3,283 research outputs found

    Next generation sequencing reveals the complete plastome sequence of newly discovered cliff-dwelling Sonchus boulosii (Asteraceae: Cichorieae) in Morocco

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    The complete chloroplast genome sequences of newly discovered cliff-dwelling species of Sonchus, S. boulosii, were reported in this study. The S. boulosii plastome was 152,016 bp long, with the large single copy (LSC) region of 83,988 bp, the small single copy (SSC) region of 18,566 bp, and two inverted repeat (IR) regions of 24,731 bp. The plastome contained 130 genes, including 88 protein-coding, six ribosomal RNA, and 36 transfer RNA genes. The overall GC content was 31.2%. Phylogenetic analysis of 12 representative plastomes within the order Cichorieae suggests that S. boulosii is closely related to S. oleraceus.National Research Foundation of Korea [NRF-2016R1D1A2B03934596


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    Design of the temperature and humidity instrument based on 1-wire sensor for electric vehicle motors

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    Author name used in this publication: K. W. E. ChengAuthor name used in this publication: K. DingVersion of RecordPublishe

    Impact of the motor magnetic model on direct flux vector control of interior PM motors

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    The stator-field-oriented, direct-flux vector control has been proven to be effective in terms of linear torque control and model independent performance at limited voltage and current (i.e. in flux weakening) for AC drives of various types. The performance of the direct-flux vector control relies on the accuracy of the flux estimation, as for any field oriented control. The knowledge of the motor magnetic model is critical for flux estimation when the operating at low speed. This paper addresses the effects of a limited knowledge of the motor model on the performance of the control at low speed, for an Interior Permanent Magnet motor drive. Experimental results are give

    Hibriditas Dalam Pembentukan Budaya Penggemar (Studi Etnografi Tentang Budaya Penggemar Pada Fandom Vip Malang)

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    Terpaan akan fenomena Hallyu Wave sudah mulai dirasakan di Indonesia. Masuknya drama-drama Korea dan juga musik K pop di beberapa stasiun televisi swasta menjadi buktinya. Kepopuleran musik K pop juga ditandai dengan merebaknya fansclub-fansclub atau yang biasa disebut dengan fandom turut mewarnainya. Jurnal ini akan memaparkan mengenai pembentukan budaya penggemar di dalam fandom yang bernama VIP yang bertempat di Kota Malang serta gejala hibriditas di dalamnya. Penelitian ini merupakan studi etnografi yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan konsep dari Henry Jenkins mengenai budaya penggemar untuk membantu menjelaskan proses pembentukan budaya penggemar, serta teori hibriditas dari Homi K. Bhabha untuk menganalisis bentuk hibriditas budaya penggemar. Budaya penggemar terbentuk melalui perilaku fandom antara lain fansite, fangath, fanproject, fancover, fanfic, fanart, fanchant, fancam/fanvid, dan fanwar, serta atribut fandom yang tampak pada crown, bias, dresscode, goodies, handbanner, crownstick, dan encore. Kemudian bentuk hibriditas ditunjukkan pada domain fanfic dan fancover