5 research outputs found

    Desain Pencacah Serabut Kelapa dengan Penggerak Motor Listrik

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    Diesel Motor is a type of piston combustion motor commonly called Ignition Compression Engine Combustion Engine. The use of coconut fiber chopper machines using diesel drive engines in the market has not been able to increase consumer comfort and efficiency. Because of this issue that emits CO2 and NOx also causes air pollution and noise emissions, it tends to be relatively large and also requires intensive care that requires a lot of space and costs. This will renew the surrounding environment and allow user comfort and efficiency when running the machine. Therefore, it is necessary to have an efficient and optimal coconut fiber chopping machine by reducing noise so that it is not noisy and pollution-free. The coconut fiber enumerator with an electric motor drive is an enumerator of coconut fibers with an electric motor as a solution for making household products and agricultural fertilizers to increase comfort and efficiency for consumers so as to increase economic value in the community. This research method begins with making a tool consisting of a study of literature, measuring each component of the tool consisting of a frame, eye drive, motor drive, filter and pulley and designing the design model. Trial on a no-load blade shaft rotation of 450 rpm. At the time of enumeration, the shaft rotation is reduced to around 350-400 rpm and the linear velocity of the V-Belt is 3.9 m / s. From the coconut fiber chopper with an electric motor drive it causes low vibration, does not cause pollution nor is it efficient

    Enhancement Of Decision Tree Method Based On Hierarchical Clustering And Dispersion Ratio

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    The classification process using a decision tree is a classification method that has a feature selection process. Decision tree classifications using information gain have a disadvantage when the dataset has unique attributes for each imbalanced class record and distribution. The data used for decision tree classification has 2 types, numerical and nominal. The numerical data type is carried out a discretization process so that it gets data intervals. Weaknesses in the information gain method can be reduced by using a dispersion ratio method that does not depend on the class distribution, but on the frequency distribution. Numeric type data will be dis-criticized using the hierarchical clustering method to obtain a balanced data cluster. The data used in this study were taken from the UCI machine learning repository, which has two types of numeric and nominal data. There are two stages in this research namely, first the numeric type data will be discretized using hierarchical clustering with 3 methods, namely single link, complete link, and average link. Second, the results of discretization will be merged again then the formation of trees with splitting attributes using dispersion ratio and evaluated with cross-validation k-fold 7. The results obtained show that the discretization of data with hierarchical clustering can increase predictions by 14.6% compared with data without discretization. The attribute splitting process with the dispersion ratio of the data resulting from the discretization of hierarchical clustering can increase the prediction by 6.51%

    Pemanfaatan Air Reject Reverse Osmosis PT Cirebon Electric Power Untuk Elektrolit Lampu Air Garam Nelayan

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    Lampu air garam selama ini banyak dimanfaatkan oleh nelayan ketika melaut baiksebagai sumber penerangan maupun untuk menarik perhatian ikan. Lampu air garam inimenggunakan elektrolit seperti larutan garam dapur dan air laut. Pada penelitian ini, dilaporkanpenggunaan air reject Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) PT Cirebon Electric Power (PT CEP)sebagai elektrolit lampu air garam yang gratis dan terjaga kualitasnya seperti salinitas dan turbiditas.Studi ini merupakan bagian dari upaya PT CEP dalam kegiatan pengabdian dan pemberdayaanmasyarakat nelayan di sekitar pabrik berbasis ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Untuk membuktikansecara ilmiah, uji sel galvani dengan anoda magnesium dan katoda karbon serta elektrolit berupaberbagai larutan air garam dilakukan. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa air reject SWRO mampumenghasilkan voltase optimal hingga 1,4 Volt (sel tunggal) dibanding penggunaan air laut sebagaielektrolit yang hanya 1,2 Volt. Dari evaluasi biaya dan manfaat, penggunaan air reject SWROsebagai elektrolit lampu air garam mampu menghemat biaya nelayan dan bahkan jauh lebihekonomis jika dibandingkankan dengan penerangan konvensional menggunakan petromaks. Selainmanfaat secara ekonomi, sistem yang ditawarkan aman dan tidak menghasilkan limbah berbahaya.Studi yang dilengkapi pembuktian ilmiah ini harapannya membuka peluang pemanfaatan air rejectSWRO yang lebih luas di mana saat ini tidak banyak dimanfaatkan