1 research outputs found

    Sistem Monitoring Suhu, Kelembaban, dan Gas Amonia pada Kandang Sapi Berbasis Teknologi Internet of Things

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    Cattle are livestock that are generally kept by residents both in urban and rural areas. However, the existence of cows also has the potential to produce greenhouse gases and endanger the health of breeders due to the levels of ammonia gas produced. Therefore, this study aims to create a monitoring system that can transmit data regarding temperature, humidity, and ammonia gas from cow pens. This monitoring system is designed to display notifications when there are measurements that exceed the specified standard limits. The system is also equipped with a buzzer that will give sound notifications on the equipment made, as well as send notifications in the form of notifications via the Blynk application to the livestock owner's smartphone. To achieve this, this system uses several main components, including server monitoring devices, the Wemos D1 Mini microcontroller, the MQ-135 sensor, and the DHT11 sensor. The microcontroller will be in charge of collecting data from these sensors and sending it to the web server continuously. The data will be used to provide information about the condition of the cowshed. The main objective of developing this tool and web server system is so that the risk can function properly after the tool has been made, so that it can reduce the health of cattle owners due to inaccurate measurements