103 research outputs found

    La boîte à outils géotechniques de demain: EN 1997-1: 202x Règles générales

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    This paper describes the development of the final Project Team (PT) draft of the next generation of Eurocode 7 Part 1 (EN 1997-1:202x). The use of Nationally Determined Parameters and the drive for ease-of-use is highlighted. Key changes from the previous version of EN 1997-1 are explained, including the introduction of the Geotechnical Design Model; revision of the Geotechnical Categories and their application; the implementation of Consequence Classes and Geotechnical Complexity Classes in achieving the reliability required by the Eurocodes; elaboration on the use of numerical methods within Eurocode 7; the treatment of rock on an equal basis with soil; and greater emphasis on the Observational Method.Postprint (published version

    Deep Brain Stimulation Reveals a Dissociation of Consummatory and Motivated Behaviour in the Medial and Lateral Nucleus Accumbens Shell of the Rat

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    Following the successful application of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and promising results in clinical trials for obsessive compulsive disorder and major depression, DBS is currently being tested in small patient-populations with eating disorders and addiction. However, in spite of its potential use in a broad spectrum of disorders, the mechanisms of action of DBS remain largely unclear and optimal neural targets for stimulation in several disorders have yet to be established. Thus, there is a great need to examine site-specific effects of DBS on a behavioural level and to understand how DBS may modulate pathological behaviour. In view of the possible application of DBS in the treatment of disorders characterized by impaired processing of reward and motivation, like addiction and eating disorders, we examined the effect of DBS of the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) on food-directed behavior. Rats were implanted with bilateral stimulation electrodes in one of three anatomically and functionally distinct sub-areas of the NAcc: the core, lateral shell (lShell) and medial shell (mShell). Subsequently, we studied the effects of DBS on food consumption, and the motivational and appetitive properties of food. The data revealed a functional dissociation between the lShell and mShell. DBS of the lShell reduced motivation to respond for sucrose under a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement, mShell DBS, however, profoundly and selectively increased the intake of chow. DBS of the NAcc core did not alter any form of food-directed behavior studied. DBS of neither structure affected sucrose preference. These data indicate that the intake of chow and the motivation to work for palatable food can independently be modulated by DBS of subregions of the NAcc shell. As such, these findings provide important leads for the possible future application of DBS as a treatment for eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa

    Doelgroepindeling aanbesteding reïntegratie : de relatie tussen persoonskenmerken, kosten en effectiviteit van reïntegratietrajecten

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    Door inzicht vooraf in de vraag voor wie inkoop van bepaalde activiteiten effectief blijkt, kunnen reïntegratie-inspanningen beter gericht worden op mensen voor wie deze inspanningen renderen. De beperkte middelen hoeven dan niet noodzakelijkerwijs voor de gehele populatie ingezet te worden. Het indelen van cliënten in doelgroepen met homogene a priori arbeidsmarktkansen of reïntegratiekansen heeft een aantal voordelen, zoals een efficiënte allocatie van cliënten, meer mogelijkheden voor maatwerk, lagere kosten en minder kans op afroming. Homogene groepen cliënten kunnen worden samengesteld op basis van objectieve kenmerken. Lagere a priori arbeidsmarktkansen hangen bij werklozen samen met een hogere leeftijd en een allochtone achtergrond, met name een Turkse of Marokkaanse. Een relatief hoge a priori arbeidsmarktkans is te vinden bij werklozen afkomstig uit de zakelijke dienstverlening, landbouw, visserij of bouwnijverheid, met een tijdelijk dienstverband en bij seizoenswerklozen. Arbeidsgehandicapten met relatief lage a priori arbeidsmarktkansen zijn ouderen, vrouwen, woonachtig in de noordelijke provincies en met psychische gezondheidsproblemen (passagecliënten)

    The influence of student characteristics on the use of adaptive e-learning material

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    Adaptive e-learning materials can help teachers to educate heterogeneous student groups. This study provides empirical data about the way academic students differ in their learning when using adaptive e-learning materials. Ninety-four students participated in the study. We determined characteristics in a heterogeneous student group by collecting demographic data and measuring motivation and prior knowledge. We also measured the learning paths students followed and learning strategies they used when working with adaptive e-learning material in a molecular biology course. We then combined these data to study if and how student characteristics relate to the learning paths and strategies they used. We observed that students did follow different learning paths. Gender did not have an effect, but (mainly Dutch) BSc students differed from (international) MSc students in the intrinsic motivation they had and the learning paths and strategies they followed when using the adaptive e-learning material. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved