2 research outputs found

    Evaluación del uso de paneles solares como elemento de sombreo en invernaderos

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo experimental, es evaluar el uso de paneles solares como opción de elemento de sombreo en viveros, tanto de gran escala como de pequeña superficie. Esta opción podría elegirse tanto en el caso de no disponer de red de suministro eléctrico cercano así como en el caso de preferir no depender de una fuente de energía eléctrica exterior. Como hecho novedoso, se ha elegido paneles solares flexibles de capa fina y poco peso, que serían situados en la cubierta del invernadero. Dicha elección permite que los paneles se adapten a la forma de la cubierta, sea cual fuere

    Compatison of S-SI, A-SI and CDTE technologies wording at the same conditions, after the first year of electricity production

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    Grid connected solar plants are a good opportunity for their use for research as a secondary objective. In countries were feed-in tariffs are still active, it is possible to include in the design of the solar plant elements for its use for research. In the case of the solar plant presented here both objectives are covered. The solar plant of this work is formed by PV modules of three different technologies: Multicrystalline, amorphous and CdTe. In one part of the solar plant, the three technologies are working at the same conditions, not only ambient conditions but also similar voltage and current input to the inverters. Both the commercial and the experimental parts of the solar plant have their own independent inverters with their meters but are finally connected to the same meter to inject. In this work we analyse the results for the first year of operation of the experimental solar plant. Productions of three different technologies in exactly the same conditions are compared and presented. According to the results, all the three technologies have conversion efficiencies dropping when the temperature increases. Amorphous module experiences the lesser reduction, whereas the multicrystalline module suffers the most