167 research outputs found

    Which Hard and Soft Tissue Factors Relate with the Amount of Buccal Corridor Space during Smiling?

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    Objective: To investigate which hard and soft tissue factors relate with the amount of buccal corridor area (BCA) during posed smiling. Materials and Methods: The samples consisted of 92 adult patients (19 men and 73 women; 56 four first bicuspids extraction and 36 nonextraction treatment cases; mean age = 23.5 years), who were treated only with a fixed appliance and finished with Angle Class I canine and molar relationships. To eliminate the crowding effect on the buccal corridor area, lateral cephalograms, dental casts, and standardized frontal posed smile photographs were obtained at debonding stage and 28 variables were measured. Pearson correlation analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, and independent t-test were used to find variables that were related with buccal corridor area ratio (BCAR). Results: Among the lateral cephalometric and dental cast variables, FMA, lower anterior facial height, upper incisor (U1) exposure, U1 to facial plane, lower incisor (L1) to mandibular plane, L1 to N-B, Sn (subnasale) to soft tissue menton (Me′), Sn to stomodium superius (stms), stms to Me′, and interpremolar width were significantly negatively correlated with BCAR. Occlusal plane inclination and buccal corridor linear ratio did not show any significant correlation with BCAR. Multiple linear regression analysis generated a three-variable model: Sn to Me′, U1 exposure, and sum of tooth material (STM) (R2 = 0.324). There was no significant difference in BCAR between extraction and nonextraction groups. Conclusions: To control the amount of BCA for achieving a better esthetic smile, it is necessary to observe the vertical pattern of the face, amount of upper incisor exposure, and sum of the tooth material

    Struvite Crystallization of Anaerobic Digestive Fluid of Swine Manure Containing Highly Concentrated Nitrogen

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    In this study, the optimal operation factors for struvite crystallization for removing and recovering nitrogen and phosphorus from anaerobic digestive fluid of swine manure containing highly concentrated nitrogen was determined. Every experiment for the struvite crystallization reaction was conducted by placing 1,000 mL of digestion fluid in a 2,000 mL Erlenmeyer flask at various temperatures, pH, and mixing speed. Except for special circumstances, the digestion fluid was centrifuged (10,000 rpm, 10 min) and then the supernatant was used for the experiment at room temperature and 100 rpm. The optimal mole ratio of PO43−:Mg2+ was 1:1.5, and the pH effect ranging from 9 to 11 was similar, when mixed for 1 hour. Under this condition, the removal efficiency of NH4+-N and PO43−-P was 40% and 88.6%, respectively. X-shaped crystal was observed by light and scanning electron microscopy. In addition, struvite crystal structure was confirmed through X-ray diffraction analysis

    Comparison of microbial communities in swine manure at various temperatures and storage times

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    Objective This study was designed to investigate the effects of temperature and storage time on the evolution of bacterial communities in swine manure. Methods Manure was stored at −20°C, 4°C, 20°C, or 37°C and sampled at 7-day intervals over 28 days of storage, for a total of 5 time points. To assess the bacterial species present, 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequences were analyzed using pyrosequencing. Results After normalization, 113,934 sequence reads were obtained, with an average length of 466.6±4.4 bp. The diversity indices of the communities reduced as temperature and storage time increased, and the slopes of rarefaction curves decreased from the second week in samples stored at −20°C and 4°C. These results indicate that the richness of the bacterial community in the manure reduced as temperature and storage time increased. Firmicutes were the dominant phylum in all samples examined, ranging from 89.3% to 98.8% of total reads, followed by Actinobacteria, which accounted for 0.6% to 7.9%. A change in community composition was observed in samples stored at 37°C during the first 7 days, indicating that temperature plays an important role in determining the microbiota of swine manure. Clostridium, Turicibacter, Streptococcus, and Lactobacillus within Firmicutes, and Corynebacterium within Actinobacteria were the most dominant genera in fresh manure and all stored samples. Conclusion Based on our findings, we propose Clostridium as an indicator genus of swine manure decomposition in an anaerobic environment. The proportions of dominant genera changed in samples stored at 20°C and 37°C during the fourth week. Based on these results, it was concluded that the microbial communities of swine manure change rapidly as storage time and temperature increase

    Maxillary incisor inclination of skeletal Class III patients treated with extraction of the upper first premolars and two-jaw surgery: Conventional orthognathic surgery vs surgery-first approach.

