10 research outputs found

    Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Sexually Abused Children and Adolescents Referred to Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for Psychiatric Assessment

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    Objectives: Child abuse has been a continuous, hidden health and social problem in all over the world. Identifying risk factors are crucial to implement protective services. In Turkey, data of the legal cases are still lacking. This study aims to assess the sociodemographic and psychiatric features of the sexually abused children who have been referred for forensic evaluation together with their identity issues. Materials and Methods: The forensic files of the sexually abused cases (tı 11: 9 boys, 32 girls) who had been referred to the child psychiatry outpatient clinic were evaluated. Psychiatric diagnoses in the files were based on the Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-age children- Turkish Version. Data on age, gender, socioeconomic status and diagnoses of the victims and characteristics of the abusers were gathered and analysed by descriptive statistical methods. Results: Mean age of the victims was 11.54±3.31 years. Socioeconomic levels of their families were mostly lower class with rate of 51.2%. All perpetrators were male with a mean age of 23 years (min 14; max 67). When the consanguinity of the abusers and victims were taken into consideration, it was found that they were intrafamilial (fathers and brothers rate:12.2%), close relatives (19.5%), distant relatives (22.0%), other familiar (such as neighbours, friends: 14.6%) and unfamiliar (24.4%) people for the victims. 19.5% of the victims had mental retardation. The most common diagnoses of the victims were posttraumatic stress disorder (46.3%), other anxiety disorders (17.1%), and major depression (24.4%). Conclusion: Identified risk factors for sexual abuse, determined as the result of this study, are being a female child, late childhood period, mental retardation, and low economic status. The abusers were males who were familiar to the child victims. Preventive measures should be implemented for the entire population, particularly involving the high- risk groups to avoid child abuse

    Psychiatric Symptoms in Childhood Wilson’s Disease: Case Reports

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    Various psychiatric symptoms/signs have been identified since the identification of Wilson’s disease (WD). Every patient with WD suffers from one or more psychiatric problems (organic dementia, psychosis, and impulsivity) across the disease course. Sometimes, insidious symptoms, such as behavioral changes, failure in school performance, and disturbances in hand-eye coordination may be seen before the onset of neurologic presentation. In this report, five patients, who were diagnosed with WD and followed up in the Child Neurology Unit, were assessed by a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-4-based semistructured psychiatric interview (Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children). All patients had psychiatric symptoms. One patient had a history of a manic episode and the other had a history of a psychotic disorder at the initial stage of WD. Psychiatric symptoms coexist mostly with neurologic signs in patients with WD. In this sense, pediatric neurological consultation and copper screening are lifesaving in excluding organic etiology. However, WD is a lifelong treatment-requiring disease and psychiatric evaluation of the patients is essential

    COVID 19 Vaccine opposition-hesitancy

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    Psychiatric Symptoms in Childhood Wilson’s Disease: Case Reports

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    Various psychiatric symptoms/signs have been identified since the identification of Wilson’s disease (WD). Every patient with WD suffers from one or more psychiatric problems (organic dementia, psychosis, and impulsivity) across the disease course. Sometimes, insidious symptoms, such as behavioral changes, failure in school performance, and disturbances in hand-eye coordination may be seen before the onset of neurologic presentation. In this report, five patients, who were diagnosed with WD and followed up in the Child Neurology Unit, were assessed by a Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-4-based semistructured psychiatric interview (Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children). All patients had psychiatric symptoms. One patient had a history of a manic episode and the other had a history of a psychotic disorder at the initial stage of WD. Psychiatric symptoms coexist mostly with neurologic signs in patients with WD. In this sense, pediatric neurological consultation and copper screening are lifesaving in excluding organic etiology. However, WD is a lifelong treatment-requiring disease and psychiatric evaluation of the patients is essential

    Long-acting Injectable Risperidone Use in an 11-Years-Old Bipolar Child

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    Early-onset bipolar disorder is difficult for child psychiatrists in terms of both diagnosis and treatment. The proper diagnostic evaluation is negatively impacted by the atypical clinical manifestation and rapid cycling pattern of the disease, together with common comorbidity with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and anxiety disorder. In addition to poor insight, nonadherence to treatment, poor family coping skills, and insufficient child psychiatric inpatient units make clinicians unsuccessful in following up and treating such patients. Risperidone is a commonly used atypical antipsychotic it has been approved for the treatment of manic and mixed episodes of bipolar disorder even in 10–17-year-old patients, and it is commonly used. It has a long-acting injectable formulation. Studies on its long-acting form in younger children are limited. In this case presentation, the diagnostic procedure in an 11-year old child with bipolar disorder will be presented. Long-acting injectable risperidone use in the case of nonadherence to treatment and observed side effects will be discussed

    Capgras syndrome in childhood: A case report

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    Capgras sendromu(CS), hastanın genellikle ebeveyn?lerinin, yakınlarının ve hatta bâzen kendisinin onlara tıpatıp benzeyen ikizleri ile değiştirildikleri biçiminde sanrılar ile karakterize nadir bir şizofreni türüdür. Ergenlerde sıklığı oldukça azdır. Capgras sendromunun sıklıkla şizofrenik olgularda-özellikle paranoid şizofrenide görüldüğü bildirilmiştir, depresyon ve manide gözlenebileceği belirtilmiştir. Tek bir nedeni olmamakla birlikte etyopatogenezinde biyolojik ve psikolojik etken?lerin beraber rol aldığı düşünülmektedir. Psikolojik etmenlerle ilgili birçok olguda sendroma psikodinamik açıklamalar getirilirken, biyolojik etmenlerin ise yaygın ve lokalize beyin lezyonları olduğu bildirilmiştir. Bu fenomen ile karşılaşıldığında psikolojik etmenlerin rol aldığı düşünülse de, organik bir nedenin de bulunabileceği düşünülerek ayrıntılı nöropsikiyatrik değerlendirme ve incelemeler yapılmalıdır. Bu olgu sunumunda çocuk ve ergen ruh sağlığı polikliniğine içe kapanma, sesler duyma, kendi kendine konuşma şikayeti ile başvuran takiplerinde anne babasının gerçek anne babası olmadığını düşünen, eşlik eden paranoid ve perseküsyon sanrıları olan bir ergen Capgras Sendromu olgusunu ve tedavi sürecini tartışmayı amaçladık.,Capgras syndrome (CS) is a rare type of schizophrenia characterized by delusions that the patient is often replaced by their parents, relatives and sometimes even their identical twins. It is very rare in childhood. It has been reported that Capgras syndrome is frequently seen in schizophrenic cases, especially in paranoid schiphrenia and it can be observed in depression an mania. Although there is no single reason, biological and psychological factors are thought to play a role in its atiopathogenesis. While psychodynamic explanations were brought to the syndrome in may cases related to pscyhological factors, biological factors were reported to have widespread and localized brain lesions. Although this phenomenon is thought to play a role in psychological factors,detailed neuropsychiatric evaluations and axaminations should be carried out considering that an organic cause may also exist. In this case report, we aimed to discuss the case and treatment process of an adolescent Capgras Syndrome, which is accompanied by paranoid and per?secutory delusions, who thinks that his parents are not real parents in the follow-up complaints of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases

    9th International Congress on Psychopharmacology & 5th International Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology

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    9th International Congress on Psychopharmacology & 5th International Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology

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