34 research outputs found

    Teknik Perbanyakan Masal Predator Menochilus Sexmaculatus Pengendali Serangga Bemisia Tabaci Vektor Virus Kuning Pada Tanaman Cabai

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    . Muharam, A. and W. Setiawati. 2007. The Mass Propagation Technique of Menochilus sexmaculatus, the Predator of Bemisia tabaci, the Chilli-Yellow-Viruses Transmitting Vector. Bemisia tabaci is apparently known as one of the major pests on chilli pepper. Another important role of the pest is the capability of transmitting gemini virus on chilli pepper causing yellow diseases. A study on mass propagation of M. sexmaculatus, the predator of B. tabaci, was carried out in Screenhouses of Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute, Lembang, from April to November 2006. Consecutive steps of the study were (1) propagation of the predator using a factorial randomized block design, with 4 host plants and 2 preys, and (2) the test of the capability of M. sexmaculatus as the predator of B. tabaci and Myzus persicae, utilyzing a randomized block design with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The results indicated that a correlation was occurred between host plants and preys. The combination of Brassica sinensis as a host plant with M. persicae as a prey resulted in the best treatment for propagation of the predator with eggs production of 893.33, followed by the combinations of Zea mays with M. persicae, and B. sinensis with B. tabaci. One female of M. sexmaculatus was able to produce 140 to 975 eggs within 8 to 11 days, or 12 to 89 eggs per day. The peak of egg production was occurred from the 5th to 7th day. Mortality of M. sexmaculatus larvae was between 28.66 and 45.47%. The best ratio of female and male of the predator was 1 : 1. Within 24 hours the predator was able to attack B. tabaci and M. persicae up to 51.50 and 168.50 larvae, respectively. Life cycle of the predator was between 56 and 78 days: egg 4-5 days, larvae 20-25 days, pupa 4-6 days, and imago for 28-42 days. Female predators attacked B. tabaci much more than male and larvae. Female predators found preys faster than male ones and larvae, 20.33 seconds for 120 preys. The application of M. sexmaculatus for biological control of B. tabaci will obviously decrease the use of synthetic insecticides

    Selektivitas Beberapa Insektisida Terhadap Hama Liriomyza Huidobrensis Blanchard (Diptera : Agromyzidae) Dan Parasitoid Hemiptarsenus Varicornis Girault (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae)

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    Liriomyza huidobrensis merupakan hama baru pada tanaman kentang. Hama ini pertama kali dilaporkan menyerangtanaman kentang di Puncak, Jawa Barat pada tahun 1994 dan diduga telah resisten terhadap berbagai jenis insektisidadari golongan organofosfat, karbamat, dan piretroid sintetik. Upaya pengendalian hama tersebut diarahkan pada pro -gram pengendalian hama terpadu (PHT). Dalam pro gram tersebut penggunaan insektisida hanya dilakukan apabilapopulasi hama sudah mencapai ambang pengendalian dan jenis insektisida yang digunakan harus selektif. Tujuanpenelitian untuk mengetahui selektivitas 13 jenis insektisida yaitu insektisida yang efektif terhadap hama L.huidobrensis tetapi tidak membahayakan parasitoid Hemiptarsenus varicornis. Metode penelitian yang digunakanadalah metode pencelupan dan umpan beracun (masing-masing terdiri atas enam konsentrasi insektisida yang diujidan empat ulangan). Data mortalitas dikoreksi menggunakan rumus Abbott. Untuk mengetahui nilai LC50 digunakananalisis probit, sedangkan selektivitas insektisida ditentukan dengan membandingkan nilai LC50 insektisida terhadapL. huidobrensis dengan nilai LC50 H. varicornis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa insektisida bensultap 50 WP,siromasin 75 WP, dan abamektin 18 EC merupakan insektisida yang pal ing efektif (LC50 masing-masing 3,92; 7,20;dan 0,54 ppm) untuk mengendalikan L. huidobrensis dan mempunyai sifat selektif (SR<1) terhadap parasitoid H.varicornis. Insektisida klorfenapir 100 SC, dimehipo 400 WSC, dimetoat 400 EC, karbosulfan 200 EC, danamamektin 19 EC merupakan jenis insektisida yang mempunyai daya racun cukup tinggi terhadap parasitoid H.varicornis.Kata kunci : Selektivitas; Insektisida; Liriomyza huidobrensis; Hemiptarsenus varicornis; Parasitoid.AB STRACT. Setiawati, W and A. Somantri. 2002. Se lec tiv ity of sev eral in sec ti cides to Liriomyza huidobrensisBlanchard (Diptera : Agromyzidae) and Hemiptarsenus varicornis Girault (Hymenoptera : Eulophidae)parasitoid. The leafminer flies are newly re corded as a pest on po tato in In do ne sia. It was firstly re ported to at tack po -tato in Puncak, West Java in 1994 and its has be come re sis tance to sev eral in sec ti cides such as mem ber oforganophosphorous, carbamate, and syn thetic pyrethroid groups. The IPM is the best strat egy way to con trol this pest.With the de vel op ment of IPM con cept, there has been in creas ing in ter est in mea sur ing and eval u at ing the im pact of in -secticide on use natural enemies. Selectivity of 13 insecticides on L. huidobrensis and its nat u ral en emy, H. varicorniswas in ves ti gated. The ex per i ment aimed to know the se lec tiv ity of 13 in sec ti cides which toxic to L. huidobrensis lar -vae but less or no toxic to parasitoid H. varicornis. Dip ping method and free feed ing method with six con cen tra tionsand four rep li ca tions were used to test the tox ic ity on L. huidobrensis and H. varicornis. The mor tal ity data of L.huidobrensis and H. varicornis were as sessed af ter treat ment and af ter cor rected by us ing the Abbott for mula. Probitanal y sis was used to de ter mine the LC 50 value. The se lec tiv ity ra tio was cal cu lated by di vid ing the LC50 value of L.huidobrensis with the LC 50 value of H. varicornis. The re sult of this ex per i ment in di cated that the most ef fec tive in -secticides to control L. huidobrensis were bensultap 50 WP; cyromazine 75 WP and abamectin 18 EC (LC 50 valuewere 3.92, 7.20, and 0.54 ppm re spec tively) with smaller se lec tiv ity ra tio (SR<1) for H. varicornis. Chlorfenapir 100SC, dimehypo 400 WSC, dimethoate 400 SC, carbosulfan 200 EC, and ammamektin 19 EC were highly toxic in sec ti -cides to H. varicornis

