43 research outputs found

    A CAD algorithm for RF/microwave interconnect modeling

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    This article presents a numerical technique (CAD) to model and analyse interconnects encountered in the design of high speed/high frequency analog RF/microwave circuits with mixed, lumped and distributed elements to be implemented on-chip. In this method, the interconnect networks are modeled by lossless two-ports composed of simple lumped elements and commensurate transmission lines, which are defined by two-variable scattering functions. Two examples are given to describe the application of the proposed method in, the modeling of interconnects

    Efficiency Analysis and Comparative Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    MANETs are a group of wireless computers in the form of communication network which do not have predetermined structure. Administration and configuration of these kinds of networks are not dependent on any special user. Approach: There are many problems in the creation of Mobile Ad hoc Networks, such as routing, wireless media, energy consumption, transportability and efficiency. Results: Although there are several routing protocol proposals for MANETs, applied sensitivity increase the importance of efficiency related considerations. For example in the case of military field activities, many industrial and vehicular control and monitoring applications some crucial efficiency parameters should be considered such as packet delivery,shortest available path and routing overhead. In this paper we have investigated efficiency of the routing protocols (DSR, AODV, DSDV, TORA, FSR, CBRP and CGSR) so that an engineering methodology could be constructed depending on requirements, restrictions and availabilities. Conclusion/Recommendation: We have also given details of efficiency comparison factors of the routing protocols used in seamless networks which yields these results. From the detailed simulation results and analysis, a suitable routing protocol can be chosen for a specified network and goal

    Efficiency Analysis and Comparative Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    MANETs are a group of wireless computers in the form of communication network which do not have predetermined structure. Administration and configuration of these kinds of networks are not dependent on any special user. Approach: There are many problems in the creation of Mobile Ad hoc Networks, such as routing, wireless media, energy consumption, transportability and efficiency. Results: Although there are several routing protocol proposals for MANETs, applied sensitivity increase the importance of efficiency related considerations. For example in the case of military field activities, many industrial and vehicular control and monitoring applications some crucial efficiency parameters should be considered such as packet delivery,shortest available path and routing overhead. In this paper we have investigated efficiency of the routing protocols (DSR, AODV, DSDV, TORA, FSR, CBRP and CGSR) so that an engineering methodology could be constructed depending on requirements, restrictions and availabilities. Conclusion/Recommendation: We have also given details of efficiency comparison factors of the routing protocols used in seamless networks which yields these results. From the detailed simulation results and analysis, a suitable routing protocol can be chosen for a specified network and goal

    Human Identification Based on Gait Analysis: A survey

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    Biometric systems are developing and generally used technology. Because of this generalization today many secure systems are taking advantage of biometric systems. And one of these latest growing research areas of biometric systems is gait analysis systems

    Construction of some classes of two-variable lossless ladder networks with simple lumped elements and uniform transmission lines

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    In this paper, explicit two-variable description of some classes of ladder networks of high-pass, bandpass and band-reject types are presented. Up to a certain complexity, for two-element kinds of these type regular structures, explicit expressions describing the two-variable scattering functions are obtained

    Impact of Characteristics in Viral Integration Hotspots on Classification Performance

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    Main reason of genetic defects is the disorders in gene regions which are responsible for coding the proteins necessary for normal body functions. By gene therapy, the regions with disorders can be detected and their genetic content can be changed for good. These regions may have special characteristics in terms of nucleotide dispersion which are beyond the known statistical norms of genome. In this study, such a characteristic is defined and its effect on predicting the strand direction of genomic reads (classification) is analyzed. By the analyses, it is observed that Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) method outperforms well known Support Vector Machines (SVM) approach considering the discrimination of reads according to their strand directions

    Classification of Erythematous - Squamous Skin Diseases Through SVM Kernels and Identification of Features with 1-D Continuous Wavelet Coefficient

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    Feature extraction is a kind of dimensionality reduction which refers to the differentiating features of a dataset. In this study, we have worked on ESD_Data Set (33 attributes), composed of clinical and histopathological attributes of erythematous-squamous skin diseases (ESDs) (psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, lichen planus, pityriasis rosea, chronic dermatitis, pityriasis rubra pilaris). It's aimed to obtain distinguishing significant attributes in ESD_Data Set for a successful classification of ESDs. We have focused on three areas: (a) By applying 1-D continuous wavelet coefficient analysis, Principle Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis to ESD_Data Set; w_ESD Data Set, p_ESD Data Set and LESD Data Set were formed. (b) By applying Support Vector Machine kernel algorithms (Linear, Quadratic, Cubic, Gaussian) to these datasets, accuracy rates were obtained. (c) w_ESD Data Set had the highest accuracy. This study seeks to identify deficiencies in literature to determine the distinguishing significant attributes in ESD_Data Set to classify ESDs

    Development of a Networked Control System Platform for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    This paper reports a network based computer simulation and control platform for an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The complete platform has been built by a complex software integration in NIST/ECMA model having user interfaces on distributed platforms, open-source and educational vertical tools accessing public domain maps, satellite images and tool libraries. Entire platform is setup to use UDP for interprocess message communication. Successful integration is illustrated for a UAV and simulation results are presented


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    Feature selection is the important part of microarray analysis and it aims finding most representative subset of the biomarkers. But selection process is a challenging task due to the high dimensional nature of gene expression data. This should also be independent of sample variations in the dataset. In this paper we present a novel hybrid method that incorporates a multi-objective optimization method, called Pareto Optimal approach (PO) with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Firstly, PO was used to selects relevant subsets of the attributes, but it does not give any information about priorities of the selected bio-markers. In order to prevent this problem, AHP is incorporated with PO. AHP prioritize the selected genes by PO. This is further supported with different biomarker selection methods. The proposed method was tested on hypertension prediction