206 research outputs found

    Modeling Si/SiGe/Si Quantum Well Solar Cell Using Different Well Width and Mole Fraction

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    Quantum Well Solar Cell ( QWSC) was proposed as a means to achieve higher efficiencies compare with conventional monolithic solar cell structures. Quantum well formed by adding lower band gap material within intrinsic region of p-i-n solar cell with less than 100 A thicknesses. In this research, five structure of QWSC device were designed with different quantum well thickness. Each structure using different SiGe mole fraction in order to achieve the influence of mole fraction variation to quantum efficiency (QE). Parameters of SiGe in simulations were obtained from various references to use with PC1D and Simwin Software. From simulation result, quantum efficiency will increase from mole fraction 0.2 (84.5135 %) until reaching maximum efficiency at mole fraction 0.75 (91.5703 %). Quantum efficiency begin to decrease at mole fraction higher than 0.75. At mole fraction 0.85 quantum efficiency equal to 90.4830 % and at mole fraction 0.95 quantum efficiency sharply become 71.6327 %.Index Terms— Solar cell, quantum well solar cell, SiGe

    Analisis Implementasi Load Balancing Dengan Metode Source Hash Scheduling Pada Procol SSL

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    The Course programming period give the highest load for academic server (SIAM) of UB. More than 65000 student will access the system concurrently. There for, the load balancing mechanism is required to improve system capacity and prevent the access failure SIAM using SSL mechanism to provide protection for academik data transaction. SSL do the handshaking process to maintain the connectivity of the web browser. In addition, the client and the server will establish a session recording mechanism to keep the identity of a connection to prevent repeat login. This study tried to implement a source-hash scheduling mechanism on the load balancing system. This mechanism subjected to prevent the termination of a session connection which has been formed. The results shows that the source hash scheduling has increased the capacity of the system to handle as many as 9.02594 million requests from 65 087 different IP within 1 day. And provide total data throughput of 169 537 010 395 Bytes (169 GB) in a single day getIndex Terms—Load Balancing, Source Hash Schedulin

    Efektifitas Kebijakan Moneter terhadap Inflasi di Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of monetary policy through the discount rate and reserve requirement by the Central Bank as well as the previous inflation towards the inflation rate, and to investigate the effectiveness of monetary policy through the discount rate and reserve requirement as well as the previous inflation in influencing the rate of inflation. The data that is used to determine the discount rate and reserve requirements affect inflation in Indonesia is using multiple linear regression model with the approach of the Partial Adjustment Model (PAM) and statistical (partial, simultaneous tests and the coefficient of determination) as well as classical assumption or econometrics (test normality, linearity, autocorrelation, multicolinearity and heteroscedasticity). From these results, it is known that monetary policy from the first quarter 1985 to first quarter 2010 was still less effective direct influence on inflation, this can be known from a partial test done even though the relationship of monetary policy is consistent with monetarist theory. Keywords: inflation, discount rate, reserve requiremen

    Komunikasi Persuasif Guru dalam Membangun Kreativitas Anak Usia Dini pada Tk Melati Putih Desa Bukit Kratai

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    This the is under the guildance of father Ir. Rusmadi Awza, S.Sos, M.SiWhite jasmine TK school is the frits school kindergarten in the village Kratai hill. Inthis study the quthors wanted to see how persuasive comunication teacher in earlychildhod creativity to build on TK White Jasmine.As for the purpose of this research is to know: 1) learning methodsapplied at school TK White Jasmine. 2)To devermine the components of the learningcurriculum that is in White Jasmine TK. Research uning descriptive qualitatifresearch method informen that has been set using purposive sampling method amongthe principal TK, TK two permanent teachersin budget parents, students TK WhiteJasmine. Data celecting interviews, observation, and documentation. Results of thestudy stated that the method applied learning school TK White Jasmine.so buildchildren creativity in developthing their thinking at an early agel. The learningmethods inclued : preparation of teachers in the learning process, control andassesment techniquen, build confidance in learning, learning how to build creativitychildren. And the role of theachers in a creative game in curriculum componentsapplied in school TK White Jasmine include : the development of the curriculumstucture, curriculum, princeples of curriculum development,aswellascomponentofthecurriculum.Keywood : Communication teacher in kreativity childhoo

    Analisis Mekaniseme Multi Server Load Balancing Pada Server SIAKAD Universitas Brawijaya

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    Salah satu permasalahan utama dalam pelaksanaan sistem administrasi akademi secara online adalah proses KRS. Mahasiswa memilih secara mandiri matakuliah yang akan diambil pada semester tersebut. Meskipun jangka waktu pelaksanaan KRS online adalah 2 minggu, tapi pada Kenyataannya hampir 80% mahasiswa akan melakukan KRS online pada hari pertama. Hal ini menyebabkan beban akses yang diterima oleh server Siakad menjadi sangat tinggi. Dengan jumlah total mahasiswa sebanyak 40000, maka sistem harus siap untuk menangani sekitar 30 ribu akses pada hari pertama KRS online. Sehingga proses ini tidak mungkin hanya di tangani oleh 1 server. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat suatu mekanisme membagi beban akses KRS online menjadi beberapa server dengan standar dan data yang valid. Mekanisme dilakukan dengan menggunakan server load balancing sebagai pengatur beban serta mencegah terjadinya penumpukan akses di salah satu server saja. Dengan demikian diharapkan proses KRS online di Universitas Brawijaya menjadi lancar dan tidak ada gangguan. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan load balancing telah meningkatkan jumlah mahasiswa yang dapat di layani oleh SIAM. Pada puncak akses dalam 1 jam server dapat menangani sebanyak 23.986 request. Puncak akses terjadi pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2012 sebanyak 43.245 request dalam 1 hari. Dengan demikian lonjakan akses dapat tertangani melalui mekanisme ini.Kata Kunci— load balancing dan RoundRobi

    Interpretasi Struktur Bawah Permukaan Data Gayaberat Menggunakan Algoritma Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Studi Kasus Daerah Panas Bumi Ungaran, Jawa Tengah

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    Artificial neural networks have been used in an application of geophysical such as seismic, electromagnetic, restivity, and gravity. In this study, artificial neural network system used is the method of propagation of gravity to produce anomalies corresponding to the desired anomalies on the geothermal area of Mount Ungaran, Central Java. In the training process to produce the best weight with 4 hidden layer with a correlation coefficient of 0.99 and the testing process using the results of the best training with a correlation coefficient of 0.97 and a yield value that resembles Bouguer anomaly in the research area., so it can be seen under the surface of the structure with the results of the best network where there is a high density value of 2.70 to 2.80 g/cm3 in lava basalt as geothermal systems Mount Ungaran. Density 2.40 to 2.80 g/cm3 Low contained in the surface area of Mount Ungaran with the majority of sedimentary rocks of andesitic pyroclastic products of Mount Ungaran Young
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