697 research outputs found

    El juego simbólico

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    Sentirse en Casa: Introducción al Proyecto ARIADNE Madrid

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    II Jornada de Arteterapia FEAPA

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    Arts Therapies and the Space Between

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    Análisis y experimentación de efectos de degradación del rendimiento visual debido a estímulos auditivos en entornos virtuales erosivos.

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    In recent years, both consumption and people’s interest in Virtual Reality (VR) are increasing dizzily. This innovative technology provides a number of groundbreaking capabilities while has lately become more accessible due to continued hardware development. In VR, the user turns into an active element that can interact in many ways with the virtual environment, which differs from the user passive role settled in traditional media. This interaction occurs naturally once the user is immersed in the virtual world and senses detect what is happening around. Similarly to reality, human perception can be deceived or altered under certain conditions where our senses gather contradictory or too much information. In fact, an audiovisual suppression effect was reported by Malpica et al. (2020) in which it was proved how auditory stimuli can cause loss of visual information. User’s visual performance degrades when spatially incongruent but temporally consistent sounds are listened at once. Our brain perceives both visual and auditory stimuli although some visual data is lost due to neural interactions. The main goal of this project is to analyze and get a better insight of this audiovisual suppression effect, more concretely, its auditory part. Using the publication previously mentioned as baseline, we create a virtual environment in which both auditory and visual stimuli will be presented to the user. Regarding auditory stimuli, we research how sounds located at the limits of our hearing range can influence the appearance of this effect. Therefore, frequency values associated to hearing limits are obtained for each user and will be used after in the sounds generated throughout the experiment. The participant will encounter not only unimodal stimuli (auditory or visual only) but bimodal (auditory and visual at the same moment) stimuli as well. Bimodal stimuli are dynamically generated in fixed locations keeping temporally consistency, creating the proper conditions under which the audiovisual suppression effect occurs. By keeping stimuli apparition record as well as user performance regarding the moments when any stimuli was perceived, it is possible to check if the user has suffered the suppression effect. The experiments and the frequency test have been performed by a group of 20 participants. The achieved results manifest that detection and recognition rates of visual stimuli are indeed decreased by almost inaudible sounds. Thereby, the audiovisual suppression effect still occurs with auditory stimuli located at the limits of our hearing range. Surveys fulfilled by the participants demonstrated how the majority of them experimented a great feeling of immersion and presence in the virtual world. Besides, it is not appreciated that the experiment has significant side effects neither drawbacks that disturb participants while making the virtual experience worse. Lastly, it is suggested as future work the analysis of the eye-tracking data recorded during the experiment, in order to study how users behave when barely audible sounds are perceived in VR. With the aim of researching the impact that other factors, such as personal emotions and state of mind, may have on the suppression effect, a couple of appropriate gadgets are proposed as well.<br /

    On gathering in Art therapy: a way to understand and build the discipline with the other

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    In the present article I try to share some reflections on a case study of an attachment disorder child I worked with for two years through art therapy in a day hospital. Those reflections let me go deeply in some specific elements concerning the discipline which let us delimit its theoretical and methodological possible scope. In this way, from the specific of the case study on propose to reflect on those elements that conform a methodology related to the art therapist way of doing, in order to concrete and evaluate other possible interventions to develop in similar cases and contexts

    "Reflexiones acerca de la supervisión en Arteterapia"

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    El juego simbólico

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    II Jornada de Arteterapia FEAPA

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