13 research outputs found

    Analisis Tingkat Partisipasi Wanita Dalam Angkatan Kerja Di Jawa Tengah Periode Tahun 1982-2000

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    At industrialization phase, women will be shifted by men because the increasing of unemployment. When economic development reaches a certain stage, the trend of development turned with increasing women employment. Purpose of the research that will be reached is to estimate influence of women unemployment, women resident that managing household, and women residents that still school on the level of women participation in the labor force in Central Java (1982-2000). This study clarifies the factors that influence the level of participation of women in the labor force and improve the existence theory of the labor force participation rate. One way to analyze the effect of short-run and long run is to use a dynamic model. In this research model used is the Engle Granger Error Correction Models (EG-ECM) which based on "granger representation theorem". The result knows the variable having influence which significance in short-run are women resident that managing household and women resident that still school

    Merencanakan Sumber Belajar Berbasis Keterampilan Berperspektif Islami Untuk Pendidikan Keanekaragaman Hayati

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    Educators are beginning to recognize the importance and benefits of introducing pupils to biodiversity and associated issues. Generic criteria for successfully planning and developing a skills-based resource for Islamic perspective biodiversity education are described. The criteria presented here are general to be applied to any biodiversity education and they form a useful framework to construct a resource. Without such a framework there is danger that the biodiversity concept could be misrepresented

    Analisis Produksi Padi Organik Di Kabupaten Sragen Tahun 2008

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze factors influencing the production of organic rice that is land area, seed, labor, fertilizer, and water. This study uses OLS analysis tool (ordinary least squares method). The results show a significant correlation between the variable land area (LH), number of seeds (BH), number of workers (TK), total fertilizer (KDP), and the cost of irrigation (AIR) with organic rice production. Among these five variables is negatively related to variable fertilizer. While the existence of the model test showed that the model exists for use. Land area (LH) has a positive influence on the production of organic rice. The number of seeds (BH) has a positive influence on the production of organic rice, Labor (TK) has a positive influence on the production of organic rice. The use of organic fertilizers (KDP) have an influence on the production of organic rice nagatif. The cost of irrigation (WATER) has a positive influence on the production of organic rice. The results of the classical model assumptions there is no problem, either multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, specification model, and normality

    Kausalitas Investasi Asing Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Error Correction Model

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    Investment is one of the important components for the sustainability of economic development process. Research objectives to be achieved are to estimate the influence of foreign investment on economic growth, and vice versa. The benefits to be gained are to increase the existence of economic growth theory can be applied in Indonesia, strengthen the results of previous studies, and clarify the understanding of the theory of economic growth. One of the way to analyze the influence of short-run and long run is to use dynamic models. In this study, the model used is the Engle Granger's Error Correction Models (EG-ECM), based Granger representation theorem. From the results of the research note that the variables that have a significant impact in the short run is the Foreign Direct Investment to GDP and vice versa. These research results have proved the existence of two-way causalit

    Kausalitas Investasi Asing Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi: Error Correction Model

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    Investasi sebagai salah satu komponen yang diperlukan untuk melanjutkan proses pembangunan ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian yang hendak dicapai adalah untuk memperkirakan pengaruh investasi asing terhadap pertumbuha n ekonomi dan sebaliknya. Manfaat yang dapat diperoleh adalah untuk meningkatkan keb eradaan teori pertumbuhan ekonomi dapat diterapkan di Indonesia, memperkuat hasil penelitian sebelumnya dan menjelaskan pengertian dari teori pertumbuhan ekonomi. Salah satu cara untuk menganalisis pengaruh jangka pendek dan jangka panjang adalah dengan menggunakan model dinamis. Dalam studi ini, model yang digunakan adalah model koreksi kesalahan Engle Granger (EG-ECM), yang didasarkan pada teorema representasi Granger. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa variabel yang memiliki dampak signifikan dalam jangka pendek adalah investasi langsung asing terhadap PDB dan sebaliknya. hasil penelitian ini tela h membuktikan adanya dua arah kausalitas. Kata kunci: investasi asing, GDP, EG-ECM, pertumbuhan ekonom

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhinilai Tukar Rupiah Terhadap Dollar Amerika Serikat Dengan Pendekatan Neraca Pembayaran (Pendekatan Engle Granger-error Correction Model)

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    The equilibrium exchange rate will change along with the change of demand and supply. Factors causing the change of demand and supply curve among others are the amount of money supply, relative gross domestic product (GDP) ,the level of relative interest rate, and relative priceOne of the ways to analyze the influence of short term and long term is by developing the dynamic model. In this research, the analysis of dynamic model was conducted with Engel-Granger Error Correction Model approach which was developed by Engel-Granger (1987) based on Granger Representation Theorem.The ECM was known that long term exchange rate is influenced by the number of money supply and relative price. The variable which influence short-therm exchenge rate are the ammount of Gross Domestic Product, and interest rate

    Analysis of the Influence of BOPO, NIM and Inflation on the Profitability of Bank BRI Syariah in 2013-2020

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    This study analyzes factors affecting BRI Syariah Bank's profitability in Indonesia. This study sampled BRI Syariah Bank's 2013-2020 yearly financial statements that fit the study's requirements. Data for Bopo, Nim, Inflation, and Roa come from the official BRI Syariah bank and Bank Indonesia (BI) websites for 2013 – 2020. This study uses the ROA ratio as a metric of BRI Syariah Bank's profitability and BOPO, NIM, and Inflation as independent variables. This study uses the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) data analysis method to obtain a thorough picture of the relationship between variables using Eviews10 software. According to study, BOPO negatively affects ROA (Return on Assets). Operating Costs and Operating Income (BOPO) are less significant than required. The study shows that BOPO has a detrimental impact on ROA (Return on Assets). NIM and inflation study results had little impact on BRI Syariah Bank's ROA. This study reveals that Islamic banks are resilient to inflation and don't rely on profit margins. This study suggests Islamic banks reduce operating costs to boost profitability