66 research outputs found

    The versatility of color in contemporary architecture

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Serra, J. (2013), The versatility of color in contemporary architecture. Color Res. Appl., 38: 344–355. doi: 10.1002/col.21734, which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/col.21734/abstractIn the 21st century, there has been a noticeable move toward the versatility of color in architecture. This can be attested to through an analysis of the color of buildings designed by some of the leading modern and contemporary architects, and a critical review of works written about the colors used in their buildings. This analysis goes on to identify four concepts related to the term versatility: transformation, fragmentation, movement, and novelty. These four concepts help us to understand the way color is conceived and arranged in contemporary architecture. By doing so, we aim to re-establish the importance of color in the design of architecture, overcoming some former theoretical and practical preconceptions stemming from the modern era. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 2012Serra Lluch, J. (2013). The versatility of color in contemporary architecture. Color Research and Application. 38(5):344-355. doi:10.1002/col.21734S344355385Sosa Sánchez RP Una reflexión sobre la noción de fragmentación en la sociedad de cambio de siglo: Revista de antropología experimental 8 Jaén (Spain) Universidad de Jaén 2008 397 401http://skinarchitecture.comMallgrave, H. F. (2005). Modern Architectural Theory. doi:10.1017/cbo97805114977282011 http://www.mvrdv.nl/#/projects/028silodamCarro R Le Corbusier nos hizo el regalo del muro blanco: VIA Arquitectura 13 2003 8 17http://www.arranz.net/web.arch-mag.com/5/homeless/05s.htmlArcagni SKoolhaas R Junkspace 100 Cambridge MIT press 2002 175 190Wigley Mark in Serra , J. 201


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    Serra Lluch, JDR. (2022). Editorial. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/18996

    COLOR AND SPACE, PRACTICE AND THEORY. Reflections with Matthias Sauerbruch and Mark Wigley

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    [EN] This text is the result of some reflections raised in individual interviews both with architect Matthias Sauerbruch and Mark Wigley. Matthias Sauerbruch, together with Louisa Hutton, has developed an architectural career in which color has played an outstanding role and a consistent implementation. Mark Wigley, dean of the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University, is a prominent architect with numerous studies on leading matters related to architecture. With regard to color in architecture, it highlights his writing ¿White walls, designer dresses.¿ Both interviews were carried out during the congress ¿More for less¿, held in Pamplona from 9th to 11th of June of 2010. We express our most sincere thanks to both Matthias and Mark for their generous contribution, and of course to the congress¿ organization.[ES] Este texto es el resultado de algunas reflexiones planteadas en sendas entrevistas con los arquitectos Matthias Sauerbruch y Mark Wigley. Matthias Sauerbruch posee, junto con Louisa Hutton, una trayectoria arquitectónica en la que el color ha desempeñado un papel muy relevante y ha sido objeto de una coherente puesta en práctica. Mark Wigley, director del Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation en la Universidad de Columbia, es un arquitecto destacado por sus numerosos estudios sobre temas de actualidad en la arquitectura. Respecto al color y la arquitectura destaca su libro ¿White Walls, Designer Dresses¿. Las entrevistas se desarrollan con motivo del congreso ¿más por menos¿, celebrado en Pamplona del 9 al 11 de junio del 2010. Nuestro más sincero agradecimiento tanto a Matthias como a Mark por su generosa colaboración, así como a la organización del congreso por las facilidades prestadas para el desarrollo de este artículo.Serra Lluch, JDR. (2011). COLOR Y ESPACIO, PRÁCTICA Y TEORÍA. Reflexiones con Matthias Sauerbruch y Mark Wigley. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 16(18):280-287. doi:10.4995/ega.2011.1113SWORD280287161

