29 research outputs found

    Reform UK’s climate denial undermines democracy

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    Reform UK and its leaders Nigel Farage and Richard Tice have been promoting misinformation about climate change. In this they follow the playbook of their European counterparts. But even though the party is out of step with the general public’s views on climate change, the denial of scientific truths undermines public trust, and ultimately democracy, argue Pallavi Sethi and Bob Ward

    A policy framework for the creative Pattachitra Artisans at the crossroad of financial scarcity and changing trends

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    The present paper introduces the handicraft known as pattachitra art, which personifies Odisha’s culture and spiritual observances. Pattachitra is a renowned traditional painting of Raghurajpur village in Puri, Odisha (formerly Orissa), Eastern India. The study aims to examine the artisan’s financial accessibility and the problems of financial scarcity confronted by them and to understand various approaches made by them to sustain their painting under changing trends. The study is a mixed method approach that includes a personal interview, observations, and rapid rural appraisal. It also includes SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), and ABC analysis, which helped to prepare a policy framework. Lastly, the paper has documented pictorial facts to show the innovative approaches adapted for sustaining this traditional art. Santrauka Šiame straipsnyje pristatomi amatai, žinomi kaip pattachitros menas, personifikuojantis Odišos kultūrą ir dvasinius ritualus. Pattachitra – tai gerai žinoma tradicinės tapybos rūšis, plėtojama Ragurajpuro kaime, Puryje, Odišoje (ankstesnis pavadinimas – Orisa), Rytų Indijoje. Tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėti amatininkams skiriamą finansinę paramą ir finansinių išteklių trūkumo keliamas problemas, su kuriomis jie susiduria, bei suprasti jų skirtingus požiūrius, siekiant palaikyti šią tapybos rūšį kintančių tendencijų sąlygomis. Tyrimas grindžiamas mišriu metodu, apimančiu asmeninius interviu, stebėjimus ir sparčiai atliktą kaimo vertinimą. Tyrime taip pat taikoma SSGG analizė (stiprybės, silpnybės, galimybės ir grėsmės) ir VGA analizė, kurios padėjo rengiant politikos sistemą. Galiausiai straipsnis grindžiamas iliustruotais faktais, siekiant pademonstruoti inovatyvius požiūrius, pritaikytus šiam tradiciniam menui palaikyti. Reikšminiai žodžiai: amatininkai, kintančios tendencijos, finansinių išteklių trūkumas, Odiša, pattachitra.

    A Rare Case of Huge Cardiomegaly

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    An \u3cem\u3ein Vitro\u3c/em\u3e Assessment of Liposomal Topotecan Simulating Metronomic Chemotherapy in Combination with Radiation in Tumor-Endothelial Spheroids

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    Low dose metronomic chemotherapy (LDMC) refers to prolonged administration of low dose chemotherapy designed to minimize toxicity and target the tumor endothelium, causing tumor growth inhibition. Topotecan (TPT) when administered at its maximum tolerated dose (MTD) is often associated with systemic hematological toxicities. Liposomal encapsulation of TPT enhances efficacy by shielding it from systemic clearance, allowing greater uptake and extended tissue exposure in tumors. Extended release of TPT from liposomal formulations also has the potential to mimic metronomic therapies with fewer treatments. Here we investigate potential toxicities of equivalent doses of free and actively loaded liposomal TPT (LTPT) and compare them to a fractionated low dose regimen of free TPT in tumor-endothelial spheroids (TES) with/without radiation exposure for a prolonged period of 10 days. Using confocal microscopy, TPT fluorescence was monitored to determine the accumulation of drug within TES. These studies showed TES, being more reflective of the in vivo tumor microenvironment, were more sensitive to LTPT in comparison to free TPT with radiation. More importantly, the response of TES to low-dose metronomic TPT with radiation was comparable to similar treatment with LTPT. This TES study suggests nanoparticle formulations designed for extended release of drug can simulate LDMC in vivo

    Toxicity Evaluation of Magnetic Hyperthermia Induced by Remote Actuation of Magnetic Nanoparticles in 3D Micrometastasic Tumor Tissue Analogs for Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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    Magnetic hyperthermia as a treatment modality is acquiring increased recognition for loco-regional therapy of primary and metastatic lung malignancies by pulmonary delivery of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP). The unique characteristic of magnetic nanoparticles to induce localized hyperthermia in the presence of an alternating magnetic field (AMF) allows for preferential killing of cells at the tumor site. In this study we demonstrate the effect of hyperthermia induced by low and high dose of MNP under the influence of an AMF using 3D tumor tissue analogs (TTA) representing the micrometastatic, perfusion independent stage of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) that infiltrates the lungs. While application of inhalable magnetic nanocomposite microparticles (MnMs) to the micrometastatic TNBC model comprised of TTA generated from cancer and stromal cells, showed no measureable adverse effects in the absence of AMF-exposure, magnetic hyperthermia generated under the influence of an AMF in TTA incubated in a high concentration of MNP (1 mg/ mL) caused significant increase in cellular death/ damage with mechanical disintegration and release of cell debris indicating the potential of these inhalable composites as a promising approach for thermal treatment of diseased lungs. The novelty and significance of this study lies in the development of methods to evaluate in vitro the application of inhalable composites containing MNPs in thermal therapy using a physiologically relevant metastatic TNBC model representative of the microenvironmental characteristics in secondary lung malignancies