    Kajian Teknis Dan Ekonomis Sistem Tanam Dua Varietas Cabai Merah Di Dataran Tinggi

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    . Soetiarso, T. A. and W. Setiawati. 2010. Technical and Economical Studies on Two Hot PepperVarieties Planting Systems in Highland Areas. The research was conducted to assess the technical and economicalfeasibility of two hot pepper varieties planting systems i.e. monoculture and intercropping in highland areas. It wascarried out in IVEGRI's experimental garden from September 2006 to February 2007. The treatments used in theresearch consisted of two factors. The first factor was hot pepper varieties (Hot Chili and Tanjung-2) and the secondone was planting systems (monoculture of hot pepper and intercropping of hot pepper + cabbage). The results showedthat hot pepper intercropped with cabbage did not affect the growth of hot pepper. Some important pests and diseasesattacking hot pepper were crickets, thrips, bemisia, myzus, bacterial wilt, and anthracnose. Tanjung-2 was relativelymore resistant to pests and diseases than Hot Chili, and reduces of plant damage up to 50%. Agronomically, the yieldof Tanjung-2 as monocropped or intercropped was lower than Hot Chili. Compared to the other treatments, the use ofHot Chili variety intercropped with cabbage was the most profitable option economically. The marginal returns forthis option was greater than one (>1) and the highest (458.95%). The results suggest that the specifically-designedhighland hot pepper planting systems was not only technically feasible, but also economically viable. Hence, it hasgreat potential to be socially accepted and adopted by farmers as the end-users

