48 research outputs found

    Virulensi dan Transmisi Virus Influenza A pada Manusia, Hewan Mamalia dan Unggas

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    In the 20th century, influenza virus A infections caused the pandemic severe respiratory illness in humans, some of the cases were fatal. Therefore, it is important for us to know the transmission mechanism and factors that can affect the virulence of influenza viruses. Virulence of influenza virus in birds, mammals and humans is determined by its ability to inflict damage to host cells caused by the eight genes in the virus. Eight of these genes have different tasks and functions that need to be analyzed. Besides knowing the virulence of influenza virus, should also know the transmission mechanism of these viruses. Influenza type A virus in poultry (called avian influenza) can transmit directly from birds to humans that can cause fatal infections. Understanding of the factors that play a role in the transmission between species of birds, mammals and humans can help the development of surveillance strategies to determine rapidly the potential strain of influenza A virus that can cause a pandemic. Keywords: Influenza A, virulence, virus transmission, avian Abstrak Di abad ke-20, beberapa pendemi/wabah gangguan saluran pernafasan yang berat pada manusia dan dapat juga menyebabkan kematian, disebabkan oleh virus influenza A. Oleh karena itu penting bagi kita mengetahui bagaimana virus Influenza ini bertransmisi dan faktor–faktor yang mempengaruhi virulensi dari virus Influenza. Virulensi virus influenza pada unggas, hewan mamalia dan manusia ditentukan oleh kemampuannya untuk menimbulkan kerusakan pada sel host yang disebabkan oleh delapan gen yang ada padanya. Delapan gen ini mempunyai tugas dan fungsi yang berbeda-beda yang perlu dipelajari. Selain mengetahui virulensi virus Influenza, perlu juga diketahui cara transmisi dari virus ini. Virus influenza tipe A pada unggas (disebut juga avian influenza) dapat bertransmisi secara langsung dari unggas ke manusia yang dapat menyebabkan infeksi fatal. Pemahaman terhadap faktor-faktor yang berperan dalam transmisi antara spesies unggas, hewan mamalia dan manusia dapat membantu pengembangan strategi surveilans guna mengetahui dengan cepat potensi strain virus influenza A yang dapat menimbulkan pandemi. Kata kunci: Influenza A, virulensi, transmisi, ungga

    Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Keracunan Kehamilan

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    Prenatal Mortality Rates and Maternal Mortality Rates in Indonesia still high because of many factors and pre-eclamsia/eclamsi is one of that. However the uncomplete knowledge of the community about pre-eclamsia have lead to the indication malpractice done by doctors or midwifes. Pre-eclamsia actually is a common complication of pregnancy. It is mild in many cases but in some cases it becomes severe, and can cause serious complications. The condition goes when the baby is born . Medication may be advised to help prevent complications

    The Stages of HIV Infection and the Risk of Opportunistic Tuberculosis Infection

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    Background: Opportunistic infection (OI) by tuberculosis is the most common cause of death for peopleinfected with HIV worldwide, mainly in persons with untreated HIV infection. The aim of the study wasto determine the risk factors associated with TB as an OI of HIV-infected patients.Methods: The study conducted in Voluntary Counseling Testing (VCT) clinics in several hospitals ofseven provinces (North Sumatera, West Sumatera, Riau Islands, South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Maluku,and Papua). This was a cross sectional study and the respondents selected by purposive sampling. Therewere 490 HIV patients included in this study. Data were collected using a specific questionnaire. Statisticalanalyses were done using STATA 9.0 version.Results: Among 490 HIV patients, there were 238 (48.6%) patients with TB as IO. The precentage ofTB as OI in the younger HIV-infected group was higher than the older group. Among the HIV-infectedpersons, males had a 24 % higher risk of becoming infected with TB than females [adjusted relative risk(RRa)=1.24; P=0.023]. Stage 4 HIV-infected persons had 52% risk of TB as OI compared to stages 1-3(RRa=1.55; P=0.000).Conclusion: Patients with stage 4 HIV infection and male were more at risk for developing opportunistictuberculosis infection. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2015;6:121-5

