662 research outputs found

    Fractionation of Hydrogen Isotopes by Sulfate- and Nitrate-Reducing Bacteria.

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    Hydrogen atoms from water and food are incorporated into biomass during cellular metabolism and biosynthesis, fractionating the isotopes of hydrogen-protium and deuterium-that are recorded in biomolecules. While these fractionations are often relatively constant in plants, large variations in the magnitude of fractionation are observed for many heterotrophic microbes utilizing different central metabolic pathways. The correlation between metabolism and lipid δ(2)H provides a potential basis for reconstructing environmental and ecological parameters, but the calibration dataset has thus far been limited mainly to aerobes. Here we report on the hydrogen isotopic fractionations of lipids produced by nitrate-respiring and sulfate-reducing bacteria. We observe only small differences in fractionation between oxygen- and nitrate-respiring growth conditions, with a typical pattern of variation between substrates that is broadly consistent with previously described trends. In contrast, fractionation by sulfate-reducing bacteria does not vary significantly between different substrates, even when autotrophic and heterotrophic growth conditions are compared. This result is in marked contrast to previously published observations and has significant implications for the interpretation of environmental hydrogen isotope data. We evaluate these trends in light of metabolic gene content of each strain, growth rate, and potential flux and reservoir-size effects of cellular hydrogen, but find no single variable that can account for the differences between nitrate- and sulfate-respiring bacteria. The emerging picture of bacterial hydrogen isotope fractionation is therefore more complex than the simple correspondence between δ(2)H and metabolic pathway previously understood from aerobes. Despite the complexity, the large signals and rich variability of observed lipid δ(2)H suggest much potential as an environmental recorder of metabolism

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    Transport Anomalies and Marginal Fermi-Liquid Effects at a Quantum Critical Point

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    The behavior of the conductivity and the density of states, as well as the phase relaxation time, of disordered itinerant electrons across a quantum ferromagnetic transition is discussed. It is shown that critical fluctuations lead to anomalies in the temperature and energy dependence of the conductivity and the tunneling density of states, respectively, that are stronger than the usual weak-localization anomalies in a disordered Fermi liquid. This can be used as an experimental probe of the quantum critical behavior. The energy dependence of the phase relaxation time at criticality is shown to be that of a marginal Fermi liquid.Comment: 4 pp., LaTeX, no figs., requires World Scientific style files (included), Contribution to MB1

    Quantifying microbial utilization of petroleum hydrocarbons in salt-marsh sediments using the ^(13)C content of bacterial rRNA

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    Natural remediation of oil spills is catalyzed by complex microbial consortia. Here we take a whole-community approach to investigate bacterial incorporation of petroleum hydrocarbons from a simulated oil spill. We utilized the natural difference in carbon-isotopic abundance between a salt marsh ecosystem supported by the ^(13)C-enriched C4 grass, Spartina alterniflora, and the ^(13)C-depleted composition of petroleum to monitor changes in the ^(13)C content of biomass. Magnetic-bead capture methods for the selective recovery of bacterial RNA were used to monitor the ^(13)C content of bacterial biomass during a two-week experiment. The data show that by the end of the experiment, up to 26% of bacterial biomass derived from consumption of the freshly-spilled oil. The results contrast with the inertness of a nearby relict spill, which occurred in 1969 in West Falmouth, MA. Sequences of 16S rRNA genes from our experimental samples also were consistent with previous reports suggesting the importance of {gamma}- and {delta}-Proteobacteria and Firmicutes in the remineralization of hydrocarbons. The magnetic-bead capture approach makes it possible to quantify uptake of petroleum hydrocarbons by microbes in-situ. Although employed here at the Domain level, RNA-capture procedures can be highly specific. The same strategy could be used with genus-level specificity, something which is not currently possible using the ^(13)C content of biomarker lipids

    Experimental determination of carbonate-associated sulfate δ^(34)S in planktonic foraminifera shells

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    Understanding the coupling of oxygen, carbon, and sulfur cycles in the past is critical for reconstructing the history of biogeochemical cycles, paleoclimatic variations, and oceanic chemistry. The abundance of sulfur isotopes (δ^(34)S) in sulfate from ancient marine carbonates, or carbonate-associated sulfate (CAS), is commonly used, along with other archives (mainly evaporites and barite), to estimate the δ^(34)S of seawater throughout Earth history. Analyses of CAS from hand-picked foraminifera are potentially valuable because this group of organisms is used in numerous paleoceanographic studies. They could provide coupled, high-resolution records of δ^(13)C, δ^(18)O, and δ^(34)S isotopic changes directly linked to orbitally tuned records of climate change through the Cenozoic. Such measurements have not previously been possible due to limitations of sensitivity in conventional IRMS-based techniques. However, the recent development of CAS analysis by multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) now allows us to work on samples containing just a few nmol of sulfur with accuracy for δ^(34)S values approaching 0.1‰ and, consequently, to analyze hand-picked samples of foraminifera shells. Here we report the results of culture experiments with the planktonic species Orbulina universa, that establish a shell:seawater δ^(34)S calibration for future applications to the fossil record. Our new method uses <650 μg of carbonate (∼15 shells) per analysis. The results show that S isotopes are fractionated consistently by −1‰ between seawater and O. universa tests. We also demonstrate that O. universa faithfully records the [SO^(2−)_(4)]/[Ca^(2+)] ratio of the seawater in which it grew