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    Objective: To investigate the differences in the amount and pattern of the maxillary incisor (MXI) inclination change in skeletal Class III patients treated with extraction of the maxillary first premolars (MXP1) and two-jaw surgery (TJS) between conventional orthognathic surgery (COS) and surgery-first approach (SFA). Materials and Methods: The study included 60 skeletal Class III patients who had normal maxillary position, prognathic mandible, and mild crowding in the maxillary arch (#4 mm). The patients were divided into group 1 (COS, n 5 36) and group 2 (SFA, n 5 24). Lateral cephalograms were taken before treatment (T0), 1 month before surgery (T1), within 1 month after surgery (T2), and after debonding (T3) for COS patients and at T0, T2, and T3 for SFA patients. After measurement of the skeletodental variables, statistical analyses were performed. Results: During T0–T2, the amount of MXI inclination change (DU1-SN) in group 1 was significantly larger than that in group 2 (212.8u vs 24.4u; P , .001). During T2–T3, DU1-SN in groups 1 and 2 occurred in opposite directions (3.8u vs 25.9u; P , .001). However, the total amount of DU1-SN during T0–T3 was not different between groups 1 and 2 (29.0u vs 210.3u). At T3 the U1-SN values for groups 1 and 2, respectively, moved closer to normal according to the values of the normal range rate (all 83%), relative percentage ratio (102.4% and 100.1%), and achievement ratio (77.7% and 97.8%). Conclusions: The results of this study might provide basic data for predicting the amount and pattern of MXI inclination change in SFA for skeletal Class III TJS patients.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2014-01/102/0000004298/4SEQ:4PERF_CD:SNU2014-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000004298ADJUST_YN:NEMP_ID:A072100DEPT_CD:852CITE_RATE:1.184FILENAME:parkhm-sfa-mxi-ao-2014.pdfDEPT_NM:치의과학과SCOPUS_YN:YCONFIRM:

    Root and bone response to the proximity of a mini-implant under orthodontic loading

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    Objective: To determine the histological reaction of the root and bone as a mini-implant approaches the root. Materials and Methods: Two kinds of mini-implants were inserted into the buccal alveolar bone of 4 beagles (2 males and 2 females). The specimens were classified as the near-root group, the PDL contact group, the root contact group, and the root perforation group. Cementum resorption, dentin resorption, cementum repair, cementum growth, ankylosis, root cracking, and root fracture were assessed as the implant neared the root. Results: The incidence of root resorption increased when the mini-implant was less than 0.6 mm from the root in the near-root group and PDL contact group. Root cracking and root fracture occurred in the root contact group and root perforation group. Bone resorption and ankylosis were observed in some specimens. However, some specimens of the PDL contact group and root contact group had cementum growth or little root resorption despite proximity to the root. In the root perforation group, root resorption and ankylosis occurred on the side opposite the insertion. Conclusions: There is a risk of root contact and severe tissue damage from a thick mini-implant and the drilling procedure, either of which can induce root resorption or ankylosis. Use of smaller mini-implants may reduce root contact and tissue damage. However, the small mini-implant may need enhancement of its stability.This study was supported by grant number 11-2009-013 from the SNUBH Research Fund

    Three-dimensional evaluation of soft tissue change gradients after mandibular setback surgery in skeletal Class III malocclusion

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    Objective: To evaluate whether mandibular setback surgery (MSS) for Class III patients would produce gradients of three-dimensional (3D) soft tissue changes in the vertical and transverse aspects. Materials and Methods: The samples consisted of 26 Class III patients treated with MSS using bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy. Lateral cephalograms and 3D facial scan images were taken before and 6 months after MSS, and changes in landmarks and variables were measured using a Rapidform 2006. Paired and independent t-tests were performed for statistical analysis. Results: Landmarks in the upper lip and mouth corner (cheilion, Ch) moved backward and downward (respectively, cupid bow point, 1.0 mm and 0.3 mm, P <.001 and P < 01; alar curvature-Ch midpoint, 0.6 mm and 0.3 mm, both P <.001; Ch, 3.4 mm and 0.8 mm, both P < <.001). However, landmarks in stomion (Stm), lower lip, and chin moved backward (Stm, 1.6 mm; labrale inferius [Li], 6.9 mm; LLBP, 6.9 mm; B9, 6.7 mm; Pog9, 6.7 mm; Me9, 6.6 mm; P < 001, respectively). Width and height of upper and lower lip were not altered significantly except for a decrease of lower vermilion height (Stm-Li, 1.7 mm, P <.001). Chin height (B9-Me9) was decreased because of backward and upward movement of Me9 (3.1 mm, P<.001). Although upper lip projection angle and Stm-transverse projection angle became acute (ChRt-Ls-ChLt, 5.7° Ch Rt-Stm-ChLt, 6.4°, both P, <.001) because of the greater backward movement of Ch than Stm, lower lip projection angle and Stm-vertical projection angle became obtuse (ChRt-Li-ChLt, 10.8°; Ls- Stm-Li, 23.5°, both P <.001) because of the larger backward movement of Li than labrale superius (Ls). Conclusions: Three-dimensional soft tissue changes in Class III patients after MSS exhibited increased gradients from upper lip and lower lip to chin as well as from Stm to Ch

