562 research outputs found

    Analytic crystals of solitons in the four dimensional gauged non-linear sigma model

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    The first analytic topologically non-trivial solutions in the (3+1)-dimensional gauged non-linear sigma model representing multi-solitons at finite volume with manifest ordered structures generating their own electromagnetic field are presented. The complete set of seven coupled non-linear field equations of the gauged non-linear sigma model together with the corresponding Maxwell equations are reduced in a self-consistent way to just one linear Schrodinger-like equation in two dimensions. The corresponding two dimensional periodic potential can be computed explicitly in terms of the solitons profile. The present construction keeps alive the topological charge of the gauged solitons. Both the energy density and the topological charge density are periodic and the positions of their peaks show a crystalline order. These solitons describe configurations in which (most of) the topological charge and total energy are concentrated within three-dimensional tube-shaped regions. The electric and magnetic fields vanish in the center of the tubes and take their maximum values on their surface while the electromagnetic current is contained within these tube-shaped regions. Electromagnetic perturbations of these families of gauged solitons are shortly discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication on EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL

    Poset modules of the 00-Hecke algebras and related quasisymmetric power sum expansions

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    Duchamp--Hivert--Thibon introduced the construction of a right Hn(0)H_n(0)-module, denoted as MPM_P, for any partial order PP on the set [n][n]. This module is defined by specifying a suitable action of Hn(0)H_n(0) on the set of linear extensions of PP. In this paper, we refer to this module as the poset module associated with PP. Firstly, we show that n0G0(P(n))\bigoplus_{n \ge 0} G_0(\mathscr{P}(n)) has a Hopf algebra structure that is isomorphic to the Hopf algebra of quasisymmetric functions, where P(n)\mathscr{P}(n) is the full subcategory of mod-Hn(0)\textbf{mod-}H_n(0) whose objects are direct sums of finitely many isomorphic copies of poset modules and G0(P(n))G_0(\mathscr{P}(n)) is the Grothendieck group of P(n)\mathscr{P}(n). We also demonstrate how (anti-)automorphism twists interact with these modules, the induction product and restrictions. Secondly, we investigate the (type 1) quasisymmetric power sum expansion of some quasi-analogues YαY_\alpha of Schur functions, where α\alpha is a composition. We show that they can be expressed as the sum of the PP-partition generating functions of specific posets, which allows us to utilize the result established by Liu--Weselcouch. Additionally, we provide a new algorithm for obtaining these posets. Using these findings, for the dual immaculate function and the extended Schur function, we express the coefficients appearing in the quasisymmetric power sum expansions in terms of border strip tableaux.Comment: 42 page

    Gravitating superconducting solitons in the (3+1)-dimensional Einstein gauged non-linear sigma-model

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    In this paper, we construct the first analytic examples of (3+1)-dimensional self-gravitating regular cosmic tube solutions which are superconducting, free of curvature singularities and with non-trivial topological charge in the Einstein-SU(2) non-linear sigma-model. These gravitating topological solitons at a large distance from the axis look like a (boosted) cosmic string with an angular defect given by the parameters of the theory, and near the axis, the parameters of the solutions can be chosen so that the metric is singularity free and without angular defect. The curvature is concentrated on a tube around the axis. These solutions are similar to the Cohen-Kaplan global string but regular everywhere, and the non-linear sigma-model regularizes the gravitating global string in a similar way as a non-Abelian field regularizes the Dirac monopole. Also, these solutions can be promoted to those of the fully coupled Einstein-Maxwell non-linear sigma-model in which the non-linear sigma-model is minimally coupled both to the U(1) gauge field and to General Relativity. The analysis shows that these solutions behave as superconductors as they carry a persistent current even when the U(1) field vanishes. Such persistent current cannot be continuously deformed to zero as it is tied to the topological charge of the solutions themselves. The peculiar features of the gravitational lensing of these gravitating solitons are shortly discussed.Comment: 30 pages and 9 figures included. In the new version the title has been slightly changed. The details on why the ansatz does work have been included in the appendix. An extra section on the flat limit has been included. Various clarifying comments on the existing literature have also been inserted. Final version was accepted for publication on European Physical Journal

    The projective cover of tableau-cyclic indecomposable Hn(0)H_n(0)-modules

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    Let α\alpha be a composition of nn and σ\sigma a permutation in S(α)\mathfrak{S}_{\ell(\alpha)}. This paper concerns the projective covers of Hn(0)H_n(0)-modules Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha, XαX_\alpha and Sασ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha}, which categorify the dual immaculate quasisymmetric function, the extended Schur function, and the quasisymmetric Schur function when σ\sigma is the identity, respectively. First, we show that the projective cover of Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha is the projective indecomposable module Pα\mathbf{P}_\alpha due to Norton, and XαX_\alpha and the ϕ\phi-twist of the canonical submodule Sβ,Cσ\mathbf{S}^{\sigma}_{\beta,C} of Sβσ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\beta} for (β,σ)(\beta,\sigma)'s satisfying suitable conditions appear as Hn(0)H_n(0)-homomorphic images of Vα\mathcal{V}_\alpha. Second, we introduce a combinatorial model for the ϕ\phi-twist of Sασ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha} and derive a series of surjections starting from Pα\mathbf{P}_\alpha to the ϕ\phi-twist of Sα,Cid\mathbf{S}^{\mathrm{id}}_{\alpha,C}. Finally, we construct the projective cover of every indecomposable direct summand Sα,Eσ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha, E} of Sασ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha}. As a byproduct, we give a characterization of triples (σ,α,E)(\sigma, \alpha, E) such that the projective cover of Sα,Eσ\mathbf{S}^\sigma_{\alpha, E} is indecomposable.Comment: 41 page