6 research outputs found

    Characterization of the climatic rankins for jamaica (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) Crop in Jalisco, Mexico

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    The present research contains the geographical references detailed by municipal including climatic characteristics, marginal areas, optimal and suboptimal areas where Jamaica as an alternative crop represents a viable option for the maintainable development of those regions with climatic limitations for other crops. Based on the reference data it is considered 125 humidity days as the optimal to develop the crop. In Jalisco 900,000 ha has been reported whit this condition within the nine climatic zones existing. © 2009 Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Characterization of Plasmid-Mediated Quinolone Resistance (PMQR) Genes in Extended-Spectrum ?-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae Pediatric Clinical Isolates in Mexico

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    The present research contains the geographical references detailed by municipal including climatic characteristics, marginal areas, optimal and suboptimal areas where Jamaica as an alternative crop represents a viable option for the maintainable development of those regions with climatic limitations for other crops. Based on the reference data it is considered 125 humidity days as the optimal to develop the crop. In Jalisco 900,000 ha has been reported whit this condition within the nine climatic zones existing. " 2009 Asian Network for Scientific Information.",,,,,,"10.3923/ajps.2009.92.101",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/40004","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-67149094768&partnerID=40&md5=408e8aa09266da75a58e857bd9f325fe",,,,,,"2",,"Asian Journal of Plant Sciences",,"9

    Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on phytic acid concentration and vigor of oat seed (var. Saia) in Mexico [Efecto de la fertilizaci�n nitrogenada y fosforada en el contenido de �cido f�tico y vigor de la semilla de avena de la variedad Saia en M�xico]

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    Oats cereal is a worldwide significant crop. It is grown in restrictive climates and in rainy regions of temperate areas. Cultivation of oats produces high forage yields and grain quality, which gives it a wide variety of uses as animal feed and human food. However, the physiological quality of oat seeds in Mexico faces problems, which impact both their import and export. Phytic acid concentration in the oat seed plays a very important role since it affects seed viability, its germination capacity and potential seedling vigor. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of chemical fertilization on the phytic acid concentration and vigor of oat seeds. The study was conducted at the Technological Institute of Roque (ITR) and the National Research Institute for Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock in Celaya, Guanajuato in 2004 and 2005. Effects of two factors were evaluated at four levels each. Factor A was nitrogen fertilization (60, 100, 140, and 180 kg/ha). Factor B was phosphorus fertiliza ion (40, 80, 120 and 160 kg/ha). Variables measured were phytic acid, protein and amino acid concentrations, and vigor of oat seeds. Results indicated a cubic effect from nitrogen fertilization, and a quadratic effect from phosphorus fertilization, on the phytic acid concentration of oat seeds. The same trends were observed in seed vigor. However, there were no statistical differences in protein concentration for any of the study factors. Amino acid and phytic acid concentrations were not significantly related

    Agronomic traits associated to yield and quality in oat seeds

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    This study aimed the evaluation of the role of plant density and fertilization on yield and quality of oat seeds. Factors as plant density and type of fertilization (nitrogen and phosphoric) were evaluated in the study. Measurements of yield, vigor, germination, volumetric weight, weight of 1000 seeds and protein content were determined in oat seeds. Present results showed that in order to increase yield and seed quality in oat, it is necessary a plant density of 40 kg ha -1, as well as nitrogen fertilization of 60 kg ha -1. Besides, phosphoric fertilization of 80-120 kg ha -1 increased both yield and seed quality. © 2008 Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on phytic acid concentration and vigor of oat seed (var. Saia) in Mexico [Efecto de la fertilización nitrogenada y fosforada en el contenido de ácido fítico y vigor de la semilla de avena de la variedad Saia en México]

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    Oats cereal is a worldwide significant crop. It is grown in restrictive climates and in rainy regions of temperate areas. Cultivation of oats produces high forage yields and grain quality, which gives it a wide variety of uses as animal feed and human food. However, the physiological quality of oat seeds in Mexico faces problems, which impact both their import and export. Phytic acid concentration in the oat seed plays a very important role since it affects seed viability, its germination capacity and potential seedling vigor. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of chemical fertilization on the phytic acid concentration and vigor of oat seeds. The study was conducted at the Technological Institute of Roque (ITR) and the National Research Institute for Forestry, Agricultural and Livestock in Celaya, Guanajuato in 2004 and 2005. Effects of two factors were evaluated at four levels each. Factor A was nitrogen fertilization (60, 100, 140, and 180 kg/ha). Factor B was phosphorus fertiliza ion (40, 80, 120 and 160 kg/ha). Variables measured were phytic acid, protein and amino acid concentrations, and vigor of oat seeds. Results indicated a cubic effect from nitrogen fertilization, and a quadratic effect from phosphorus fertilization, on the phytic acid concentration of oat seeds. The same trends were observed in seed vigor. However, there were no statistical differences in protein concentration for any of the study factors. Amino acid and phytic acid concentrations were not significantly related

    A new lea gene is induced during osmopriming of Capsicum annuum L. seeds

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    The aim of this study was to characterize the transcriptional expression patterns of a new lea gene isolated in a previous work from C. annuum cv. caballero seeds when osmoprimed with PEG and GA3. Capsicum annuum is one of the main horticultural crops in México and routinely their seeds have problems when germinating. To correct this problem, osmopriming treatments based on PEG and GA has been used to improve their vigor. Osmopriming is a strategy developed to improve vigor during seed storage, which causes a reduction in germinability and seedling establishment. Osmopriming consists of the pre-imbibition of seeds in a solution containing an inert osmotic agent such as polyethylene glycol (PEG). In combination with PEG, several other compounds such as gibberellic acid (GA) can be used in order to improve the vigor of seeds. Several ESTs with high induced expression in the osmopriming treatment displayed high homology to LEA proteins and one of them corresponded to a complete cDNA coding a new LEA protein of 73 amino acids (Calea 73 gene). This gene was highly induced in osmoprimed treatments in which KNO3 instead of GA3 was used in combination with PEG on C. annuum cv. caballero seeds. To our knowledge this is the shortest lea gene reported so far. © 2008 Asian Network for Scientific Information