    Effects of insertion angle and implant thread type on the fracture properties of orthodontic mini-implants during insertion

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    Objective: To determine the effects of insertion angle (IA) and thread type on the fracture properties of orthodontic mini-implants (OMIs) during insertion. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 OMIs (self-drilling cylindrical; 11 mm in length) were allocated into 10 groups according to thread type (dual or single) and IA (0 degrees, 8 degrees, 13 degrees, 18 degrees, and 23 degrees) (n = 10 per group). The OMIs were placed into artificial materials simulating human tissues: two-layer bone blocks (Sawbones), root (polymethylmethacrylate stick), and periodontal ligament (Imprint-II Garant light-body). Maximum insertion torque (MIT), total insertion energy (TIE), and peak time (PT) were measured and analyzed statistically. Results: There were significant differences in MIT, TIE, and PT among the different IAs and threads (all P<.001). When IA increased, MIT increased in both thread groups. However, TIE and PT did not show significant differences among 0 degrees, 8 degrees, and 13 degrees IAs in the dual-thread group or 8 degrees, 13 degrees, and 18 degrees IAs in the single-thread group. The dual-thread groups showed higher MIT at all IAs, higher TIE at 0 degrees and 23 degrees IAs, and longer PT at a 23 degrees IA than the single-thread groups. In the 0 degrees, 8 degrees, and 13 degrees IA groups, none of the OMIs fractured or became deformed. However, in the 18 degrees IA group, all the OMIs were fractured or deformed. Dual-thread OMIs showed more fracturing than deformation compared to single-thread OMIs (P < .01). In the 23 degrees IA group, all OMIs penetrated the artificial root without fracturing and deformation. Conclusions: When OMIs contact artificial root at a critical contact angle, the deformation or fracture of OMIs can occur at lower MIT values than those of penetration.OAIID:oai:osos.snu.ac.kr:snu2013-01/102/0000004298/8SEQ:8PERF_CD:SNU2013-01EVAL_ITEM_CD:102USER_ID:0000004298ADJUST_YN:YEMP_ID:A072100DEPT_CD:852CITE_RATE:1.184FILENAME:조일식-백승학.pdfDEPT_NM:치의과학과SCOPUS_YN:YCONFIRM:

    Potassium chloride elicits enhancement of bilobalide and Ginkgolides production by Ginkgo biloba cell cultures

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    This study investigated the ability of potassium chloride (KCl) to elicit the production of bilobalide (BB), ginkgolide A (GA) and ginkgolide B (GB) by Ginkgo biloba cell suspension cultures. The salt stress by KCl treatments increased production of BB, GA and GB in both suspended cells and cultured medium. Especially, treatment of KCl 800 mM of highest concentration was stimulated emission into cultured medium BB, GA and GB compounds accumulated in cells. Although KCl 800 mM severely inhibited cells growth, the maximum content of GA and GB in cells was obtained in the treatment of KCl 800 mM, which was 1.9 and 4.0 times higher than the control. These results thus suggest that salt stress can afford enhanced production of secondary metabolites by plant cell cultures

    Scar folding for the treatment of nostril stenosis after open rhinoplasty: a case report

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    A 25-year-old woman was referred for discomfort when breathing through her left nose. The patient had undergone augmentation rhinoplasty 5 years ago, after which hypertrophic scarring occurred in the left nostril. Several corticosteroid injections were administered as the first line of treatment, but with no symptom improvement. Therefore, we proceeded with surgical scar removal, with the use of a nasal conformer. However, scarring in the left nostril recurred. Accordingly, we proceeded with further surgical treatment using the scar folding technique. After scar folding, neither scarring nor nostril stenosis recurred during 1 year of postoperative follow-up. To summarize, herein, we report a case of hypertrophic scarring in the nostril that was successfully treated with the scar folding technique