2,077 research outputs found

    Reproducing Field Measurements Using Scaled-Down Hydraulic Model Studies in a Laboratory

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    Little efforts have been made to the value of laboratory model study in closing the gap between results from idealized laboratory experiments and those from field data. Thus, at first, three bridge sites were selected and equipped with fathometers to find the bed elevation change in the vicinity of bridge pier over time. After and during the flooding, the stream flow variables and their bathymetry were measured using current viable technologies at the field. Then, to develop and suggest a laboratory modeling techniques, full three-dimensional physical models including measured river bathymetry and bridge geometry were designed and fabricated in a laboratory based on the scale ratio except for the sediment size, and the laboratory results were compared with the field measurements. Size of uniform sediment was carefully selected and used in the laboratory to explore the scale effect caused by sediment size scaling. The comparisons between laboratory results and field measurements show that the physical models successfully reproduced the flow characteristics and the scour depth around bridge foundations. With respect to the location of the maximum scour depth, they are not consistent with the results as in the previous research. Instead of occurring at the nose of each pier, the maximum scour depths are located further downstream of each pier column in several experimental runs because of the combination of complex pier bent geometry and river bathymetry, and the resulting unique flow motions around the pier bent

    A Comprehensive Method of Calculating Maximum Bridge Scour Depth

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    Recently, the issues of scour around a bridge have become prominent because of the recurrent occurrence of extreme weather events. Thus, a bridge must be designed with the appropriate protection measures to prevent failure due to scour for the high flows to which it may be subjected during such extreme weather events. However, the current scour depth estimation by several recommended equations shows inaccurate results in high flow. One possible reason is that the current scour equations are based on experiments using free-surface flow even though extreme flood events can cause bridge overtopping flow in combination with submerged orifice flow. Another possible reason is that the current practice for the maximum scour depth ignores the interaction between different types of scour, local and contraction scour, when in fact these processes occur simultaneously. In this paper, laboratory experiments were carried out in a compound shape channel using a scaled down bridge model under different flow conditions (free, submerged orifice, and overtopping flow). Based on the findings from laboratory experiments coupled with widely used empirical scour estimation methods, a comprehensive way of predicting maximum scour depth is suggested which overcomes the problem regarding separate estimation of different scour depths and the interaction of different scour components. Furthermore, the effect of the existence of a pier bent (located close to the abutment) on the maximum scour depth was also investigated during the analysis. The results show that the location of maximum scour depth is independent of the presence of the pier bent but the amount of the maximum scour depth is relatively higher due to the discharge redistribution when the pier bent is absent rather than present
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