171 research outputs found

    Uji Kecepatan Algoritma Convex-Hull: Graham Dan Melkman

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    The creating of convex hull for simple polygon is the basic application for computer graphics that can be developed to more complex application. Not all of convex hull algorithms have the same speed and quality, therefore it needs to choose the most appropriate one for our computer graphics application. In this research, two convex hull algorithms will be consider, those are Three Coin's (Graham) and A.A. Melkman's algorithms. Both of them will be compared based on the speed in creating the convex hull. In Three Coins algorithm, we find an extremal point and used bubble sort for its processes, while Melkman algorithm does not used sorting but it uses decque. From the analysis of the program which can be seen from time complexity, it is proved that Three coins algorithm had O(n2) while Melkman algorithm had O(n). From the result of testing repeatedly 25 times, it can be found that the average speed to create convex hull for simple polygon using 50 vertices, Three Coins (Graham) algorithm needs 53,8454 ms, while Melkman algorithm needs 0,116 ms. It means that the Melkman algorithm is faster 464 times than Three Coins (Graham) algorithm to create convex hull for simple polygon

    Pemotongan Poligon Menggunakan Algoritma Weiler Atherton

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    Polygon clipping is the important process in computer graphics applications. Clipping is also a complex algorithm. Many researches have been done at this time to find a better algorithm than the previous one.This research will analyze and implement one of the algorithms, which is Weiler Atherton, and then is compared with Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm, because Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm is well accepted in many applications. The implementation will use Borland Delphi as the programming language. The experiment shows that Weiler Atherton algorithm is slower than Sutherland Hodgeman algorithm, but the advantage is this algorithm can calculate the clipping process that creating more than one polygon. Another result, this algorithm like Sutherland Hodgeman, can only works on rectangle window clipping and cannot calculate the clipping process which the subject is complex polygon

    Prototipe Pemesanan Bahan Pustaka Melalui Web Menggunakan Active Server Page (Asp)

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    Electronic commerce is one of the components in the internet that growing fast in the world. In this research, it is developed the prototype for library service that offers library collection ordering especially books and articles through World Wide Web. In order to get an interaction between seller and buyer, there is an urgency to develop a dynamic web, which needs the technology and software. One of the programming languages is called Active Server Pages (ASP) and it is combining with database system to store data. The other component as an interface between application and database is ActiveX Data Objects (ADO). ASP has an advantage in the scripting method and it is easy to make the configuration with database. This application consists of two major parts those are administrator and user. This prototype has the facilities for editing, searching and looking through ordering information online. Users can also do downloading process for searching and ordering articles. Paying method in this e-commerce system is quite essential because in Indonesia not everybody has a credit card. As a solution to this situation, this prototype has a form for user who does not have credit card. If the bill has been paid, he can do the transaction online. In this case, one of the ASP advantages will be used. This is called "session" when data in process would not be lost as long as the user still in that "session". This will be used in user area and admin area where the users and the admin can do various processes

    Aplikasi Penjualan Kain Kursi Berbasis Mobile

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    The problem which is raised by the traditional shops of furniture fabric was how the process of customer choosing a kind of fabric they want was holding back the selling process for other customers. In this research this problem will be solved by creating an android application which will help a customer to choose a kind of fabric that will suits their tastes.Process of develop the application is started by analyzing how traditional shops' system work to sell these fabrics and by that we can develop a system that will help the application to be a better tool for helping the customers. There are two modules, the website for administrator and shop owners and the mobile application for customers. The website built using Notepad++ software and the mobile application is developed using Android Studio.The website and mobile application can work, ready to help a customer to choose a product faster. The communication process between two-ends also functions properly

    Pembuatan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Pada Toko Mulia Sport

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    Toko Mulia Sport is a shop specialized in the sale of sport tool. Toko Mulia Sport bussines prosses is still done manually. The invoice and data inventory are written by hand. The purpose of this thesis is to produce a administration information system that can help Toko Mulia Sport administrative activities.This information system is used to store items data. Purchase and sale transactions process help to assist the sale product to the customer and the purchase product to the supplier. Product item and transaction reports help to facilitate owner in looking at the data. This information system is built using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 programming language. The data storage system uses Microsoft SQL Server 2008.Based on test results, a system that has been created can help Toko Mulia Sport in conducting transactions or print the report

    Aplikasi E-commerce Www.komputeronline.com Dengan Menggunakan Mysql Dan Php4

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    This research is about the development of the e-commerce www.komputeronline. com website using MySQL as the database server, Apache as the web server and PHP4 as the scripting programming language with Linux as the operating system of the server . This site can be used to do the transaction of the selling computers and its accesorries. The implementation is about shopping mall's facilities (shopping cart) for end users and catalog maintenance's facilities for the administrator. The facilities for the end users in the shopping mall are stuff list based on category and type, search, account status, and at the shopping cart part users can change the quantity, or even cancel the ordering. The facilities for the administrator in the catalog maintenance are search users, maintenance users, look at each user's transactions, look at today's transaction, and change the status of transaction from 'pending' to 'shipped'. The testing that has been done on the komputeronline.com database, with 17 users login at the same time, accessing shopping mall database facilities, shows that the database server and the PHP4 scripting program can run well without any problems

    Perancangan Perhitungan Harga Pokok Produksi Pada Ud. Sumber Abadi

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    UD. Sumber Abadi adalah USAha yang bergerak di bidang industri keramik. UD. Sumber Abadi menjual keramik bermotif. UD. Sumber Abadi juga melayani pesanan dari pelanggan jika ingin merubah ukuran atau warna motif yang ada. Proses perhitungan harga pokok produksi masih dihitung secara manual dengan memperhitungkan biaya bahan baku, biaya overhead serta biaya tenaga kerja yang digunakan. Oleh karena itu UD. Sumber Abadi membutuhkan sistem informasi yang terkomputerisasi. Dengan adanya aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat lebih membantu UD. Sumber Abadi dalam melakukan perhitungan.Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan bermacam – macam laporan yang diperlukan oleh Perusahaan. Menu laporan dapat menampilkan laporan dengan tanggal yang spesifik. Untuk mendesain ERD dan DFD digunakan aplikasi Power Designer 6.0. Aplikasi ini dibuat dengan menggunakan Visual Studio 2005 dan SQLExpress sebagai penyimpan database.Hasil yang diperoleh dari program perhitungan harga pokok produksi terbukti sama dengan perhitungan manual yang ada pada Perusahaan. Hal ini dapat memberikan informasi harga pokok untuk tiap produk yang ada. Hasil dari survei kuisioner, 66,67% user menilai baik dari segi tingkat kebutuhan, 66.67% user menilai baik dari segi keakuratan, dan 66,67% user menilai cukup dari segi desain interface yang ada

    Pembuatan Website Catalog Pariwisata Kabupaten Toraja Utara

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    North Toraja Regency is one of the regencies in Indonesia which is actively developing itself as a tourist destination. North Toraja\u27s tourism has its own uniqueness. It offers different types of tourist attractions compared to those of other regencies. However, due to the lack of tourism information, both local and foreign tourists have not considered North Toraja as an attractive tourist destination. Based on the problem described, there is a need to make a catalogue website that aims to give clear and accurate information regarding North Toraja\u27s various tourist spots.Important information such as North Toraja\u27s rich history, tourist spots, public facilities, arts and crafts, and annual traditional activities or events are all provided in this catalogue website. Thus, tourists can easily obtain complete information about North Toraja\u27s tourism. This website was created using programming languages like PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL database.The catalogue website has many features and information such as user profile, map, tourist spots, public facilities, culture, arts, traditional food, events, recommendations, and photo gallery
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