7 research outputs found

    Model Pembelajaran Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi Pada Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama

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    The use of computers today are not just limited to the processing and manipulation of data alone but can also be used to create application programs related to education, especially the lessons of ICT by using a recorded human voice first. The purpose of this study was to create a learning application program of ICT in an interactive and communicative-based computer so that in the learning process is expected to run in both directions. The program also aims to reduce the saturation of the students in receiving the material being taught. Software (software) to program a computer learning aids Information and Communication Technology was created using Macromedia Flash program

    Analisis Online Shop Di Indonesia Menggunakan Tools Alexa.com Kategori Forum Online Dan Iklan Baris

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang semakin pesat menimbulkan banyak hal baru bermunculan salah satunya yaitu online shopping, Online Shopping adalah pembelian barang maupun jasa yang dilakukan melalui internet, Indonesia menduduki peringkat ke-4 tertinggi di Asia Tenggara dalam populasi pemakaian internet pada tahun 2014, hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa Indonesia merupakan pasar yang menjanjikan dalam bisnis online shopping. kaskus.co.id, berniaga.co.id, olx.co.id merupakan contoh dari beberapa situs online shooping diindonesia, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan rangking dari ke-3 situs tersebut untuk nantinya dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi penjual dalam memasarkan produknya. Penelitian ini mengguna menggunakan situs pemeringkatan dalam metode pemberian rangking yaitu alexa.co

    Membangun Server Voip Dengan Asterisk Di Linux Beserta Administrasi User Berbasis Website

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    The development of computer network allows for rapid pass voice traffic over computer networks or common called VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a technology capable of passing voice traffic and video or even a form of data packets over a computer network based on IP (Internet protocol). Major emphasis of VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is the cost. With two locations that are connected to the internet or network then the conversation becomes very low cost even close to free (Rp0, 00 -). This system is designed using an asterisk on fedora 7 -

    Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Diagnosa Penyakit Paru-paru Dengan Metode Forward Chaining

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    In Indonesian lung disease have a high death. Tubercolosis (TB) world report (2006) by World Health Organization (WHO), Indonesia still the third biggest after India and China with around 539.000 cases and around 101.000 peoples die for a year. Derived from those fact it need more attention from mass society. My research can be used to decision support system which used to lung disease diagnosed, and know what kind of disease from their symptom. Decision support system use production rule method for representating knowledge about the kind of lung disease and their symptom. This inference engine use tree method and forward chaining. Result derived from this research shown that tree method and forward chaining can be used in finding lung disease from their symptom

    Implementasi Snort Sebagai Alat Pendeteksi Intrusi Menggunakan Linux

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    Network security system on the server is an important factor to ensure the stability , integrity and validity of the data . Implementation of Snort -based Intrusion Detection System can save the cost of procurement of software because it is free and quite reliable in detecting security attacks . Snort -based IDS systems can be implemented on the Linux operating system . Snort main settings and network settings , especially on existing Snort rule . An attack can be detected or not by SnortI IDS , depending on the presence or absence of an appropriate rule. Testing the IDS system was done with several attack patterns to test the reliability of Snort to detect an attack against the security system . Based on the results of testing the system Snort IDS with ping , nmap port scanning , exploits , SQL Injection , accessing the database . Snort can provide warning of an attack against the security of a network system . The warning results can be used as a reference for determining the network security policy

    Keamanan Authentikasi Hotspot Menggunakan Captcha

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    Hotspot networking SMKMuhammadiyah2Malang do not have a good security system that can be used by unauthorized users. With the issue of the security system research and design that has a hotspot network's security level better than before. The purpose of this study is to secure hotspot network of ilegal users by adding a captcha in the authentication process using MikroTik hotspot. Data collection methods used to analyze the data and make the information that will be used to determine the problems faced. System development method using the waterfall method. The use of captcha on the authentication process hotspot login page in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Malang using Mikrotik has not been able to provide evidence of the power system network security hotspot. This is evidenced by the test using a brute force attack techniques. The testing process using the same time frame with the type of passwords that are very weak and not obtained differences of the results achieved. Hotpsot proxy authentication security system based captive portal using only user and password as the authentication process already has a good level of security even without using captcha. Keyword:Networking Security, authentication, hotspot, captcha