41 research outputs found

    Implementation of a web services-based SDI to control and manage private ownership rights on coastal areas

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    It is stated in the legislation related to the management of coastal areas, particularly in the Coastal Law, that private ownership shall not be allowed in coastal areas in Turkey. However, due to de?ciencies in the legislation, insuf?ciencies in control and enforcement, and, most importantly, lack of interoperability among institutions, it is evident that private ownership exists in coastal areas. According to the Coastal Law and the Regulation for Application of the Coastal Law, Shore Border Line (SBL) infringing sections of a real estate that remain on the coast should be annulled from the title and they should be allocated for public use. In practice, owing to the fact that institutions, which perform title annulment procedures, collect the required spatial data from the related institutions via traditional methods, it is seen that procedures are carried out quite slowly, and the process of title annulment lasts for months. Effective cooperation among many different institutions is needed in the management of coastal areas. The mechanism that will ensure this cooperation is “Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI).” The SDIs are inter- operability infrastructures that allow sharing of the data and services among the related institutions or parties. Service Oriented Architecture and its most common implementation method, web services, are the latest software architecture that is recommended for realizing interoperability. In this study, the legislation related to management of coastal areas in Turkey is examined and institutions, which appear in the process of title annulment of real estates, which remain on the coast by infringing the SBL, and the procedures carried out are explained. Next, a series of web services were designed and developed for an SDI implementation, and it is demonstrated that procedures which are in practice implemented quite slowly by traditional methods can be implemented in a fast and proper manner in a web services-based SDI environment

    Designing and implementation of the foundation information system: a case study of Samsun

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    Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS), konumsal verilerin analiz edilmesi işlevini hızlı ve sağlıklı bir şekilde yerine getirmesi nedeniyle birçok uygulama alanı bulmuştur. Bunlardan biri, konumsal bilgiyi kullanarak, planlama, mühendislik ve yönetimsel faaliyetlerde etkili karar vermeyi sağlayan Taşınmaz Bilgi Sistemleridir. Vakıflar menkul ya da gayrimenkulden oluşan birer mülk topluluğudur. Vakıfların varlığı temelde gayrimenkule dayanmaktadır. Vakıflar idaresindeki taşınmazların fazla oluşu, taşınmaz bilgilerine erişim ve taşınmazlar üzerindeki değişimlerin takip edilmesinde karşılaşılan güçlükler nedeniyle vakıf taşınmazlarının yönetiminde çeşitli sorunlar yaşanmaktadır. Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü, e-devlet stratejisi altında, kurum bünyesindeki ihtiyaçlara cevap verecek şekilde tasarlanan CBS kurma çalışmalarına başlayarak, Vakıflar Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemini 2008 yılında hayata geçirmiştir. Kurulan bilgi sistemi, Infoanalystpro Konumsal Analiz Programı ve WebGIS olarak adlandırılan iki uygulamadan oluşmaktadır. Ancak uygulamada, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğünün geliştirmiş olduğu bilgi sisteminin kullanımı sırasında bazı eksiklikler ve problemlerle karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu da en başta verilerin zamanında güncellenememesine sebep olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, mevcut sistemdeki sorunlar dikkate alınarak, Samsun Vakıflar Bölge Müdürlüğü’nün mülklerinin takibinin sağlanması, envanterlerinin çıkarılması, taşınmazların etkin ve verimli bir biçimde yönetilebilmesi için CBS tabanlı bir Vakıf Bilgi Sistemi tasarlanmış ve geliştirilmiştir.Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have found many applications due to spatial data analysis function be accomplished quickly. One of them is the real estate information system that provides effective decision in planning, engineering and administrative activities by using spatial information. Foundations are communities constituted from movable or real estate properties. The possession of foundations is essentially based on real estates. Starting the works of building the Geographical Information System (GIS) that is designed in a way to meet the needs within the body of the institution under the strategy of e-government, General Directorate for Foundations accomplished the Geographical Information System for Foundations in 2008. The information system is comprised of two parts, which are called Infoanalystpro Spatial Analysis Program and WebGIS. However, some deficiencies and problems are encountered during the use of the information system built by the General Directorate for Foundations in practice. This causes the disability to update the data in time. In this study, taking the problems in the present system into account, a GIS-based Foundation Information System was designed and developed for the purpose of following the properties of Samsun Regional Directorate for Foundations, taking the inventory and administrating the real estate efficiently

    Designing and implementation of the foundation information system of the Samsun province

