2,189 research outputs found

    The Measurement of Intellectual Influence: the Views of a Sceptic

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    In an extremely interesting paper, Palacios-Huerta and Volij (2004) [PV] introduce the axiomatic method to the problem of how to rank academic journals on the basis of their mutual citations. They characterize the invariant method as the only one satisfying a list of five appealing properties. In this note, I show an impossibility result, by identifying a sixth property that is violated by the invariant method. Further, I question the appeal of the PV axioms, when applied over larger domains of problems that take into account making distinctions among types of citations.

    The Theory of Implementation of Social Choice Rules

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    Suppose that the goals of a society can be summarized in a social choice rule, i.e., a mapping from relevant underlying parameters to final outcomes. Typically, the underlying parameters (e.g., individual preferences) are private information to the agents in society. The implementation problem is then formulated: under what circumstances can one design a mechanism so that the private information is truthfully elicited and the social optimum ends up being implemented? In designing such a mechanism, appropriate incentives will have to be given to the agents so that they do not wish to misrepresent their information. The theory of implementation or mechanism design formalizes this “social engineering” problem and provides answers to the question just posed. I survey the theory of implementation in this article, emphasizing the results based on two behavioral assumptions for the agents (dominant strategies and Nash equilibrium). Examples discussed include voting, and the allocation of private and public goods under complete and incomplete information.Implementation Theory, Mechanism Design, Asymmetric Information, Decentralization, Game Theory, Dominance, Nash Equilibrium, Monotonicity

    On Watson's Non-Forcing Contracts and Renegotiation

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    Watson (2007) proposes non-forcing contracts as a way to show the limitations of the mechanism design program with ex-post renegotia- tion (Maskin and Moore (1999)). If one takes a partial implementation approach, as Watson does, we show that non-forcing contracts do not con- stitute an intermediate paradigm between implementation with no renego- tiation and with ex-post renegotiation. Moreover, taking a full implemen- tation approach, non-forcing contracts fail if and only if one goes outside of the constraints identified by Maskin and Moore, because of the appearance of undesirable equilibria.contracts, renegotiation, mechanism design

    On Watson's Non-Forcing Contracts and Renegotiation

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    Watson (2002) proposes non-forcing contracts as a way to show the limitations of the mechanism design program with ex-post renegotiation (Maskin and Moore (1999)). If one takes a partial implementation approach, as Watson does, we show that non-forcing contracts do not constitute an intermediate paradigm between implementation with no renegotiation and with ex-post renegotiation. Moreover, taking a full implementation approach, non-forcing contracts fail if and only if one goes outside of the constraints identified by Maskin and Moore, because of the appearance of undesirable equilibria.Contracts, Renegotiation, Mechanism Design

    Mistakes in cooperation: the stochastic stability of edgeworth's recontracting

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    In an exchange economy with a finite number of indivisible goods, we analyze a dynamic trading process of coalitional recontracting where agents maymake mistakes with small probability. We show first that the recurrent classes of the unperturbed (mistake-free) process consist of (i) all core allocations as absorbing states, and (ii) non-singleton classes of non-core allocations. Next, we introduce a perturbed process, where the resistance of each transition is a function of the number of agents that make mistakes -do not improve- in the transition and of the seriousness of each mistake. If preferences are always strict, we show that the unique stochastically stable state of the perturbed process is the Walrasian allocation. In economies with indifferences, non-core cycles are sometimes stochastically stable, while some core allocations are not. The robustness of these results is confirmed in a weak coalitional recontracting process