122 research outputs found

    PhysiotherapistÂŽs experiences of their own pain and meeting the patientÂŽs pain : a qualitative study

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to explore physiotherapistŽs own experiences and approaches to pain in relation to meeting the patientŽs pain. Method: Four physiotherapists working within a primary care setting were recruited. Semistructured interviews were conducted and the material was analyzed through qualitative content analysis. Results: The results showed that the participants achieved an increased awareness of the concept of pain throughout the interview. The perceived concept of pain was shown to reflect both a biomedical but also a biopsychosocial perspective. In dealing with patientŽs pain a broad competence was needed; skills concerning the interaction, communication and understanding of the patient but also being able to deal with the different demands connected to the work of being a physiotherapist. Conclusion: These results bring into light how the process of dialogue can bring forth an increased awareness of concepts related to the work of physiotherapists. The results also give rise to the question of how physiotherapists can get hold of and develop these skills needed in dealing with patientŽs pain, where perhaps support is needed in this process.Syftet: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka fysioterapeuters personliga erfarenheter och förhÄllningssÀtt till sin smÀrta i relation till mötet med patientens smÀrta. Metod: Fyra verksamma fysioterapeuter inom primÀrvÄrden rekryterades och datainsamling skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Textmaterialet bearbetades genom kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet visade pÄ att en medvetenhet kring begreppet smÀrta tycktes vÀxa fram under intervjuernas gÄng. Denna medvetenhet speglade bÄde ett biomedicinskt och biopsykosocialt perspektiv. Vidare framkom behovet av en bred kompetens i mötet med patientens smÀrta; en förmÄga att interagera och kommunicera samt ha förstÄelse för patienten; och att kunna hantera krav relaterade till arbetet som fysioterapeut. Konklusion: Resultaten pekar pÄ hur samtal kan komma att vidareutveckla tankar kring begrepp relevanta för arbetet. Det lyfter Àven frÄgan kring hur fysioterapeuter kan komma att utveckla den kompetens som krÀvs i mötet med patienters smÀrta, dÀr ett eventuellt behov av stöd för detta finns