    Color composition in postmodern western architecture

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    This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Serra, J. and Codoñer, Á. G. (2014), Color composition in postmodern western architecture. Color Res. Appl., 39: 399–412. doi: 10.1002/col.21814, which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/col.21814/abstractThis research aims to know some of the most innovative aspects of color in composition of postmodern architecture in Europe, approximately between 1960 and 2000. We describe the main chromatic trends in this period following historian JA. Ramírez's formal classification: the new utopias (‘60s), neo-illuminist rationalism (‘70s), figurative postmodernity (‘80s), and deconstructivism (‘90s). For each trend, we point out some color composition features; analyze a case study building; and reflect on later influence on contemporary colored architecture. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Serra Lluch, J.; García Codoñer, Á. (2014). Color composition in postmodern western architecture. Color Research and Application. 39(4):399-412. doi:10.1002/col.21814S399412394Thoenes C Evers B Teoría de la arquitectura: del Renacimiento a la actualidad Köln Taschen 2006 575Porter T Colour in the Looking Glass UK Architectural Design: Colour in Architecture 1996 8 10Rogers R Theory: Legibility [Online] www.richardrogers.co.uk/theory/legibilityMeier R The Pritzker Architecture Prize: Acceptance Speech [Online] 1984 http://www.pritzkerprize.com/1984/ceremony_speech1Braghieri G Aldo Rossi Barcelona Gustavo Gili 1982 72 73Hess A Colorful landmarks: How color shaped public space in 1950s suburbia Doherty G Cambridge New Geographies 3: Urbanisms of Color, Harvard University press 2010 108 109Schindler VM Polychrome Environments at the Centre Pompidou in Paris: An Interview with France and Michel Cler, ArchitectôColour Consultants www.istitutocolore.it/attivita.aspHess A Colorful landmarks: How color shaped public space in 1950s suburbia Doherty G Cambridge New Geographies 3: Urbanisms of Color 2010 106 113Serra J. Projects Born by Colours: An Interview with British Architect William Alsop Valencia EGA Expresiûn Gráfica Arquitectónica 196 197MVRDV Projects Realized http://www.mvrdv.nl/#/news/074studiothonikHadid Z Futagawa Y Zaha M Hadid Tokyo: A.D.A. Edita 1995 66 9

    The “Plan for the city of St. Augustine, Florida and its surroundings, located at 29 degrees and 50 minutes north” by Antonio de Arredondo in 1737. An ideal for a city in 18th century Spanish Florida