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    Vakıflar menkul ya da gayrimenkulden oluşan birer mülk topluluğudur. Vakıfların varlığı temelde gayrimenkule dayanmaktadır. Vakıflar idaresindeki taşınmazların fazla oluşu, taşınmaz bilgilerine erişim ve taşınmazlar üzerindeki değişimlerin takip edilmesinde karşılaşılan güçlükler nedeniyle vakıf taşınmazlarının yönetiminde çeşitli sorunlar yaşanmaktadır. Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü, e- devlet stratejisi altında, kurum bünyesindeki ihtiyaçlara cevap verecek şekilde tasarlanan Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemi (CBS) kurma çalışmalarına başlayarak, Vakıflar Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemini 2008 yılında hayata geçirmiştir. Kurulan bilgi sistemi, Infoanalystpro Konumsal Analiz Programı ve WebGIS olarak adlandırılan iki uygulamadan oluşmaktadır. Ancak uygulamada, Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğünün geliştirmiş olduğu bilgi sisteminin kullanımı sırasında bazı eksiklikler ve problemlerle karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu da en başta verilerin zamanında güncellenememesine sebep olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, mevcut sistemdeki sorunlar dikkate alınarak, Samsun Vakıflar Bölge Müdürlüğü’nün mülklerinin takibinin sağlanması, envanterlerinin çıkarılması, taşınmazların etkin ve verimli bir biçimde yönetilebilmesi için CBS tabanlı bir Vakıf Bilgi Sistemi tasarlanmış ve geliştirilmiştir.Foundations are communities constituted from movable or real estate properties. The possession of foundations is essentially based on real estates. Starting the works of building the Geographical Information System (GIS) that is designed in a way to meet the needs within the body of the institution under the strategy of e-government, General Directorate for Foundations accomplished the Geographical Information System for Foundations in 2008. The information system is comprised of two parts, which are called Infoanalystpro Spatial Analysis Program and WebGIS. However, some deficiencies and problems are encountered during the use of the information system built by the General Directorate for Foundations in practice. This causes the disability to update the data in time. In this study, taking the problems in the present system into account, a GIS-based Foundation Information System was designed and developed for the purpose of following the properties of Samsun Regional Directorate for Foundations, taking the inventory and administrating the real estate efficiently

    Estimation of the Coastline Changes Using LIDAR

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    In recent years, sustainable development has been a very popular subject. Sustainable development allows economic growth, social welfare and environmental protection to enhance each other. The management of environmental resources in accordance with the principles of sustainable development has become crucial in many areas including coastal resources. Integrated Coastal Zone Management is one of the tools to achieve this goal. Coastal zones involve many different elements of development and interaction and these elements change due to natural or human factors. Temporal change in coastal zones is reflected on the coast line. Coast line advance and retreat cause major changes on coastal zones. One of the most basic elements of Integrated Coastal Zone Management is the accurate determination of coastal line. For this purpose, tools such as remote sensing, photogrammetry, terrestrial measurements, GPS technology and LIDAR systems, which have been actively used in recent years, are used. In this study, the use of LIDAR technology in order to examine coastline changes was investigated. The coast line was automatically determined using LIDAR measurements of the same area from 2007, 2008 and 2009, and change analysis was made

    Karkamış baraj gölü fitoplankton tür kompozisyonunun belirlenmesi

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    Karkamış Baraj Gölü fitoplankton dağılımı ve bazı fiziko-kimyasal parametreleri, Ocak 2015– Aralık 2015 tarihleri arasında belirlenen beş istasyon da incelenmiştir. Araştırma süresince Karkamış Baraj Gölünde yüzey sularında yıl boyu alınan parametrelerin ortalama değerleri sıcaklık için 14,3 ºC, pH 8,41 çözünmüş oksijen miktarı 10 mg/l olarak, nitrit azotu miktarı 0,019 mg NO2 - -N/L olarak, nitrat azotu miktarı 2,292 mg NO3 - -N/L çözünmüş reaktif fosfor miktarı 0,034 mg o-PO4 -3- P/L, toplam fosfor miktarı 0,016 mg P/L olarak hesaplanmıştır. Karkamış Baraj Gölü’nde Çalışma süresince; Bacillariophyta’ya ait 56, Chlorophyta’ya ait 15, Chrysophyta’ya ait 1, Cyanophyta’ya ait 10, Dinophyta’ya ait 2 ve Euglenophyta’ya ait 1 olmak üzere toplam 85 takson kaydedilmiştir. Bu taksonlardan 44 tanesi tüm istasyonlarda kaydedilmeleri ile önem kazanmışlardır. Bu gruplara ait alglerden en fazla türle temsil edilenler Bacillariophyta’dan Gomphonema (8 takson), Epithemia, Fragilaria, Navicula ve Ulnaria (4’er takson), Cymbella, Gyrosigma ve Nitzschia (3’er takson) ile Cyanophyta’dan Phormidium (3 takson) olmuştur. İstasyonlarda tespit edilenlere göre bakıldığında takson sayısı, en fazla II. istasyonda 59 takson, en az V. istasyonda 50 takson olarak kaydedilmiştir