    Biologisk recipientkontroll vid Forsmarks kÀrnkraftverk

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    I rapporten redovisas resultaten av undersökningarna inom recipientkontrollprogrammet i Forsmark under 2013. Den planerade effekthöjningen av kraftverket pĂ„börjades under 2013 för Forsmark 2 och ledde till ökad genomströmning av kylvatten. Förlusterna i silstationen dominerades under vĂ„ren av storspigg (Gasterosteus acelatus). Mest förekommande art under höstprovtagningen var strömming (Clupea harengus), frĂ€mst Ă„rsyngel, som indikerar rekryteringsframgĂ„ng för strömming i ForsmarksomrĂ„det. MĂ€ngden Ă„l (Anguilla anguilla) i proverna under hösten var lĂ€gre Ă€n pĂ„ mĂ„nga Ă„r, men likt tidigare bestod förlusterna huvudsakligen av blankĂ„lar. Vid provfiskena i Biotestsjön fĂ„ngades stora mĂ€ngder abborre (Perca fluviatilis) och mört (Rutilus rutilus) under vĂ„ren, vilket visar pĂ„ en betydande anlockning till anlĂ€ggningen under lekperioden. I yngelundersökningarna pĂ„ hösten fĂ„ngades dock smĂ„ mĂ€ngder Ă„rsyngel av abborre och mört. Den minskade förekomsten av Ă„l i Biotestsjön, sedan gallren avlĂ€gsnades 2004, fortsatte Ă€ven under 2013. Trots att mĂ€ngden Ă„l minskar i anlĂ€ggningen kan man se att smĂ„ Ă„lar anlockas in till Biotestsjöns varma vatten. Den positiva trenden i fĂ„ngsterna av abborre i Biotestsjön under hösten fortsatte under 2013. Andelen unga fiskar, frĂ„n Ă„rsyngel upp till tre Ă„rs Ă„lder, var stor. TillvĂ€xten hos abborrynglen under Ă„ret var extremt snabb och individer upp till 18 cm fĂ„ngades. Under höstens provfiske fĂ„ngades stora mĂ€ngder Ă„rsyngel av gĂ€dda (Esox lucius). Även dessa hade vuxit mycket snabbt, med totallĂ€ngder upp mot 40 cm. Årets resultat av bottenfaunaundersökningarna vid den medeldjupa stationen nĂ€ra ön LĂ€nsman, som tidvis berörs av kylvattenplymen, visade att bottenfaunasamhĂ€llet hade Ă„terhĂ€mtat sig frĂ„n lĂ„ga vĂ€rden 2011 och 2012. Under 2013 var abundanser och biomassor för bottenfaunan tillbaka pĂ„ mer normala nivĂ„er. Anledningen till tidigare Ă„rs kollaps i bottenfaunasamhĂ€llet tillskrivs mekaniska skador pĂ„ bottnarna vid provtagningsstationen, orsakade av kabeldragningsarbete i samband med förlĂ€ggningen av sjökabeln Fenno-Skan 2. FĂ„gelstudierna i ForsmarksomrĂ„det visade att Biotestsjön Ă€r det enskilt viktigaste omrĂ„det för sjöfĂ„gel i nĂ€romrĂ„det. Vid fĂ„gelundersökningarna observerades att mellanskarven (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) genomförde hĂ€ckning inne i Biotestsjön för första gĂ„ngen sedan anlĂ€ggningen fĂ€rdigstĂ€lldes pĂ„ 1970-talet. HĂ€ckningen blev misslyckad och inga ungar överlevde, mycket beroende pĂ„ frekventa störningar frĂ„n havsörnar i omrĂ„det. Under 2013 fortsatte den positiva utvecklingen för knipa (Bucephala clangula) i Biotestsjön och detta kan vara en följd av att det finns födounderlag i anlĂ€ggningen för knipa. Möjligen har den nyupptĂ€ckta och invasiva musslan Mytilopsis leucophaeata etablerat sig i en sĂ„ stor omfattning i Biotestsjön att den numera utgör en viktig födogrund förknipan i omrĂ„det

