling language (autonomy thwarting), unclear goals toward the task (competence thwarting), and cold links with students (relatedness thwarting). While competence, autonomy, and relatedness supportive and thwarting behaviors are theoretically distinct in the instructional practice, every teaching behavior may co-occur to different degrees. Grounded in SDT, the only existing person-centered study in PE showed that PE teachers’ autonomy-supportive and controlling teaching behaviors can be combined through the students’ eyes, being associated with different motivational outcomes. Purpose: Adopting a person-centered approach, this research aimed to extend previous knowledge by examining how different combinations of students’ perceptions of autonomy, competence, and relatedness supportive and thwarting teaching behaviors are associated with students’ need satisfaction, need frustration, and motivation in PE. Method: A sample of 478 middle school students (53.97% girls) participated in the study. First, a two-step cluster analysis using autonomy, competence, and relatedness supportive and thwarting behaviors was run to identify different motivating teaching profiles. Subsequently, a multivariate analysis of covariance was conducted to examine differences between the retained clusters and students’ need-based experiences and motivational regulations. Results: Two of these profiles were characterized by the dominant presence either of need-supportive (i.e. ‘high need-support – low need-thwarting’) or need-thwarting behaviors (i.e. ‘low need-support – high need-thwarting’), while they were found to be similarly present in the two remaining profiles (i.e. ‘moderate need-support – need-thwarting’, and ‘moderate need-support – high need-thwarting’). The ‘high need-support – low need-thwarting’ profile obtained the highest scores on need satisfaction and autonomous forms of motivation, accompanied by the lowest levels of need frustration and amotivation. The ‘moderate need-support – need-thwarting’ profile reflected low scores on need frustration, introjected and external regulation, and amotivation. The ‘moderate need-support – need-thwarting’ and the ‘low need-support – high need-thwarting’ profiles showed the highest scores on need frustration, introjected and external regulation, and amotivation. Conclusions: This research underscores that teachers may combine need-supportive and need-thwarting behaviors in their instructional practice. Results revealed that the ‘high need-support – low need-thwarting’ profile showed the most optimal outcomes, while the ‘low need-support – high need thwarting’ profile yielded the least optimal outcomes. Given that the ‘high need-support – low need-thwarting’ profile showed a more optimal pattern of outcomes than the ‘moderate need-support – high need-thwarting’ profile and the ‘moderate need-support – need-thwarting’, results suggest that students’ perception of need-thwarting teaching behaviors is detrimental even when the instructor is additionally perceived to be need-supportive. PE teachers are recommended not only to develop a motivating teaching style characterized by high levels of need-supportive behaviors, but also to avoid need-thwarting behaviors in their instructional practice, in order to enhance students’ motivational experience