2 research outputs found

    Evaluation of chemical properties in wells in Ghana (A case study in Ho Municipality)

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    The most important inorganic contaminant is nitrate ion, NO3-.Excess nitrate ion in drinking water is a potential health hazard: risk of methemoglobinemia (or “blue-baby” syndrome). Sources of nitrate in groundwater: nitrogen fertilizers, atmospheric deposition, human sewage deposited in septic systems. The results of the study show that the values of parameters of the water samples such as, alkalinity, phosphate and nitrate etc are higher than WHO standards. None of the samples had nil value of nitrates and nitrites. The levels of nitrogen ammonium were less than WHO limits of 1.5 mg/L. All the samples had the phosphate concentration higher than 0.01 mg/L (WHO) Guideline value. The mean values also exceeded the limits. It was recommended that, the focus of any programme designed to deliver safe drinking water should therefore be the effective management and operation of water sources, treatment plants and distribution systems whether piped or manual. This will demand action by water suppliers, environmental protection agencies and health bodies.

    Examination of Faecal Caliform Presence in Groundwater in Ghana (A Case Study in Ketu South Municipality)

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    Samples were taken from wide-dam, open wells and compared with piped city water. Well water from  both districts showed widespread contamination with faecal bacteria. This study revealed high Faecal and Total coliforms in all the samples with varying numbers. The high coliforms content of the eight hand-dug wells poses a health risk and renders the water unsuitable for human consumption. The presence of pathogenic organisms in the water could be attributed to pit latrine in the vicinity that extent their influence on these water qualities, since they are sited close to them. © JASE