    Pengaruh Tumpangsari Tomat Dan Kubis Terhadap Perkembangan Hama Dan Hasil

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil to tal tomat, kubis, serangan OPT, dan nilai kesetaraanlahan (NKL) dalam sistem tumpangsari tomat dan kubis. Tumpangsari yang dicoba adalah tomat monokultur, kubismonokultur, tumpangsari tomat + kubis, tumpangsari tomat + kubis + kubis + tomat, dan tumpangsari tomat + tomat +kubis + tomat + tomat. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah acak kelompok dan ulangan lima kali. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa tumpangsari antara tomat + tomat + kubis + tomat + tomat merupakan kombinasiterbaik dan dapat menekan populasi hama Plutella xylostella sebesar 97% dan Crocilodomia binotalis sebesar 76,2%.Secara kuantitatif produksi tomat maupun kubis yang ditanam sistem ganda (intercropping) lebih tinggi daripadaditanam secara tunggal. Sistem penanaman tomat dan kubis secara tumpangsari memberikan keuntungan karena nilaidari NKL > 1, keuntungan tertinggi diperoleh dari sistem tumpangsari tomat + kubis + kubis + tomat sebesar Rp44.420.000,-/ha.Ef fect of intercropping be tween to mato and cab -bage to pests de vel op ment and yield. The ob jec tives were to eval u ate the to tal yield of to mato, cab bage, and landequiv a lent ra tio in to mato and cab bage intercropping sys tem. Treat ments con sisted of mono cul ture of to mato and cab -bage; intercropping of to mato + cab bage; to mato + cab bage + cab bage + to mato; and to mato + to mato + cab bage + to -mato + to mato. Ran dom ized block de sign with five rep li ca tions was used. The re sult in di cated that intercroppingsys tem of to mato + to mato + cab bage + to mato + to mato was the best com bi na tion to re duce pop u la tion of Plutellaxylostella (97%) and Crocilodomia binotalis (76.2%). Quan ti ta tively, the pro duc tion of to mato and cab bageintercropping sys tem was higher than mono cul ture sys tem. Intercropping sys tem of to mato + cab bage + cab bage +to mato gave the high est profit about Rp. 44.420.000,- per hect are

    Peningkatan Efisiensi Pemupukan NPK dengan Memanfaatkan Bahan Organik terhadap Hasil Tomat

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    Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Cisurupan Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat pada tipe tanah andosol (1.100 m dpl.) pada bulan Juni-Nopember 2002. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pupuk organik dan dosis NPK baik terhadap pertumbuhan maupun hasil tanaman tomat. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok faktorial dengan ulangan empat kali. Perlakuan terdiri dari dua faktor. Faktor pertama jenis pupuk NPK dan faktor kedua jenis bahan organik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara jenis pupuk NPK dan pupuk organik. Penambahan pupuk NPK (50 kg N, 75 kg P2O5, dan 75 kg K2O per hektar) dapat meningkatkan tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, dan bobot buah total per petak. Jenis pupuk NPK yang paling efisien terhadap hasil buah tanaman tomat varietas artaloka adalah 50 kg N, 75 kg P2O5, dan 75 kg K2O per hektar. Increasing NPK fertilizer efficiency through organic material utilization on yield of tomato. The experiment was conducted at Cisurupan Village, Garut, West Java on andosol soil type (1,100 m asl) from June to November 2002. The objective of the experiment were to study the influence of organic fertilizer and kind of NPK application on the growth and yield of tomato. Factorial formula of randomized block design with four replicates was used. Treatments consisted of first factor of NPK fertilizer and second factor was kinds of manure. In fact the results indicated that there was no interaction effect between application of organic fertilizers and NPK fertilizer on both of the growth and yield of tomato. The NPK (50 kg N, 75 kg P2O5, and 75 kg K2O) fertilizer was able to increase plant height, stem diameter, and total fruit weight per plot. The most efficient NPK fertilizer formulas on artaloka tomato yield per plant and total weight was 50 kg N, 75 kg P2O5, and 75 kg K2O per hectare

    Dinamika Populasi Dan Pola Infestasi Liriomyza Huidobrensis Blanchard Pada Tanaman Kentang Di Musim Kemarau Dan Musim Hujan