    Creating real estate maps by using GIS: A case study of Atakum-Samsun/Turkey

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    Determining the real estate evaluations and reflecting them on taxations are among the most important economic resources of the developed countries. In Turkey, the system is not able to ground the real estate evaluations on scientific criteria yet, which causes various problems in applications regarding real estate evaluations (such as estate tax, expropriation, court surveillances) and an important economic loss.Thus, it is required to generate tax-base real estate evaluation maps within the scope of the legal legislation in Turkey. This study aimed to generate a fast, up-to-date and dynamic evaluation map that would form a base for the real estate taxation. The closeness of real estates to the technical infrastructure and social equipment areas and their variety affect the real estate evaluations either positively or negatively and form the local benefit for real estates. This study determined the areas (such as main roads, green spaces, trading areas and urban attraction centers) affecting the evaluations of real estates depending on their positions. In order to make position-based decisions about the data being stored in the Geographical Information System, the geographical data were questioned and monitored with analyses. The acquired data were exposed to necessary analyses in the relevant modules of the GIS programs, which enabled us to grade the factors affecting the evaluation for each parcel and try to generate real estate evaluation maps depending on the evaluation-effect factors to be selected as dynamics. Parcel-based real estate evaluations were determined by imposing vector-based cadastral maps on these maps being generated. In this study, a raster real estate evaluation map was generated in unstructured parcels of a sample neighborhood via the scoring method and with the help of the Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis and both environmental and social factors. This system could enable us to question and analyze the features of parcels and thus, rapidly change them according to the system variables

    Spatial and temporal distribution of phytoplankton in Karkamış Dam Lake (Şanlıurfa/Turkey)

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    The environmental factors that affect the seasonal change of the phytoplankton community and composition in Karkamis Dam Lake were investigated on samples taken from five stations between January 2015 and December 2015. It was found that the phytoplankton of Karkamis Dam Lake consisted of 85 taxa belonging to Bacillariophyta (56 taxa), Chlorophyta (15 taxa), Chrysophyta (1 taxon), Cyanophyta (10 taxa), Dinophyta (2 taxa) and Euglenophyta (1 taxon). Members of Bacillariophyta and Chrysophyta increased well during spring, summer and also at the end of fall whilst Chlorophyta grew well only in summer and fall. Cyanophyta became dominant at the end of spring and in summer. However Dinophyta was remarkably conspicuous in winter as well as in spring and fall in terms of prevalence. Excessive reproduction of Cyanobacteria, which is a characteristic aspect of mesotrophic lakes, was observed in Karkamis Dam Lake in both May and July. Results of physical and chemical measurements and analysis indicated that the lake was mesotrophic based on PCA and Carlson trophic state index. Phytoplankton composition was found to be affected by environmental factors such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, phosphate and nitrate through the year. Using these data, a strong model was developed for sustainable management in Karkamis Dam Lak

    Effect of near-fault ground motion with pulse signal on dynamic response of dam-reservoir-foundation systems

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    U ovom radu cilj je utvrditi učinke impulsnih pomaka tla uslijed bliskih potresa na dinamički odgovor gravitacijskih brana uključujući i interakciju brana – akumulacija – temelj na različite pristupe modeliranju akumulacije kao što su Westergaardov, Lagrangeov i Eulerov pristup. Kao studija slučaja, betonska gravitacijska brana Sarıyar smještena na rijeci Sakarya, 120 km sjeveroistočno od Ankare, odabrana je za istraživanje učinaka impulsnog pomaka tla uslijed bliskog potresa na odziv brane. Prvo su izložena glavna načela i osnovna formulacija pristupa. Zatim su uspostavljeni modeli brane s konačnim elementima uzimajući u obzir interakciju brana-akumulacija-temelj, pomoću računalnog programa ANSYS., sve da bi se odredio strukturni odgovor brane pod utjecajem impulsnog pomaka tla. Linearne privremene analize provedene su korištenjem Taiwan Chi-Chi 1999. i Imperial Valley 1979. koji prikazuju prividne impulse brzine kao reprezentativne za bliske potrese. Na kraju analize uspoređene su dinamičke karakteristike sve kako bi se demonstrirali modeli učinaka domene fluida i učinaka impulsnog signala.This paper aimed to determine the effects of a pulse signal of near-fault ground motion on the dynamic response of gravity dams, including dam-reservoir-foundation interaction, using different reservoir modelling approaches such as Westergaard, Lagrange, and Euler. As a case study, a Sarıyar concrete gravity dam located on the Sakarya River, 120 km northeast of Ankara, was considered for investigating the near-fault ground-motion pulse effects on dam responses. First, the main principles and basic formulations of these approaches were presented. Then, finite element models of the dam were realized considering dam-reservoir-foundation interaction using ANSYS software. To determine the structural response of the dam under pulse effects of the near-fault ground motion, linear transient analyses were performed using the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi and 1979 Imperial Valley ground motions, which display apparent velocity pulses as representative of the near-fault earthquakes. Subsequently, the dynamic characteristics were compared to demonstrate the models of the fluid domain effects and pulse signal effects