28 research outputs found

    Diophantine approximation by orbits of Markov maps

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    In 1995, Hill and Velani introduced the shrinking targets theory. Given a dynamical system ([0,1],T)([0,1],T), they investigated the Hausdorff dimension of sets of points whose orbits are close to some fixed point. In this paper, we study the sets of points well-approximated by orbits {Tnx}n0\{T^n x\}_{n\geq 0}, where TT is an expanding Markov map with a finite partition supported by [0,1][0,1]. The dimensions of these sets are described using the multifractal properties of invariant Gibbs measures.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures; To appear in ETDS, 201

    Renewal of singularity sets of statistically self-similar measures

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    This paper investigates new properties concerning the multifractal structure of a class of statistically self-similar measures. These measures include the well-known Mandelbrot multiplicative cascades, sometimes called independent random cascades. We evaluate the scale at which the multifractal structure of these measures becomes discernible. The value of this scale is obtained through what we call the growth speed in H\"older singularity sets of a Borel measure. This growth speed yields new information on the multifractal behavior of the rescaled copies involved in the structure of statistically self-similar measures. Our results are useful to understand the multifractal nature of various heterogeneous jump processes

    A pure jump Markov process with a random singularity spectrum

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    We construct a non-decreasing pure jump Markov process, whose jump measure heavily depends on the values taken by the process. We determine the singularity spectrum of this process, which turns out to be random and to depend locally on the values taken by the process. The result relies on fine properties of the distribution of Poisson point processes and on ubiquity theorems.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    On multifractality and time subordination for continuous functions

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    We show that if ZZ is "homogeneously multifractal" (in a sense we precisely define), then ZZ is the composition of a monofractal function gg with a time subordinator ff (i.e. ff is the integral of a positive Borel measure supported by \zu). When the initial function ZZ is given, the monofractality exponent of the associated function gg is uniquely determined. We study in details a classical example of multifractal functions ZZ, for which we exhibit the associated functions gg and ff. This provides new insights into the understanding of multifractal behaviors of functions

    A survey on prescription of multifractal behavior

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    International audienceMultifractal behavior has been identified and mathematically established for large classes of functions, stochastic processes and measures. Multifractality has also been observed on many data coming from Geophysics, turbulence, Physics, Biology, to name a few. Developing mathematical models whose scaling and multifractal properties fit those measured on data is thus an important issue. This raises several still unsolved theoretical questions about the prescription of multifractality (i.e. how to build mathematical models with a singularity spectrum known in advance), typical behavior in function spaces, and existence of solutions to PDEs or SPDEs with possible multifractal behavior. In this survey, we gather some of the latest results in this area. Dedicated to Alain Arnéodo, pioneer in the development of wavelet tools for data analysis

    A localized Jarnik-Besicovitch Theorem

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    Fundamental questions in Diophantine approximation are related to the Hausdorff dimension of sets of the form {xR:δx=δ}\{x\in \mathbb{R}: \delta_x = \delta\}, where δ1\delta \geq 1 and δx\delta_x is the Diophantine approximation rate of an irrational number xx. We go beyond the classical results by computing the Hausdorff dimension of the sets {xR:δx=f(x)}\{x\in\mathbb{R}: \delta_x =f(x)\}, where ff is a continuous function. Our theorem applies to the study of the approximation rates by various approximation families. It also applies to functions ff which are continuous outside a set of prescribed Hausdorff dimension.Comment: 31 pages, Figures are available on our web site

    Heterogeneous ubiquitous systems in Rd\mathbb{R}^{d} and Hausdorff dimension

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    Let {xn}n0\{x_n\}_{n\geq 0} be a sequence of [0,1]d[0,1]^d, {λn}n0\{\lambda_n\} _{n\geq 0} a sequence of positive real numbers converging to 0, and δ>1\delta>1. Let μ\mu be a positive Borel measure on [0,1]d[0,1]^d, ρ(0,1]\rho\in (0,1] and α>0\alpha>0. Consider the limsup-set Sμ(ρ,δ,α)=NNnN:μ(B(xn,λnρ))λnραB(xn,λnδ).S_{\mu}(\rho,\delta,\alpha)= \bigcap_{N\in \mathbb{N}} \bigcup _{n\geq N: \mu(B(x_n,\lambda^\rho_n)) \sim \lambda_n^{\rho\alpha}} B(x_n,\lambda_n^\delta). We show that, under suitable assumptions on the measure μ\mu, the Hausdorff dimension of the sets Sμ(ρ,δ,α)S_{\mu}(\rho,\delta,\alpha) can be computed. When ρ<1\rho<1, a yet unknown saturation phenomenon appears in the computation of the Hausdorff dimension of Sμ(ρ,δ,α)S_{\mu} (\rho,\delta, \alpha). Our results apply to several classes of multifractal measures μ\mu. The computation of the dimensions of such sets opens the way to the study of several new objects and phenomena. Applications are given for the Diophantine approximation conditioned by (or combined with) bb-adic expansion properties, by averages of some Birkhoff sums and by asymptotic behavior of random covering numbers

    A survey on prescription of multifractal behavior

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    International audienceMultifractal behavior has been identified and mathematically established for large classes of functions, stochastic processes and measures. Multifractality has also been observed on many data coming from Geophysics, turbulence, Physics, Biology, to name a few. Developing mathematical models whose scaling and multifractal properties fit those measured on data is thus an important issue. This raises several still unsolved theoretical questions about the prescription of multifractality (i.e. how to build mathematical models with a singularity spectrum known in advance), typical behavior in function spaces, and existence of solutions to PDEs or SPDEs with possible multifractal behavior. In this survey, we gather some of the latest results in this area. Dedicated to Alain Arnéodo, pioneer in the development of wavelet tools for data analysis

    p-exponents and p-multifractal spectrum of some lacunary Fourier series

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    Non UBCUnreviewedAuthor affiliation: Université Paris Est CréteilFacult