    The Primer Design of Domain-specific C-terminus of the Avian H5N1 NS Gene From Indonesia

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    Background: The avian influenza (AI) H5N1 viruses have caused nearly 600 fatal cases in the world since 2003. The H5N1 AI virus is still circulating in wild birds and domestic. One of the known of AI virus pathogenicity is the ability of the nonstructural protein (NS1 and NS2) to induce cytokine storm. Mutations of the NS1 and NS2 proteins may aggravate infections.Methods: Genetic sequences of NS gene that encodes the C - terminus domain of AI H5N1 virus were obtained by sequencing method using specific primer to amplify the NS gene. The primers design were done by using several bioinformatics software available then retested to determine the primer success in amplifying the target sequence. RT- PCR testing performed on four H5N1 AI virus isolates, followed by sequencing to determine the nucleotide sequences generated from the primer were prepared in this study. Results: Primers, which can be designed to amplify four chicken H5N1 isolates tested were two isolates from Bali (A/Ck/Bali-KH/2009 and A/Ck/Bali-T/2009), and two isolates from East Java (A/Ck/East Java-S/2009 and A/Ck/East Java-D/2009). Conclusion: The designated primer can be used in PCR amplification and sequencing of genes that express NS section C terminus of the protein NS1 and NS2 end portion. The primer design of H5N1 NS gene. (Health Science Indones 2014;2:83-8

    Comparison of Rotavirus Detection From Rectal Swab and Feces in Patients with Diarrhea Symptoms

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    Background: Rotavirus is the most common etiologic agent causes severe diarrhea in infants and children worldwide. Globally, every year 600,000 deaths in children less than 5 years associated with rotavirus infection. Commonly used to detect rotavirus stool samples, but getting stool samples were more difficult than rectal swab. The purpose of this study was to compare the results of the use of specimen of rectal swabs and feces to detect Rotavirus by RT-PCR method.Methods: To evaluate rotavirus that cause diarrhea we used rectal swabs and stool samples taken from infants and identified by RT-PCR method. Data were analyzed with sensitivity and specificity analysis tests.Results:A number 189 specimen pairs were included of which 24 were negative in both specimen types and 112 were positive in both specimen types. Forty four 42 pairs was positive in the stool specimen only and 11 pairs was positive in the rectal swab specimen only. Sensitivity of rectal swab specimen was 72.7% and specificity was 68.6%. Rectal swab positive predictive value of 91.1%, while a negative predictive value of 36.3%.Conclusion:The result of the sensitivity and specificity of rectal swab specimen was adequate compared with the feces specimen. (Health Science Indones 2012;2:xx-xx

    Establishment of Realtime RT-PCR Assay to Detect Polio Virus in the Acute Flaccid Paralysis Laboratory Surveillance

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    Background: The last indigenous polio was detected in 1995 but the threat of wild type polio viruses and themutation of Oral Polio Vaccine into Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus still continue. Since 1991, WHO has developedAcute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) laboratory based surveillance. In 2014, the polioviruses identification by real-timeReverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR), has been introduced to National Polio Laboratory(NPL) Center for Biomedical and Basic Technology of Health. The objective of the rRT-PCR application is to havefaster and better diagnostic methods to monitor the circulation and mutation of polio viruses.Methods: Isolate tested by rRT-PCR using a combination of primers and probe mentioned by WHO manual.The viral RNA is converted to cDNA using reverse transcriptase and amplified in a PCR reaction using Taqpolymerase. The PCR products are detected and identified by hybridization with specific probes. The combinationof primers and probes will result in the serotype identification and intratypic differentiation of poliovirus isolates.Results: In 2014 NPL Jakarta received 604 AFP cases through the surveillance system, five cases foundpositive for polio viruses by culture. All of the specimens were positive for polio vaccine viruses. Twocases were polio virus type P2 (40%), one cases polio virus type P1 (20%), 1 case polio virus type P3(20%) and one case mix polio viruses type P1+P2 (20%).Conclusion: The real-time PCR assay was able to help the identification of polio viruses rapidly in Jakartalab. The test can be utilized for monitoring the population routinely immunized with OPV. (Health ScienceJournal of Indonesia 2016;7:27-31