    Neocarchean carbonate-associated sulfate records positive Δ^(33)S anomalies

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    Mass-independent fractionation of sulfur isotopes (reported as Δ^(33S) recorded in Archean sedimentary rocks helps to constrain the composition of Earth’s early atmosphere and the timing of the rise of oxygen ~2.4 billion years ago. Although current hypotheses predict uniformly negative Δ^(33)S for Archean seawater sulfate, this remains untested through the vast majority of Archean time.We applied x-ray absorption spectroscopy to investigate the low sulfate content of particularly well-preserved Neoarchean carbonates and mass spectrometry to measure their Δ^(33)S signatures. We report unexpected, large, widespread positive Δ^(33)S values from stratigraphic sections capturing over 70 million years and diverse depositional environments. Combined with the pyrite record, these results show that sulfate does not carry the expected negative Δ^(33)S from sulfur mass-independent fractionation in the Neoarchean atmosphere

    Fractionation of Hydrogen Isotopes by Sulfate- and Nitrate-Reducing Bacteria

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    Hydrogen atoms from water and food are incorporated into biomass during cellular metabolism and biosynthesis, fractionating the isotopes of hydrogen—protium and deuterium—that are recorded in biomolecules. While these fractionations are often relatively constant in plants, large variations in the magnitude of fractionation are observed for many heterotrophic microbes utilizing different central metabolic pathways. The correlation between metabolism and lipid δ^2H provides a potential basis for reconstructing environmental and ecological parameters, but the calibration dataset has thus far been limited mainly to aerobes. Here we report on the hydrogen isotopic fractionations of lipids produced by nitrate-respiring and sulfate-reducing bacteria. We observe only small differences in fractionation between oxygen- and nitrate-respiring growth conditions, with a typical pattern of variation between substrates that is broadly consistent with previously described trends. In contrast, fractionation by sulfate-reducing bacteria does not vary significantly between different substrates, even when autotrophic and heterotrophic growth conditions are compared. This result is in marked contrast to previously published observations and has significant implications for the interpretation of environmental hydrogen isotope data. We evaluate these trends in light of metabolic gene content of each strain, growth rate, and potential flux and reservoir-size effects of cellular hydrogen, but find no single variable that can account for the differences between nitrate- and sulfate-respiring bacteria. The emerging picture of bacterial hydrogen isotope fractionation is therefore more complex than the simple correspondence between δ^2H and metabolic pathway previously understood from aerobes. Despite the complexity, the large signals and rich variability of observed lipid δ^2H suggest much potential as an environmental recorder of metabolism

    ^2H/^1H variation in microbial lipids is controlled by NADPH metabolism

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    The hydrogen-isotopic compositions (^2H/^1H ratios) of lipids in microbial heterotrophs are known to vary enormously, by at least 40% (400‰) relative. This is particularly surprising, given that most C-bound H in their lipids appear to derive from the growth medium water, rather than from organic substrates, implying that the isotopic fractionation between lipids and water is itself highly variable. Changes in the lipid/water fractionation are also strongly correlated with the type of energy metabolism operating in the host. Because lipids are well preserved in the geologic record, there is thus significant potential for using lipid ^2H/^1H ratios to decipher the metabolism of uncultured microorganisms in both modern and ancient ecosystems. But despite over a decade of research, the precise mechanisms underlying this isotopic variability remain unclear. Differences in the kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) accompanying NADP+ reduction by dehydrogenases and transhydrogenases have been hypothesized as a plausible mechanism. However, this relationship has been difficult to prove because multiple oxidoreductases affect the NADPH pool simultaneously. Here, we cultured five diverse aerobic heterotrophs, plus five Escherichia coli mutants, and used metabolic flux analysis to show that ^2H/^1H fractionations are highly correlated with fluxes through NADP+-reducing and NADPH-balancing reactions. Mass-balance calculations indicate that the full range of ^2H/^1H variability in the investigated organisms can be quantitatively explained by varying fluxes, i.e., with constant KIEs for each involved oxidoreductase across all species. This proves that lipid ^2H/^1H ratios of heterotrophic microbes are quantitatively related to central metabolism and provides a foundation for interpreting ^2H/^1H ratios of environmental lipids and sedimentary hydrocarbons
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