20 research outputs found

    Pengaruh penggunaan pendekatan konstruktivisme terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis matematik mahasiswa

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    This study aimed to determine the positive influence of constructivist approach to students’ mathematical critical thinking skills and to investigate the students’ attitude towards the use of a constructivist approach. Population in this study were all students of 2014 batch of economic education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Siliwangi University. The sample used was purposive random sampling for consideration, taken two class of five existing classes. One class was class D become an experimental class that used a constructivist approach and the other class was class B become control class using conventional learning model. Data in this study were taken through the test of critical thinking skills and attitude questionnaires that were given in the experimental class. Data were analysed by the average difference test and attitude scale. The results showed a positive effect of the use of constructivism approach toward students’ mathematical critical thinking skills and students showed a positive attitude to the use of a constructivist approach

    Peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman matematis peserta didik melalui metode inkuiri model Alberta

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    This research aimed to observe (1) the improvement of mathematical understanding of students who were taught with Alberta inquiry method compared to conventional method, (2) the differences in improvement of mathematical understanding of students with higher, moderate and lower of mathematical abilities who had learning process with Alberta inquiry method and conventional method, and (3) attitudes of students after learning using Alberta inquiry method. Population in this research were all grade VIII students at Junior High School 12 Tasikmalaya Two classes were selected as the samples. One class was selected as the experiment class and the other served as the control class. The instruments used consisted of understanding skill test and attitudes scale questionnaire. Data processing technique used “normalized gain test“, t-test, Two-way ANOVA. The results showed that the improvement of mathematical understanding and mathematical critical thinking of the students who learned using Alberta Inquiry method were better than this learnd using conventional method. There were differences between the improvement of mathematical understanding of students, with higher, moderate and lower mathematical abilities who learned using Alberta inquiry method compared to there learned using conventional method. Students showed a positive attitude toward learning process using, Alberta inquiry method


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    The aims of this study are : (1) to identify the influences of the using Inquiry Alberta  Learning model to the ability of students’ creativity mathematical thinking, (2) to identify the students’ difficulties faced who get treated by Inquiry Alberta model in completing the tests of mathematical creative thinking ability, (3) to identify students’ difficulties faced who get treated by Problem Based Learning model in completing the tests of mathematical creative thinking ability. The research method used is the Sequential Explanatory Mixed Method Desaign. A question tests of mathematical creative thinking ability and interview guidelines were used as research instrument. Based on the research result , data processing, data analysis and hypothesis testing indicate that (1) there is an effect of using the Inquiry Alberta Learning model in the ability of students’ creativity mathematical thinking. (2) the students’ difficulties faced who get treated by Inquiry Alberta model in completing the test of mathematical creativity thinking ability are in aspects of flexibility, originality, and comprehensively. (3) the students’ difficulties faced who get treated by Problem Based Learning model in completing the test of mathematical creativity thinking ability are also in aspects of fluency, flexibility, originality, and comprehensively


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan koneksi dan komunikasi matematik mahasiswa yang lebih baik antara yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan model Discovery Learningdengan yang mengikuti    pembelajaran langsung, serta untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan koneksi dan komunikasi matematik mahasiswa kelompok tinggi, sedang dan rendah yang mengikuti pembelajaran dengan model Discovery Learning. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa angkatan 2015-2016. Sampel penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa kelas D sebagai kelas eksperimen dan E sebagai kelas kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi soal tes kemampuan koneksi dan komunikasi matematik. Analisis data menggunakan uji perbedaan dua rata-rata untuk mengetahui peningkatan yang lebih baik antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol serta ANOVA satu arah dengan uji Scheffe untuk mengetahui peningkatan yang lebih baik antara kelompok tinggi,  sedang dan rendah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa peningkatan kemampuan koneksi dan komunikasi matematik mahasiswa yang  mengikuti pembelajaran dengan model Discovery Learninglebih baik dari mahasiswa yang mengikuti  pembelajaran langsung. Peningkatan kemampuan koneksi dan komunikasi matematik mahasiswa kelompok sedang lebih baik dari kelompok tinggi dan rendah yang  mengikuti pembelajaran dengan model Discovery Learning.Kata Kunci : Discovery Learning, Kemampuan Koneksi dan Komunikasi Matemati


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    Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kepuasan mahasiswa berdasarkan kinerja dosen dalam proses perkuliahan di FKIP Jurusan Matematika Universitas Siliwangi. Ada beberapa tujuan penelitian ini. Pertama, mengetahui tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa yang dipengaruhi oleh kinerja dosen dalam proses perkuliahan; Kedua, mengetahui kepuasan mahasiswa yang diakibatkan oleh kinerja dosen dalam proses perkuliahan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika dan peneliti mengambil mahasiswa semester ganjil untuk dijadikan sampel penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi angket yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa. Analisis data menggunakan korelasi untuk mengetahui pengaruh kinerja dosen terhadap kepuasan mahasiswa dalam proses perkuliahan. Target penelitian yang ingin dicapai adalah publikasi ilmiah dalam jurnal yang memiliki ISSN atau jurnal nasional terakreditasi. Setelah melaksanakan penelitian, hasil yang diperoleh adalah terdapat hubungan antara kepuasan mahasiswa dilihat dari sisi tangible, reliability, assurance dan emphaty dengan kinerja dosen dalam proses perkuliahan. Sedangkan kepuasan mahasiswa dilihat dari sisi responsiveness tidak terdapat hubungan terhadap kinerja dosen dalam proses perkuliahan. Adapun hasil kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap kinerja dosen menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa cukup puas terhadap kinerja dosen dari berbagai aspek dan faktor yang terdapat dalam proses perkuliahan.Kata Kunci : Kepuasan Mahasiswa, Kinerja Dosen, Proses Perkuliahan