    Biologisk recipientkontroll vid Forsmarks kÀrnkraftverk

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    I rapporten redovisas resultaten frĂ„n undersökningarna i det biologiska recipientkontrollprogrammet för Forsmarks kĂ€rnkraftverk under 2015. Energiproduktionen i kĂ€rnkraftverkets anlĂ€ggningar var 21,1 TWh under 2015. För Forsmark 2 (F2) var produktionsnivĂ„n den största nĂ„gonsin, sannolikt ett resultat av de effekthöjningar som trĂ€dde i kraft 2013. Effekthöjningarna har bland annat medfört att intaget av kylvatten till kraftverket har ökat frĂ„n cirka 88 mÂł/s till 96 mÂł/s. Förlusterna av fisk i silstationerna utgjordes likt tidigare Ă„r av smĂ„vĂ€xta fiskarter samt yngel. Sammanlagt fastnade totalt cirka 19 miljoner individer i silstationerna under Ă„tta provtagningsveckor pĂ„ vĂ„ren och tolv veckor pĂ„ hösten. Storspigg ( pĂ„ vĂ„ren och 66 procent under hösten. Under hösten utgjordes den största andelen storspigg av Ă„rsyngel vilket speglar artens rekryteringsframgĂ„ng i kustnĂ€ra vatten vid Forsmark. Den tidigare ökande förekomsten av Ă„l ( silstationerna har avstannat och 2015 förekom relativt smĂ„ mĂ€ngder Ă„l i proverna. Ålarna fastnar frĂ€mst under senhösten i silstationerna och utgörs frĂ€mst av könsmogna blankĂ„lar. Förlusterna av strömming ( framförallt vuxna individer och i jĂ€mförelse med tidigare Ă„r var förekomsterna smĂ„. Stora nĂ€tfĂ„ngster i Biotestsjön under vĂ„ren visade Ă„terigen anlĂ€ggningens attraktionskraft och betydelse för fisk i omrĂ„det. Abborre ( rutilus) björkna ( gallren togs bort frĂ„n anlĂ€ggningens utslĂ€pp 2004. Mört fĂ„ngas frĂ€mst under mars– april och abborre i maj mĂ„nad i samband med respektive reproduktionsperiod. Trots den omfattande lekaktiviteten för mört i Biotestsjön under vĂ„ren var det mycket lĂ„ga tĂ€theter av yngel under hösten. Årsyngel av abborre fĂ„ngades i relativt stora mĂ€ngder under 2015. MĂ€ngden Ă„l i Biotestsjön har haft en negativ utveckling sedan undersökningarna inleddes 2003. Av de 500 000 glasĂ„lar som sattes ut 1989 har de allra flesta sannolikt lĂ€mnat anlĂ€ggningen. Det varma vattnet i Biotestsjön har dock en stor dragningskraft för Ă„len och det sker kontinuerligt nyrekrytering in till anlĂ€ggningen. Under hösten bestod nĂ€tfĂ„ngsterna i Biotestsjön frĂ€mst av abborre, mört och sarv. I kontrollerna för gonadstatus och kondition för abborre och mört pĂ„trĂ€ffades inga individer med skador eller kritiska vĂ€rden. Åldersanalyserna av abborre visade att de allra flesta var tvĂ„ Ă„r eller yngre. De Ă€ldre fiskarna skyr sannolikt anlĂ€ggningen under sommaren dĂ„ vattentemperaturen Ă€r alltför hög. TillvĂ€xten hos abborre och gĂ€dda ( fĂ„ngsterna i nĂ€tfiskena likvĂ€rdiga med fiskena i oktober och det Ă€r sannolikt att de individer som finns i Biotestsjön under hösten övervintrar i anlĂ€ggningen.Gasterosteus acelatus) svarade för de största förlusterna med 91 procent av individernaAnguilla anguilla) iClupea harengus) utgjordes 2015 avPerca fluviatilis), mört (Rutilus, sarv (Scardinius erythrophthalmus), gers (Gymnocephalus cernuus) ochAbramis bjoerkna) uppvisar alla en positiv utveckling i Biotestsjön sedanEsox lucius) under 2015 var Ă„terigen mycket snabb. I december mĂ„nad var Sammanfattning I nĂ€tprovfisket i Forsmarks skĂ€rgĂ„rd fĂ„ngades likt tidigare Ă„r fĂ€rre fiskar jĂ€mfört med FinbofjĂ€rden. Den vanligaste arten i provtagningarna var abborre. Den positiva utvecklingen för fĂ„ngster av stora abborrar (>25 centimeter) i Forsmark fortsatte under 2015. Detta kopplas till abborrens möjlighet att vandra fritt mellan Biotestsjön och omgivande omrĂ„den och att de periodvis kan tillgodogöra sig Biotestsjöns goda förhĂ„llanden för snabb tillvĂ€xt. Provtagningarna av mjukbottenfauna i Forsmark och FinbofjĂ€rden visade smĂ„ mellanĂ„rsvariationer vad gĂ€ller biomassa och abundans under senare Ă„r. PĂ„ den mellandjupa stationen FM 119 har bottenfaunasamhĂ€llet Ă„terhĂ€mtat sig sedan likströmskabeln Fenno-Skan 2 grĂ€vdes ner i omrĂ„det 2011. I undersökningarna av hĂ„rdbottenfauna med sĂ„ kallade Landforsplattor var skillnaderna stora avseende artförekomst, biomassa och abundans mellan 2014 och 2015. I Biotestsjön var skillnaderna tydligast. De arter som ökat mest var falsk vandrarmussla antipodarumMytilopsis leucophaeata, nyzeelĂ€ndsk tusensnĂ€cka (Potamopyrgus) och mĂ€rlkrĂ€fta (Leptocheirus pilosus). Den frĂ€mmande musselarten Mytilopsis leucophaeata och kan sprida sig obehindrat till Biotestsjön. Arten har Ă€ven pĂ„trĂ€ffats utanför anlĂ€ggningen i Forsmarks skĂ€rgĂ„rd, men i mycket mindre omfattning jĂ€mfört med i Biotestsjön. Sannolikt Ă€r vattentemperaturerna under vintern sĂ„ lĂ„ga dĂ€r att de fĂ„r svĂ„rt att överleva. FĂ„gelinventeringarna inom kontrollprogrammet visade under 2015 att Biotestsjön var det enskilt viktigaste omrĂ„det i Forsmark för de sjöfĂ„gelarter som ingĂ„r i programmet. Förekomsten av mellanskarv ( ForsmarksomrĂ„det och hĂ€ckningar genomfördes Ă„terigen inne i Biotestsjön. Likt tidigare Ă„r överlevde dock inga ungar och anledningen tillskrivs frekventa störningar frĂ„n bland annat havsörnar (förekommer rikligt i de varma delarna av kylvattenvĂ€garnaPhalacrocorax carbo sinensis) har ökat iHaliaeetus albicilla) och trut- och mĂ„sfĂ„glar