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    [ES] El siglo XVIII verá, con la instauración del real cuerpo de ingenieros militares en el año 1711, el advenimiento de una nueva figura que transformará las características gráficas de la cartografía española. El ingeniero militar, dotado de nuevas herramientas cartográficas normalizadas, iniciará un proceso de definición objetiva de los territorios españoles del Nuevo Mundo, que le aleja de las cartografías y planimetrías urbanas y militares que caracterizaron el proceso de conquista y colonización los dos siglos anteriores. Para estudiar las características de estas nuevas cartografías se analiza el plano de Antonio de Arredondo para la ciudad de San Agustín de la Florida, ya que el mismo ejemplifica las características gráficas y los principios teóricos que sustentaron el proceso de implantación del ingeniero militar español en el Nuevo Mundo en las primeras décadas del siglo XVIII.[EN] The 18th Century saw, with the establishment of the Royal Engineers Corps in 1711, the arrival of a new figure which would transform the graphical characteristics of Spanish Cartography. The military engineer, equipped with new regulatory cartographic tools, began the process of objectively defining Spanish territories in the New World, which would be a move away from the urban and military cartography and planimetries which were characteristic of the conquest and colonialization of the previous centuries. As a basis for the study of this new cartography, we will analyse Antonio de Arredondo’s plan for the city of San Agustín de la Florida (St. Augustine, Florida), given that it perfectly exemplifies the graphical characteristics and theoretical principles which fostered the process of the establishment of the Spanish military engineer in the New World in the opening decades of the 18th Century.Llopis Verdú, J.; Piquer Cases, JC.; Serra Lluch, JDR. (2020). El “Plan de la ciudad de San Agustín de la Florida y sus contornos, situada en la altura septentrional de 29 grados y 50 minutos” de Antonio de Arredondo de 1737. Una ciudad ideal en La Florida Española en el siglo XVIII. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 25(39):182-195. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.13953OJS1821952539ARNAL, L. (Coord.) 2006. Arquitectura y urbanismo del septentrión novohispano. Fundaciones en la Florida y el Seno Mexicano II. Siglos XVI al XVIII. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.ARANA, L.R. "Defenses and Defenders at St. Augustine". En El Escribano: The St. Augustine Journal of History, Vol. 36.BUISSERET, D. 2004. La revolución cartográfica en Europa, 1400-1800. La representación de los nuevos mundos en la Europa del Renacimiento. Paidós, Barcelona.CÁMARA, A. 1991. "El dibujo en la ingeniería militar del siglo XVI". A Distancia, págs, 24-30. - 2005. Esos desconocidos ingenieros. En CÁMARA Muñoz, A. (coord.). Los ingenieros militares de la monarquía hispánica en los siglos XVII y XVIII. Asociación Española de Amigos de los Castillos; Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica; España Ministerio de Defensa. Madrid. pp.33-54.CAPEL SÁEZ, H. (coord.). 1983. Los Ingenieros militares en España. siglo XVIII: repertorio biográfico e inventario de su labor científica y espacial. Universitat de Barcelona. Edicions i Publicacions.CHÍAS, P. 2011. La cartografía española de las costas de Norteamérica de los siglos XVI al XVIII: Aportaciones al contexto científico internacional. EGA. Revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica, 16 (18), 38-49. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2011.981DE LA FLOR, F. R. 2005. El imaginario de la fortificación entre el Barroco y la Ilustración española. Los ingenieros militares de la monarquía hispánica en los siglos XVII y XVIII. Fernando de Villaverde Ediciones. pp. 33-53DE LA TORRE, I, 2003. Una maqueta para un rey: el estudio de fortificación de Felipe V. En Tesoros del Museo del Ejército, pp.115-135.DE MONTEQUIN, F. A. 1980. El proceso de urbanización en San Agustín de la Florida, 15651821: arquitectura civil y militar. Anuario de Estudios Americanos, 37, 583-647.FRANCIS, M.J. 2015. St. Augustine America's First CitY. A Story of Unbroken History & Enduring Spirit. Éditions du Signe, Strasburg.GONZÁLEZ, J. 1979. Catálogo de mapas y planos de la Florida y la Luisiana. Dirección General del Patrimonio Artístico, Archivos y Museos.MONCADA, J. O. 1993. Ingenieros militares en Nueva España: inventario de su labor científica y espacial; siglos XVI a XVIII. Univ. Nacional Autónoma de México, Inst. de Geografía, Inst. de Inv. Soc.MUÑOZ, J.M. 2016. Urgencias cartográficas militares en le España de la primera mitad del siglo XVIII. Ordenanza de ingenieros y Academia de Matemática. En El dibujante ingeniero al servicio de la monarquía hispánica: siglos XVI-XVIII. Fundación Juanelo Turriano. pp.91-118MUÑOZ, A. 2016. Instrumentos, métodos de elaboración y sistemas de representación del proyecto de fortificación entre los siglos XVI y XVIII. En El dibujante ingeniero al servicio de la monarquía hispánica: siglos XVI-XVIII. Fundación Juanelo Turriano. pp. 17-43

    The Miralles poetic drawing experiments and creates

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    [EN] To understand the architecture of Enric Miralles it is necessary to understand how he drew it, it was his design process that defined his architecture and drawing, the main instrument in this creative evolution. His drawing was always intentional and it was his main tool. Draw, draw and draw again, this was his main method. His strategies focused on a work process that distances itself from the resources used in a certain current architecture world. The drawing was the instrument of dialogue, capable of selecting the lines that would define and transform all the conditions and concerns, into a concrete architectural reality. By way of synthesis, we will say that he used on numerous occasions in an indiscriminate way and with poetic intention, a spoken drawing, a representation drawing, an abstract drawing and a projection drawing.[ES] Para entender la arquitectura de Enric Miralles es necesario comprender como la dibujaba, era su proceso proyectual el que definía su arquitectura y el dibujo, el instrumento principal en este devenir creativo. Su dibujo era siempre de intención y fue su principal herramienta. Dibujar, dibujar y volver a dibujar, éste era su método principal. Sus estrategias se centraban en un proceso de trabajo que se distancia de los recursos utilizados en el mundo de cierta arquitectura actual. El dibujo era el instrumento de diálogo, capaz de seleccionar las líneas que definirían y transformarían todos los condicionantes e inquietudes, en una realidad arquitectónica concreta. A modo de síntesis diremos que utilizó en numerosas ocasiones de forma indiscriminada y con intención poética, un dibujo “hablado”, un dibujo de “representación”, un dibujo “abstracto” y un dibujo de “proyectación”.Giménez Mateu, L.; Gilabert Sanz, S.; Serra Lluch, JDR. (2022). El dibujo poeta de un Miralles que experimenta y crea. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 27(46):264-283. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2022.18730264283274

