216 research outputs found

    Proses pengolahan bakso ikan isi ayam di PT Indo Lautan Makmur

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    Surimi merupakan salah satu hasil olahan perikanan yang dapat dijadikan bahan baku produk olahan lain seperti bakso ikan. Produk olahan bakso ikan mengandung protein tinggi sehingga mudah mengalami kerusakan. Upaya untuk memperpanjang umur bakso ikan adalah penerapan rantai dingin yang sesuai sejak produksi, pembekuan, dan penyimpanan dingin yang memadai. PT. Indo Lautan Makmur merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang olahan surimi yang terletak di Jalan Raya Sawocangkiring No. 02, Sidoarjo. PT. Indo Lautan Makmur berdiri sejak tahun 1996 dan distribusi produknya telah tersebar ke Hongkong, Taiwan, dan China. Hal ini menjadikan PT. Indo Lautan Makmur sesuai sebagai tempat Praktek Kerja Industri Pengolahan Pangan (PKIPP) yang dapat memberikan wawasan baru dan pengalaman yang berguna untuk kedepannya. Tujuan dilaksanakannya PKIPP adalah menerapkan teori yang telah dipelajari selama perkuliahan, serta melatih dan mengetahui secara langsung proses pengolahan pangan dan permasalahannya. PT. Indo Lautan Makmur menggunakan model struktur organisasi lini dan staf dengan jumlah karyawan sebanyak 34 karyawan tetap, 45 karyawan harian, dan 123 karyawan borongan. Proses pengolahan bakso ikan isi ayam meliputi penyiapan bahan baku, pencampuran, pencetakan, perebusan, pendinginan, pengemasan, pembekuan, penyimpanan dingin, dan pendistribusian. Bahan baku yang digunakan dalam pembuatan bakso ikan isi ayam adalah surimi yang berasal dari daging ikan kuniran dan ikan sewangi yang didatangkan dari daerah sekitar, dan ayam Mechanically Deboned Meat (MDM). Selain bahan baku, terdapat beberapa bahan tambahan seperti tepung tapioka, air, es, bumbu-bumbu seperti bawang putih, garam NaCl, gula, lada, dan monosodium glutamat. Sumber daya yang menunjang kegiatan di PT. Indo Lautan Makmur adalah sumber daya manusia, listrik, dan air. Sanitasi yang diterapkan oleh PT. Indo Lautan Makmur meliputi bahan baku dan bahan pembantu, mesin, peralatan, pekerja, dan lingkungan produksi

    Proses pengolahan bakso goreng “Bass Reng” dengan kapasitas produksi 10 kg per hari

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    Bakso merupakan produk pangan olahan yang berbahan dasar daging, dengan penambahan tepung, bumbu, dan bahan lain yang dihaluskan dan dibentuk bulatan-bulatan kemudian direbus hingga matang. Bakso yang sudah matang kemudian akan dijadikan keripik. Basreng. Bahan pembuatan basreng meliputi daging ayam, tepioka, terigu, bawang putih, telur, garam, merica, bubuk arang, penyedap rasa. Perencaan unit pengolahan pangan “Bass Reng” memiliki kapasitas produksi sebesar 13.284 kemasan/tahun. Unit pengolahan pangan “Bass Reng” berlokasi di Jalan Raya Mulyosari no 112, Surabaya. “Bass Reng” merupakan Industri Rumah Tangga golongan UMKM. Struktur organisasi lini terdiri dari 1 pimpinan dan 2 karyawan. Proses pengolahan “Bass Reng” terdiri dari proses pembuatan keripik basreng dan pembuatan bumbu. Pembuatan keripik basreng dilakukan dengan pencucian, penghancuran, pencampuran I, pencetakan dan perebusan, penirisan dan pemotongan, penggorengan, pencampuran II dan pengemasan. Pembuatan bumbu meliputi penimbangan dan pencampuran. Kemasan “Bass Reng” berbahan plastik berbentuk poach yang tersusun atas plastik PE (polyethilene) dibagian dalam, dan PP (polypropilene) di bagian luar. Utilitas yang diperlikan meliputi air 76,626 m3/tahun, listrik 51,286 KwH/tahun, dan 39 tabung LPG 3kg/tahun. Pendiri usaha memiliki laju pengembalian (ROR) setelah pajak sebesar 29,56% yang lebih tinggi dari nilai MARR yaitu sebesar 15,9%. Waktu pengembalian modal setelah pajak adalah 41 bulan. Break Even Point (BEP) yang diperoleh ketika seluruh produk terjual adalah 67,94%. Berdasarkan faktor teknik dan ekonomi, unit pengolahan pangan “Bass Reng” layak didirikan

    Synergistic drug combinations from electronic health records and gene expression.