    Biologisk recipientkontroll vid Forsmarks kÀrnkraftverk

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    Denna rapport sammanfattar lĂ„ngsiktiga och pĂ„gĂ„ende trender ikustvattenmiljön utanför Forsmarks kĂ€rnkraftverk frĂ„n mitten av 1970-taletfram till och med Ă„r 2012. Resultaten baseras pĂ„ de fĂ€ltundersökningar somutförs inom kĂ€rnkraftverkets kontrollprogram för att följa effekter avkylvattenanvĂ€ndning pĂ„ fisk, fĂ„gel och bottenfauna.Vid Forsmarks kĂ€rnkraftverk pumpas stora mĂ€ngder brackvatten genomkraftverket för att kyla kondensorerna. Efter anvĂ€ndning pumpas detanvĂ€nda kylvattnet ut i nĂ€rrecipienten, som fĂ„r en temperaturhöjning medcirka 7-9°C. Kylvattenhanteringen har en direkt miljöpĂ„verkan genom attdet havsvatten som anvĂ€nds innehĂ„ller levande organismer som dras med ini systemet, eller filtreras bort vid intaget och dör. Det uppvĂ€rmda kylvattensom nĂ„r nĂ€rrecipienten har dĂ€rtill effekter pĂ„ djurens fysiologi, födotillgĂ„ngoch beteendemönster, vilket i sin tur kan pĂ„verka deras tillvĂ€xt ochreproduktion. Dessa förĂ€ndringar Ă€r vĂ€l dokumenterade under de Ă„r somkontrollprogrammet har pĂ„gĂ„tt, framförallt nĂ€r det gĂ€ller fisk. I rapportenpresenteras trender i utvecklingen över tid hos fisk, bottenfauna och fĂ„gel.Data jĂ€mförs dĂ€r det Ă€r möjligt med motsvarande trender i referensomrĂ„densamt i andra delar av Bottenhavet och Östersjön.En stor del av de förĂ€ndringar som observerats i Forsmarks skĂ€rgĂ„rdunder senare Ă„r kan sannolikt sammankopplas med kylvattenutflödet, isynnerhet efter Ă„r 2004 nĂ€r det galler som tidigare hindrade fiskar frĂ„n attvandra in och ut ur Biotestsjön togs bort. Detta syns som en ökad invandringav lekfisk i Biotestsjön och en tillkomst av arter som inte funnits dĂ€r pĂ„lĂ€nge. Samtidigt ses förĂ€ndrade tillvĂ€xtmönster hos abborre i Biotestsjönsamt utanför, i Forsmarks skĂ€rgĂ„rd. I viss mĂ„n ses Ă€ven förĂ€ndradeutbredningsmönster hos sjöfĂ„gel som skulle kunna kopplas till förĂ€ndradfödotillgĂ„ng. För bottenfauna kan man inte avgöra om det finns mönster, pĂ„grund av avsaknad av data under senare Ă„r.Resultaten antyder att en större del av fiskbestĂ„nden i Forsmarks skĂ€rgĂ„rdĂ€n tidigare Ă€r beroende av att Biotestsjön Ă€r en fungerande miljö förreproduktion och tillvĂ€xt. Detta Ă€r positivt sĂ„ lĂ€nge förhĂ„llandena iBiotestsjön och övriga omrĂ„den som pĂ„verkas av kylvattenutslĂ€pp Ă€rgynnsamma, men negativt för omgivande skĂ€rgĂ„rd om rekryteringen i dessaomrĂ„den inte skulle fungera, eller om fiskens hĂ€lsa skulle pĂ„verkas. Dessaaspekter blir sĂ€rskilt aktuella i och med den planerade effekthöjningen vidForsmarks kĂ€rnkraftverk, som sannolikt skulle kunna accentuera deobserverade effekterna, samt den planerade byggnaden av ett slutförvar, om denna pĂ„verkar tillgĂ„ngen pĂ„ alternativa rekryteringsmiljöer för fisk inĂ€romrĂ„det.Dödligheten i silstationen Ă€r fortsatt hög, om Ă€n med stormellanĂ„rsvariation i antal och artsammansĂ€ttning. MĂ€tningar vid silstationenvisar dock pĂ„ en ökad dödlighet av Ă„l, som inte kan förklaras av generellauppgĂ„ngar i bestĂ„ndet. Ökningen Ă€r troligen en effekt av att mer Ă„l Ă€ntidigare vistas i Forsmarks skĂ€rgĂ„rd, vilket skulle kunna bero pĂ„ enanlockning av Ă„l till omrĂ„det för kylvattenutslĂ€pp.En annan förĂ€ndring som intrĂ€ffat under senare Ă„r Ă€r att en nyintroducerad art, musslan Mytilopsis leucopheata, har observerats i omrĂ„detsedan 2011. Arten har orsakat problem i kylvattenvĂ€garna i andrakĂ€rnkraftverk i Östersjön, och omrĂ„den med förhöjd vattentemperatur hartidigare identifierats som potentiella plattformar för fortsatt etablering avarten i andra omrĂ„den