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    Liriomyza huidobrensis merupakan hama baru pada tanaman kentang. Hama ini pertama kali dilaporkan menyerangtanaman kentang di Puncak, Jawa Barat pada tahun 1994 dan diduga telah resisten terhadap berbagai jenis insektisidaseperti organofosfat, karbamat, dan piretroid sintetik. Upaya pengendalian diarahkan pada pengendalian hamaterpadu yang penerapannya bergantung pada bioekologi serangga hama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untukmengetahui dinamika L. huidobrensis dan musuh alaminya, serta pola infestasi pada tanaman kentang di musimkemarau dan musim hujan. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran Lembang,sejak bulan Juni 1999 sampai dengan bulan Pebruari 2000. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah PetakBerpasangan, terdiri atas dua perlakuan dan diulang enam kali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa L. huidobrensismulai menyerang tanaman kentang sejak umur tiga minggu setelah tanam (MST) dan mencapai puncaknya pada umurempat, enam, dan delapan MST. Keberadaan kompetitor sangat mempengaruhi fluktuasi populasi L. huidobrensis.Selain itu faktor lingkungan abiotik seperti suhu, kelembaban, dan angin juga mempengaruhi fluktuasi populasi L.huidobrensis. Keberadaan musuh alami H. varicornis tidak mampu menekan serangan L. huidobrensis. Penggunaaninsektisida bensultaf 50 WP cukup efektif untuk mengendalikan L. huidobrensis. Pada musim kemarau serangan L.huidobrensis lebih tinggi bila dibandingkan dengan musim hujan. L. huidobrensis lebih memilih daun bawah dantengah sebagai tempat peletakan telur.Kata kunci : Solanum tuberosum; Dinamika populasi; Pola infestasi; Liriomyza huidobrensis; Musim kemarau;Musim hujan.AB STRACT. Setiawati, W., A. Somantri, and Purwati. 2002. Pop u la tion dy namic and in fes ta tion pat tern ofLiriomyza huidobrensis on po tato in dry sea son and rainy sea son. The leafminer flies are newly re corded as a peston po tato in In do ne sia. It was firstly re ported to at tack po tato in Puncak, west Java in 1994 and its has be came re sis -tance to sev eral in sec ti cide such as organophospate, carbamat, and syn thetic pyrethroid. In te grated pest man age mentis the best way to con trol this pest and in for ma tion of bioecology of this pest is im por tant to sup port im ple men ta tion ofin te grated pest man age ment (IPM) tech nol ogy in the field. The ob jec tives of this ex per i ment were to know pop u la tiondy namic of L. huidobrensis and its nat u ral en e mies and in fes ta tion pat tern of this pest on po tato in dry and rainy sea -son. This ex per i ment was con ducted at Re search In sti tute for Veg e ta bles (Lembang, West Java) from June 1999 toFeb ru ary 2000. Comparation paired de sign was used in this ex per i ment with two treat ments and rep li cated six times.Re sults of this ex per i ment in di cated that L. huidobrensis in vaded and at tacked po tato plants start ing from the shootemer gence stage or at three weeks af ter plant ing. Pop u la tion of L. huidobrensis fluc tu ated dur ing the grow ing pe riodof plants, and there were three pop u la tion peaks oc curred at four, six, and eight weeks af ter plant ing. Com pet i tors andabiotic fac tors such as tem per a ture, hu mid ity, and wind were more in flu enced L. huidobrensis pop u la tion thanparasitoid ac tiv ity. Bensultaf 50 WP in sec ti cide was ef fec tive to con trol L. huidobrensis. Pop u la tion of L.huidobrensis was higher in dry sea son than in rainy sea son. The adult of L. huidobrensis pre ferred to feed and ovipositon leaves lo cated in the bot tom and mid dle part of po tato plants

    Preferensi Kumbang Daun Phyllotreta Striolata Fab. (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) Terhadap Berbagai Tanaman Cruciferae Dan Upaya Pengendaliannya Dengan Menggunakan Insektisida Klorpirifos

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    Phyllotreta striolata Fab. (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) merupakan salah satu hama penting pada berbagai jenis tanaman dari famili Cruciferae, Amaranthaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Convolvulacea, dan Fabacea. Kehilangan hasil yang diakibatkannya dapat mencapai 20 – 50% bahkan 100% bila serangan terjadi pada saat tanaman masih muda. Di Indonesia, sampai saat ini belum ada insektisida yang terdaftar untuk mengendalikan P. striolata. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui (1) preferensi P. striolata pada berbagai tanaman Cruciferae seperti sawi putih, sawi hijau, pakcoy, kubis bunga, brokoli, dan kubis, (2) keefektifan insektisida klorpirifos 400 g/l terhadap P. striolata, serta (3) kehilangan hasil yang diakibatkan P. striolata. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium, Rumah Kasa, dan Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, sejak Bulan Maret sampai dengan Agustus 2011. Metode yang digunakan untuk uji preferensi ialah metode choice dan nonchoice. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan ialah acak kelompok. Perlakuan terdiri atas enam jenis kubis-kubisan dan diulang empat kali. Perlakuan yang digunakan untuk uji keefektifan ialah empat konsentrasi insektisida klorpirifos 400 g/l serta kontrol dan diulang lima kali. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap populasi P. striolata, kerusakan tanaman, dan hasil panen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa P. striolata lebih memilih tanaman pakcoy, sawi putih, dan sawi hijau sebagai makanan, tingkat kerusakan pada tanaman terpilih berkisar antara 13,75 – 100%, tanaman kubis merupakan tanaman yang paling tidak disukai oleh P. striolata, aplikasi insektisida klorpirifos 400 g/l pada konsentrasi 1.500 ppm dan 2.000 ppm paling efektif dalam menekan serangan P. striolata, dan mampu mempertahankan hasil panen sawi putih tertinggi masing-masing sebesar 22,87 dan 26,99 t/ha. Insektisida klorpirifos 400 g/l dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan P. striolata pada tanaman sawi putih dan dapat menekan kehilangan hasil sebesar 49,61 – 79,37%