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    This research aimed to know the anxiety learning by using problem based learning model, the ability of problem solving by using problem based learning model, the correlation between anxiety learning with mathematic problem solving ability of learners by using problem based learning model. The  method  used in this research was  an experimental  method.  The  population  were  all  of  the  students  at  grade  VIII  in  MTs Negeri  6 Ciamis and the sampel used was VIII E class using random samping technique, then they were given mathematic learning with problem based learning model. Data were collected throught test mathematic problem solving ability and questionnaire anxiety learning. The techniques was using simple linear regression test. Based  on  data  analysis, it could  be  concluded  that  there  was student  anxiety learning whos learning by using of Problem Based Learning model were classified as medium, student  mathematic problem solving whos learning by using of Problem Based Learning model were classified as good. The second conclusion correlation  between  mathematical problem solving ability  with anxiety learning through Problem Based Learning model with a low negative correlation classification

    Pelatihan Penerapan Rumus-Rumus Cepat Matematika Pada Anak-Anak SD di Lingkungan Perum Bumi Citra Saguling Kawalu Tasikmalaya

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    Matematika dianggap sebagai mata pelajaran yang sulit dan tidak menyenangkan. Sehingga anak-anak kurang begitu menyukai terhadap pelajaran matematika. Upaya meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman terhadap matematika sangat dibutuhkan cara yang mudah dan dapat dipahami  oleh anak-anak dalam pembelajarannya. Penerapan rumus-rumus cepat matematika merupakan hal yang dapat membuat anak-anak suka terhadap matematika. Bentuk pembelajaran dengan menerapkan rumus-rumus cepat dapat memudahkan dan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman serta keterampilan anak-anak dalam mengerjakan soal matematika. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini mengacu kepada metode pelatihan yang terdiri dari tahap persiapan dan pelaksanaan. Metode yang dilakukan diiharapkan dapat menghasilkan target luaran untuk menghasilkan produk berupa Buku penerapan rumus-rumus cepat matematika dan menyenangkan, serta menghasilkan publikasi ilmiah yang dapat diterbitkan pada jurnal Nasional Terakreditas


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    This research aims to know the enhancement mathematical representation and connection ability of learners through cooperative learning model of the GI with scientific approach better than learners who use Discovery Learning model with scientific approach. Also there to knowing the self directed learning learners in learning mathematics through cooperative learning model of the GI with scientific approach. The population in this study were class VII SMPN 8 Tasikmalaya years lessons 2017/2018. The sample in this study is taken as much as two class based on simple random sampling. Selected class VII I as experiments class and class VII B as control class. Instruments used to collect data in this study such as test instruments of mathematical representation and connection ability as well as questionnaire self directed learning. This research method used is a experimental with non equivalent control group design that is part of quasi-experimental. Based on the data analysis and hypothesis testing as well as answering questions of research, the results showed that there the enhancement mathematical representation and connection ability of learners through cooperative learning model of the GI with scientific approach better then of learners through Discovery Learning model with scientific approach and self directed learning learners in learning mathematics through cooperative learning model of the GI with scientific approach included in the interpretations of good

    Eksplorasi etnomatematika dalam merancang kebaya dilihat dari filosofi dan pelajaran matematika

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengekplor etnomatematik dalam merancang kebaya dilihat dari filosofi dan  manfaat pelajaran matematika. Pendekatan menggunakan etnografi. Pelaku dalam penelitian ini bertempat di Bonokeling Desa Pakuncen Kecamatan Jatilawang. Aktivitas dalam kegiatan ini pengamatan dan penelitian terhadap etnomatematik dalam filosofi dan merancang kebaya. Pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara ke informan. Hasil penelitian dilapangan dan wawancara dalam merancang kebaya tidak terlepas dari filosofi karena dalam merancang kebaya tidak terlepas dari pola yang dibuat secara dibuat manual (dengan tangan) dan diukur (dijahit), tapi sekarang kebanyakan dengan mesin jahit. Kebaya yang dikenakan para ibu-ibu di Bonokeling sudah menjadi tradisi dipakai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, ketika ada orang yang meninggal dan acara-acara keagamaan atau ritual-ritual tertentu. Manfaat pelajaran matematika sangat penting kaitannya dengan pola bilangan, geometri dan skala.The purpose of this research is to exploring ethnomatematics in designing kebaya as seen from philosophy and the benefits of mathematics lessons. Approach to using ethnography. The actors in this study were housed in Bonokeling, Pakuncen Village, Jatilawang District. Activities in this activity are observations and research on ethnomatematics in the philosophy and design of kebaya. Data collection by interviewing informants. The results of field research and interviews in designing kebaya are inseparable from philosophy because in designing kebaya is inseparable from patterns that are made manually (by hand) and measured (sewn), but now mostly with sewing machines. Kebaya worn by the mothers in Bonokeling has become a tradition used in everyday life, when there are people who die and certain religious events or rituals. The benefits of mathematics are very important because they are learned in vocational high schools, which have to do with mathematics about number patterns and scale