    The effect of growth on the correlation between the spinal and rib cage deformity: implications on idiopathic scoliosis pathogenesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Numerous studies have attempted to quantify the correlation between the surface deformity and the Cobb angle without considering growth as an important factor that may influence this correlation. In our series, we noticed that in some younger referred children from the school-screening program there is a discrepancy between the thoracic scoliometer readings and the morphology of their spine. Namely there is a rib hump but no spinal curve and consequently no Cobb angle reading in radiographs, discrepancy which fades away in older children. Based on this observation, we hypothesized that in scoliotics the correlation between the rib cage deformity and this of the spine is weak in younger children and vice versa.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eighty three girls referred on the basis of their hump reading on the scoliometer, with a mean age of 13.4 years old (range 7–18), were included in the study. The spinal deformity was assessed by measuring the thoracic Cobb angle from the postero-anterior spinal radiographs. The rib cage deformity was quantified by measuring the rib-index at the apex of the thoracic curve from the lateral spinal radiographs. The rib-index is defined as the ratio between the distance of the posterior margin of the vertebral body and the most extended point of the most projecting rib contour, divided by the distance between the posterior margin of the same vertebral body and the most protruding point of the least projecting rib contour. Statistical analysis included linear regression models with and without the effect of the variable age. We divided our sample in two subgroups, namely the younger (7–13 years old) and the older (14–18 years old) than the mean age participants. A univariate linear regression analysis was performed for each age group in order to assess the effect of age on Cobb angle and rib index correlation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty five per cent of patients with an ATI more than or equal 7 degrees had a spinal curve under 10 degrees or had a straight spine. Linear regressions between the dependent variable "Thoracic Cobb angle" with the independent variable "rib-index" without the effect of the variable "age" is not statistical significant. After sample split, the linear relationship is statistically significant in the age group 14–18 years old (p < 0.03).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Growth has a significant effect in the correlation between the thoracic and the spinal deformity in girls with idiopathic scoliosis. Therefore it should be taken into consideration when trying to assess the spinal deformity from surface measurements. The findings of the present study implicate the role of the thorax, as it shows that the rib cage deformity precedes the spinal deformity in the pathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis.</p

