4 research outputs found

    Moving Ijtihad and Tajdid on Amal USAha Muhammadiyah (Aum) in Building the Civilization of Islamic Economy

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    Muhammadiyah declares that the gate of ijtihad (reasoning) and tajdid (modernization) were being yet continued. Ijtihad was the base core to establish the main character of Muhammadiyah as a Modern Islamic Modernization Movement. Then, the establishment on tajdid (modernization) grows as a motor to improve the system of its movement on finding the solution to ideology problem, politic, business, social, cultural, and defence. Muhammadiyah, which the first time moved on social-religious track, was still upbringing to comprehend and rolling in the progressivity of Moslem society as in the case Indonesia. By ijtihad (reasoning) and tajdid (modernization), the role-model of Muhammadiyah as a social-religious movement grows its root on business practice. The Council of Business and Enterpreneurship (MEK) of Muhammadiyah schedules on developing the House for Charity of Muhammadiyah (AUM). Dawam Rahardjo (2000) confirms, a large number of member and institution will represent as a comparative advantage capital resources to the movement of Muhammadiyah. Those resources orchestrate Muhammadiyah as an organization which is not only moves on social-education-and-religious practices, but as well in business and finance. At least, there are two reasons why Muhammadiyah rolls in business practice. Firstly, Muhammadiyah perform to roll in this business merit by the image of intechangible advantages to other charities: as well as schools, hospitals or religious calls. Secondly, Muhammadiyah sustains a potential power to organize those. That is supported by the fact that there are many beureucrates possess in higher structural of Muhammadiyah, the large number of human resources out-put by Muhammadiyah schools, the enterpreneurs possessions, and large number of its members. This paper researches the Muhammadiyah-Nomic, the contribution of ijtihad and tajdid on Charitable Enterprises of Muhammadiyah (AUM) in building the civilization of Islamic economy

    Bank Sampah Cangkir Hijau: Gerakan Ekonomi Kreatif Melalui Kerajinan Sampah Upaya Menjaga Lingkungan Hidup Di Kota Metro Lampung Dr. Bambang Suhada Hifni Septina Carolina, S.pd Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro Dharma Setyawan Iain Metro Lampung

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    This research explains about the function of “bank sampah cangkir hijau” in conducting creative economy movement through garbage craft as an action to save the environment in Metro City, Lampung. “Bank Sampah” creates by Lecturer and Students of STAIN Jurai Siwo Metro purposed to save the environment by managing the rubbish into creative craft. “Kresbag” is a cloth bag which has interesting pack and it help people to be aware to bring their own bag shopping. “Bank Sampah” which manages by students helps them to pay their study independently. This empowerment use ethnographic approach to answer the submitted questions. This research applied Pierre Bourdieu\u27s theory of Intellectual Collective which has meaning as a diverse movement of multidisciplinary knowledge and profession to make social change

    Marketing Digital Wisata Pinus Ecopark dalam Etika Bisnis Islam di Lampung Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang bagaimana strategi promosi pengembangan wisata Pinus Ecopark melalui media sosial dalam perspektif etika bisnis islam. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research), sedangkan sifat penelitian ini  adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Dan semua data-data tersebut dianalisa secara induktif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, strategi promosi pengembangan Wisata Pinus Ecopark yang digunakan oleh pengelola wisata yaitu melalui berbagai variabel promosi diantaranya yaitu periklanan, penjualan personal, promosi penjualan, hubungan masyarakat, dan pemasaran langsung. Dalam melakukan kegiatan promosi pengelola wisata pinus ecopark telah melakukan promosi sesuai dengan etika bisnis islam, namun ada hal yang menjadi permasalahan dan percekcokan yang menyebabkan kesalahpahaman diantara postingan pengelola wisata dengan pengunjung wisata, dimana postingan gambar spot foto yang sudah lama tidak di perbaharui oleh pengelola wisata, sehingga membuat beberapa pengunjung menjadi kecewa karena kesalahpahaman tersebut