    Type of Female Sex Worker and Other Risk Factors of Syphilis

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    Background: Syphilis is one of the chronicle sexual transmission diseases which is caused by Treponema pallidumbacteria that can cause disability in patients and babies born. This analysis aims at looking at the relationship typeand work duration as Female Sex Workers (FSW) and the syphilis cases within 7 cities in Indonesia.Methods: The data was taken from Survey on FSW using a structured questionnaire in 7 cities (Kupang,Samarinda, Pontianak, Yogyakarta, Timika, Makassar and Tangerang) in Indonesia in 2007, the crosssectionaldesign and respondents are selected by cluster random sampling directly and indirectly towardsthe WPS who fulfill the operational definition criteria. Syphilis diagnosis was confirmed by laboratorytests Rapid Plasma Reagents (RPR) and Treponema pallidum Haemaglutination Assay (TPHA).Results: There were 1750 respondents who participated in the study and about 12.2% were infected withthe syphilis. Makassar has the highest prevalence about 55.2%. The WPS who are located outside of Javahave the syphilis infection risk about 3.16 times higher than the WPS located in Java (adjusted relative risk(RRa) = 3.16; P = 0.000). The indirect WPS had 46% more risk for syphilis infection compared to directWPS (RRa = 1.46; P = 0.002), whereas the FSW who seek treatment from doctor have a risk about 58%tmore risk compared to the direct health facilities treatment [RRa = 1.58; P = 0.006).Conclusion: The location of FSW which is outside of Java, the FSW does not directly have a higher riskof being infected with syphilis. Female sex workers who seek the doctor treatment are able to be indicatedearlier rather than they are who seek treatment to other health care facilities. (Health Science Journal ofIndonesia 2015;6:132-6

    Preservasi Kolum Posterior dengan Menggunakan Teknik Debridement Invasi Minimal pada Penderita Spondilitis Tuberkulosis Torakal Umur 2 Tahun

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    Spondilitis tuberkulosis merupakan penyakit infeksi tulang belakang yang disebabkan olehMycobacterium tuberculosis. Penyakit ini dapat ditemukan di semua lapisan masyarakat dan di berbagaiusia. Spondilitis tuberkulosis pada anak dapat mengakibatkan deformitas yang merupakan masalahserius. Hal ini disebabkan karena anak-anak memiliki sistem imun yang rentan infeksi pada tulang yangsedang bertumbuh. Destruksi korpus vertebra yang masif dan kolum posterior yang masih intak menjadialasan untuk mempertahankan struktur dan menjaga kestabilan tulang belakang pada anak. Kondisiini perlu dipertimbangkan dalam menentukan modalitas penatalaksanaan. Pada teknik konvensionalpendekatan anterior menjadi pilihan dalam upaya mencapai lesi tulang belakang, karenanya dilakukantindakan debridement, evakuasi abses dan pemasangan strut graft untuk menyangga tulang belakang.Dalam perkembangannya teknik ini menimbulkan masalah lain pada anak yaitu kolapsnya korpusvertebra. Dengan pendekatan posterior teknik konvensional melakukan laminektomi untuk mencapailesi korpus vertebra yang berada di anterior, cara ini pun berpotensi mengakibatkan semakin tidakstabilnya tulang belakang. Pendekatan ini dapat menyebabkan kelainan postural. Paper ini melaporkanhasil evaluasi terhadap penderita spondilitis tuberkulosis anak usia 2 tahun yang telah dilakukan teknikpreservasi kolum posterior dengan debridement invasi minimal. Hasil evaluasi hingga 1 tahun setelahpenatalaksanaan memperlihatkan bahwa teknik yang digunakan memberikan stabilitas tulang belakangyang baik selain masa pemulihan yang lebih singkat dan perdarahan yang lebih sedikit