    A segmental radiological study of the spine and rib – cage in children with progressive Infantile Idiopathic Scoliosis

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    BACKGROUND: The role of rib cage in the development of progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis (IIS) has not been studied previously. No report was found for rib growth in children with IIS. These findings caused us to undertake a segmental radiological study of the spine and rib-cage in children with progressive IIS. The aim of the present study is to present a new method for assessing the thoracic shape in scoliotics and in control subjects and to compare the findings between the two groups. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the posteroanterior (PA) spinal radiographs of 24 patients with progressive IIS, with a mean age of 4.1 years old, the Thoracic Ratios (TRs) (segmental convex and concave TRs), the Cobb angle, the segmental vertebral rotation and vertebral tilt were measured. In 233 subjects, with a mean age of 5.1 years old, who were used as a control group, the segmental left and right TRs and the total width of the chest (left plus right TRs) were measured in PA chest radiographs. Statistical analysis included Mann-Whitney, Spearman correlation coefficient, multiple linear regression analysis and ANOVA. RESULTS: The comparison shows that the scoliotic thorax is significantly narrower than that of the controls at all spinal levels. The upper chest in IIS is funnel-shaped and the vertebral rotation at T4 early in management correlates significantly with the apical vertebral rotation at follow up. CONCLUSION: The IIS thorax is narrower than that of the controls, the upper chest is funnel-shaped and there is a predictive value of vertebral rotation at the upper limit of the thoracic curve of IIS, which reflects, impaired rib control of spinal rotation possibly due to neuromuscular factors, which contribute also to the funnel-shaped chest

    Severe axial vertebral rotation treated with a modified Boston brace: a case report

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    We report the case of a 13-year-old Caucasian girl suffering from severe axial rotation of the T5 to L4 vertebrae. The patient (initially examined during a school screening study) was at first considered to be suspicious of suffering from scoliosis due to a highly positive Adam's forward bending test. However, her radiographic evaluation revealed the existence of axial rotation in 12 of her vertebrae, without inclination in the sagittal and coronal planes. After an observation period of 12 months and due to the fact that both her physical appearance and the measured vertebral rotation deteriorated, the patient was given a modified thoracolumbar Boston brace that had an immediate positive derotational effect on all but two vertebrae. Twenty four months later, the progress of the vertebral rotation(s) seems to have been halted and most affected vertebrae appear to be stabilized in their new, 'post-brace', reduced position, with better results shown when the Boston brace is worn. The patient remains under constant medical observation. The application of a modified Boston brace seems to have served well (so far) a useful purpose for reducing and stabilizing this case of severe axial vertebral rotation, providing less deformity and (possibly) offering a better final cosmetic result

    FEM Simulation of Non-Progressive Growth from Asymmetric Loading and Vicious Cycle Theory: Scoliosis Study Proof of Concept

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    Scoliosis affects about 1-3% of the adolescent population, with 80% of cases being idiopathic. There is currently a lack of understanding regarding the biomechanics of scoliosis, current treatment methods can be further improved with a greater understanding of scoliosis growth patterns. The objective of this study is to develop a finite element model that can respond to loads in a similar fashion as current spine biomechanics models and apply it to scoliosis growth. Using CT images of a non-scoliotic individual, a finite element model of the L3-L4 vertebra was created. By applying asymmetric loading in accordance to the ‘vicious cycle’ theory and through the use of a growth modulation equation it is possible to determine the amount of growth each region of the vertebra will undergo; therefore predict scoliosis growth over a period of time. This study seeks to demonstrate how improved anatomy can expand researchers current knowledge of scoliosis

