2 research outputs found

    Computing heights via limits of Hodge structures

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    We consider the problem of explicitly computing Beilinson–Bloch heights of homologically trivial cycles on varieties defined over number fields. Recent results have established a congruence, up to the rational span of logarithms of primes, between the height of certain limit mixed Hodge structures and certain Beilinson–Bloch heights obtained from odd-dimensional hypersurfaces with a node. This congruence suggests a new method to compute Beilinson–Bloch heights. Here we explain how to compute the relevant limit mixed Hodge structures in practice, then apply our computational method to a nodal quartic curve and a nodal cubic threefold. In both cases we explain the nature of the primes occurring in the congruence.Number theory, Algebra and Geometr

    Heights on curves and limits of Hodge structures

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    We exhibit a precise connection between Néron–Tate heights on smooth curves and biextension heights of limit mixed Hodge structures associated to smoothing deformations of singular quotient curves. Our approach suggests a new way to compute Beilinson–Bloch heights in higher dimensions.Number theory, Algebra and Geometr