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    ObjectiveUsing electronic health records (EHRs) and biomolecular data, we sought to discover drug pairs with synergistic repurposing potential. EHRs provide real-world treatment and outcome patterns, while complementary biomolecular data, including disease-specific gene expression and drug-protein interactions, provide mechanistic understanding.MethodWe applied Group Lasso INTERaction NETwork (glinternet), an overlap group lasso penalty on a logistic regression model, with pairwise interactions to identify variables and interacting drug pairs associated with reduced 5-year mortality using EHRs of 9945 breast cancer patients. We identified differentially expressed genes from 14 case-control human breast cancer gene expression datasets and integrated them with drug-protein networks. Drugs in the network were scored according to their association with breast cancer individually or in pairs. Lastly, we determined whether synergistic drug pairs found in the EHRs were enriched among synergistic drug pairs from gene-expression data using a method similar to gene set enrichment analysis.ResultsFrom EHRs, we discovered 3 drug-class pairs associated with lower mortality: anti-inflammatories and hormone antagonists, anti-inflammatories and lipid modifiers, and lipid modifiers and obstructive airway drugs. The first 2 pairs were also enriched among pairs discovered using gene expression data and are supported by molecular interactions in drug-protein networks and preclinical and epidemiologic evidence.ConclusionsThis is a proof-of-concept study demonstrating that a combination of complementary data sources, such as EHRs and gene expression, can corroborate discoveries and provide mechanistic insight into drug synergism for repurposing

    Rover Relocalization for Mars Sample Return by Virtual Template Synthesis and Matching

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    We consider the problem of rover relocalization in the context of the notional Mars Sample Return campaign. In this campaign, a rover (R1) needs to be capable of autonomously navigating and localizing itself within an area of approximately 50 x 50 m using reference images collected years earlier by another rover (R0). We propose a visual localizer that exhibits robustness to the relatively barren terrain that we expect to find in relevant areas, and to large lighting and viewpoint differences between R0 and R1. The localizer synthesizes partial renderings of a mesh built from reference R0 images and matches those to R1 images. We evaluate our method on a dataset totaling 2160 images covering the range of expected environmental conditions (terrain, lighting, approach angle). Experimental results show the effectiveness of our approach. This work informs the Mars Sample Return campaign on the choice of a site where Perseverance (R0) will place a set of sample tubes for future retrieval by another rover (R1).Comment: To appear in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) and IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021

    Towards Viral Genome Annotation Standards, Report from the 2010 NCBI Annotation Workshop

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    Improvements in DNA sequencing technologies portend a new era in virology and could possibly lead to a giant leap in our understanding of viral evolution and ecology. Yet, as viral genome sequences begin to fill the world’s biological databases, it is critically important to recognize that the scientific promise of this era is dependent on consistent and comprehensive genome annotation. With this in mind, the NCBI Genome Annotation Workshop recently hosted a study group tasked with developing sequence, function, and metadata annotation standards for viral genomes. This report describes the issues involved in viral genome annotation and reviews policy recommendations presented at the NCBI Annotation Workshop

    Cognitive behavior therapy for autistic adolescents, awareness and care for my autistic traits program: a multicenter randomized controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: Autistic people demonstrate focused interests, sensitivity to sensory stimulation, and, compared with the general population, differences in social communication and interaction. We examined whether a combination of the Awareness and Care for My Autistic Traits (ACAT) program and treatment-as-usual is more effective than only treatment-as-usual in increasing the understanding of autistic attributes, reducing treatment stigma, and improving mental health and social adaptation among autistic adolescents and their parents/guardians. METHODS: Forty-nine adolescents and their parents/guardians were randomly assigned to either a combination of ACAT and treatment-as-usual or only treatment-as-usual. The combined group received six weekly 100-minute ACAT sessions, while the treatment-as-usual group received no additional intervention. The primary outcome was the change in understanding of autistic attributes (Autism Knowledge Quiz-Child), administered from pre- to post-intervention. The secondary outcomes included the change in Autism Knowledge Quiz-Parent, reduced treatment stigma, and improved mental health and social adaptation among autistic adolescents and their parents/guardians. A primary outcome measure scale was scored by assessors who were blind to the group assignment. RESULTS: The combined group (both autistic adolescents and their parents/guardians) showed an increase in Autism Knowledge Quiz scores compared to those in the treatment-as-usual group. Autistic adolescents in the combined group also demonstrated a decrease in treatment-related stigma and an improvement in general mental health compared to those in the treatment-as-usual group, while there were no group differences in the change in social adaptation. For parents/guardians, there were no group differences in the change in treatment-related stigma, general mental health, adaptive skills, or attitudes toward their children. CONCLUSIONS: The ACAT program could be an effective treatment modality to increase the understanding of autistic attributes among both autistic adolescents and their parents/guardians. The ACAT program positively affects self-understanding, reduces treatment stigma, and stabilizes behavioral issues for autistic adolescents as a part of mental health measures, but it does not effectively reduce treatment barriers or improve mental health for parents/guardians. Further research should consider whether additional support for parents/guardians could be beneficial. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study was registered in UMIN (UMIN000029851, 06/01/2018)
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