    Differential wedging of vertebral body and intervertebral disc in thoracic and lumbar spine in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis – A cross sectional study in 150 patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hueter-Volkmann's law regarding growth modulation suggests that increased pressure on the end plate of bone retards the growth (Hueter) and conversely, reduced pressure accelerates the growth (Volkmann). Literature described the same principle in Rat-tail model. Human spine and its deformity i.e. scoliosis has also same kind of pattern during the growth period which causes wedging in disc or vertebral body.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This cross sectional study in 150 patients of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis was done to evaluate vertebral body and disc wedging in scoliosis and to compare the extent of differential wedging of body and disc, in thoracic and lumbar area. We measured wedging of vertebral bodies and discs, along with two adjacent vertebrae and disc, above and below the apex and evaluated them according to severity of curve (curve < 30° and curve > 30°) to find the relationship of vertebral body or disc wedging with scoliosis in thoracic and lumbar spine. We also compared the wedging and rotations of vertebrae.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In both thoracic and lumbar curves, we found that greater the degree of scoliosis, greater the wedging in both disc and body and the degree of wedging was more at apex supporting the theory of growth retardation in stress concentration area. However, the degree of wedging in vertebral body is more than the disc in thoracic spine while the wedging was more in disc than body in lumbar spine. On comparing the wedging with the rotation, we did not find any significant relationship suggesting that it has no relation with rotation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>From our study, we can conclude that wedging in disc and body are increasing with progression on scoliosis and maximum at apex; however there is differential wedging of body and disc, in thoracic and lumbar area, that is vertebral body wedging is more profound in thoracic area while disc wedging is more profound in lumbar area which possibly form 'vicious cycle' by asymmetric loading to spine for the progression of curve.</p

    Relatively lower body mass index is associated with an excess of severe truncal asymmetry in healthy adolescents: Do white adipose tissue, leptin, hypothalamus and sympathetic nervous system influence truncal growth asymmetry?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In healthy adolescents normal back shape asymmetry, here termed truncal asymmetry (TA), is evaluated by higher and lower subsets of BMI. The study was initiated after research on girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) showed that higher and lower BMI subsets discriminated patterns of skeletal maturation and asymmetry unexplained by existing theories of pathogenesis leading to a new interpretation which has therapeutic implications <it>(double neuro-osseous theory)</it>.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>5953 adolescents age 11–17 years (boys 2939, girls 3014) were examined in a school screening program in two standard positions, standing forward bending (FB) and sitting FB. The sitting FB position is thought to reveal intrinsic TA free from back humps induced by any leg-length inequality. TA was measured in both positions using a Pruijs scoliometer as angle of trunk inclinations (ATIs) across the back at each of three spinal regions, thoracic, thoracolumbar and lumbar. Abnormality of ATIs was defined as being outside 2 standard deviations for each age group, gender, position and spinal region, and termed <it>severe </it>TA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the sitting FB position after correcting for age,<it>relatively lower BMIs </it>are statistically associated with a greater number of severe TAs than with relatively higher BMIs in both girls (thoracolumbar region) and boys (thoracolumbar and lumbar regions).</p> <p>The relative frequency of severe TAs is significantly higher in girls than boys for each of the right thoracic (56.76%) and thoracolumbar (58.82%) regions (p = 0.006, 0.006, respectively). After correcting for age, smaller BMIs are associated with more <it>severe TAs </it>in boys and girls.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>BMI is a surrogate measure for body fat and circulating leptin levels. The finding that girls with relatively lower BMI have significantly later menarche, and a significant excess of TAs, suggests a relation to energy homeostasis through the hypothalamus. The hypothesis we suggest for the pathogenesis of severe TA in girls and boys has the same mechanism as that proposed recently for AIS girls, namely: severe TAs are initiated by a <it>genetically-determined selectively </it>increased hypothalamic sensitivity (up-regulation, i.e. increased sensitivity) to leptin with asymmetry as an adverse response to stress (hormesis), mediated bilaterally mainly to the growing trunk via the sympathetic nervous system <it>(leptin-hypothalamic-sympathetic nervous system (LHS) concept)</it>. The putative autonomic dysfunction is thought to be increased by any lower circulating leptin levels associated with relatively lower BMIs. Sympathetic nervous system activation with asymmetry leads to asymmetries in ribs and/or vertebrae producing severe TA when beyond the capacity of postural mechanisms of the somatic nervous system to control the shape distortion of the trunk. A test of this hypothesis testing skin sympathetic responses, as in the Rett syndrome, is suggested.</p