    3D tumor tissue analogs and their orthotopic implants for understanding tumor-targeting of microenvironment-responsive nanosized chemotherapy and radiation

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    AbstractAn appropriate representation of the tumor microenvironment in tumor models can have a pronounced impact on directing combinatorial treatment strategies and cancer nanotherapeutics. The present study develops a novel 3D co-culture spheroid model (3D TNBC) incorporating tumor cells, endothelial cells and fibroblasts as color-coded murine tumor tissue analogs (TTA) to better represent the tumor milieu of triple negative breast cancer in vitro. Implantation of TTA orthotopically in nude mice, resulted in enhanced growth and aggressive metastasis to ectopic sites. Subsequently, the utility of the model is demonstrated for preferential targeting of irradiated tumor endothelial cells via radiation-induced stromal enrichment of galectin-1 using anginex conjugated nanoparticles (nanobins) carrying arsenic trioxide and cisplatin. Demonstration of a multimodal nanotherapeutic system and inclusion of the biological response to radiation using an in vitro/in vivo tumor model incorporating characteristics of tumor microenvironment presents an advance in preclinical evaluation of existing and novel cancer nanotherapies.From the Clinical EditorExisting in-vivo tumor models are established by implanting tumor cells into nude mice. Here, the authors described their approach 3D spheres containing tumor cells, enodothelial cells and fibroblasts. This would mimic tumor micro-environment more realistically. This interesting 3D model should reflect more accurately tumor response to various drugs and would enable the design of new treatment modalities

    Radiation-Enhanced Therapeutic Targeting of Galectin-1 Enriched Malignant Stroma in Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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    Currently there are no FDA approved targeted therapies for Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC). Ongoing clinical trials for TNBC have focused primarily on targeting the epithelial cancer cells. However, targeted delivery of cytotoxic payloads to the non-transformed tumor associated-endothelium can prove to be an alternate approach that is currently unexplored. The present study is supported by recent findings on elevated expression of stromal galectin-1 in clinical samples of TNBC and our ongoing findings on stromal targeting of radiation induced galectin-1 by the anginex-conjugated arsenic-cisplatin loaded liposomes using a novel murine tumor model. We demonstrate inhibition of tumor growth and metastasis in response to the multimodal nanotherapeutic strategy using a TNBC model with orthotopic tumors originating from 3D tumor tissue analogs (TTA) comprised of tumor cells, endothelial cells and fibroblasts. The ‘rigorous’ combined treatment regimen of radiation and targeted liposomes is also shown to be well tolerated. More importantly, the results presented provide a means to exploit clinically relevant radiation dose for concurrent receptor mediated enhanced delivery of chemotherapy while limiting overall toxicity. The proposed study is significant as it falls in line with developing combinatorial therapeutic approaches for stroma-directed tumor targeting using tumor models that have an appropriate representation of the TNBC microenvironment

    Digitally strengthened, midwife-led intervention to reach the unreached mothers across ten conflict-prone provinces of Afghanistan during humanitarian crisis

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    Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic had significant negative impact on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) with devastating impact on pregnant women in resource constrain humanitarian settings. This paper provides detailed account of a community midwife-led intervention in ten humanitarian settings of Afghanistan using world health organization (WHO) emergency disaster risk management (EDRM) framework.Objectives: The project is aimed at increasing access to Integrated Package of Essential SRH Services and Minimal Initial Service Package (MISP) with a specific focus on prevention of Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH) and screening and management of preeclampsia and eclampsia.Methods: The project was implemented through 150 Community outreach midwives (COMs). Each midwife served 300 households; mentored by gynaecologists and supervisors. Midwives were trained through a digitally enabled, simulation based training and equipped with a set of off-the shelf devices and kits.Results: During COVID-19 pandemic and in absence of health care services during crisis, this intervention has played as a lifesaving intervention for the community in Afghanistan. Variable digital literacy, sociocultural barriers, reluctance in adapting to digital platforms, security and uncertainties were some of the challenges faced. Adaptation of outreach methods integrated high impactful digital technologies has been the most appropriate strategy "to reach the unreached".Conclusion: Through this model, national and global stakeholders were engaged even during the crisis in Afghanistan. It also provided vital inputs for the donors, governments, civil society organizations and other stakeholders for sustaining and advancing the delivery of quality SRH services in humanitarian settings

    Internet of Things: Architectures, Protocols, and Applications

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is defined as a paradigm in which objects equipped with sensors, actuators, and processors communicate with each other to serve a meaningful purpose. In this paper, we survey state-of-the-art methods, protocols, and applications in this new emerging area. This survey paper proposes a novel taxonomy for IoT technologies, highlights some of the most important technologies, and profiles some applications that have the potential to make a striking difference in human life, especially for the differently abled and the elderly. As compared to similar survey papers in the area, this paper is far more comprehensive in its coverage and exhaustively covers most major technologies spanning from sensors to applications