    Preferencias de arquitectos y diseñadores jóvenes respecto de las combinaciones de colores de Le Corbusier para espacios interiores

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    Le Corbusier ha tenido una influencia fundamental en la arquitectura contemporánea y sus Pianos de Colores Salubra 1932 siguen despertando el interés de los entusiastas de la modernidad, así como de numerosas empresas de suministros para la construcción. No obstante, se desconoce la vigencia de tales combinaciones de colores en opinión de las generaciones actuales. Para ello, evaluamos con una muestra de 644 arquitectos y diseñadores jóvenes (20,5 años de media) de Europa Occidental y el Cercano Oriente, sus preferencias respecto a las 312 combinaciones de cuatro colores contenidas en los Pianos Salubra, aplicadas en una imagen digital del interior de un dormitorio del Pabellón Suizo (1930- 31). Se analizan las preferencias de los colores individualmente y en grupos, considerando que dos corresponden a “fondos” y dos a “acentos”. Esta comunicación resume los resultados de sendos estudios ya publicados en Color Research and Application y Frontiers of Architectural Research

    Color preference cool versus warm in nursing homes depends on the expected activity for interior spaces

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    [EN] This study explores the color preferences of elderly residents of nursing homes based on the expected activities for different rooms, activity rooms, and bedrooms and compares the results with the arousal level induced by each color. Two experiments were conducted, one with elderly people living in nursing homes in the Valencian Community, and the other in a laboratory with virtual reality and physiological markers (i.e., heart rate variability). Individuals assessed six colors in two groups of warm and cool. Results demonstrate that preferences for warm and cool colors depend on the room type. For the activity room, warm colors were preferred over the cool colors by both genders, fitting the higher arousal levels induced by warm versus cool colors. For the bedrooms, cool colors were preferred by both genders, fitting the lower arousal levels induced by cool colors in females and the other models that suggest a U-shaped relation between the arousal level and the visible spectra of colors. Therefore, the color preferences for interior spaces in nursing homes depend on the room type and are related to the arousal level for the expected activity in them.This paper is part of the research project, "Modifications of the Visual Comfort in Residential Centers to Improve the Quality of Life for the Elderly," funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad), Spain [Grant Number BIA2016-79308-R]. We thank Dr. Begona Mateo, D. Jose Francisco Serrano and D. Carlos Planells, members of the IBV, for their assistance in the development of Experiment 2.Torres Barchino, AM.; Serra Lluch, J.; Llopis Verdú, J.; Delcampo, A. (2020). Color preference cool versus warm in nursing homes depends on the expected activity for interior spaces. Frontiers of Architectural Research (Online). 9(4):739-750. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foar.2020.06.002S73975094Ainsworth, R. A., Simpson, L., & Cassell, D. (1993). Effects of Three Colors in an Office Interior on Mood and Performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 76(1), 235-241. doi:10.2466/pms.1993.76.1.235AL-Ayash, A., Kane, R. T., Smith, D., & Green-Armytage, P. (2015). The influence of color on student emotion, heart rate, and performance in learning environments. Color Research & Application, 41(2), 196-205. doi:10.1002/col.21949Al-Rasheed, A. S. (2015). An experimental study of gender and cultural differences in hue preference. Frontiers in Psychology, 6. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00030Appelhans, B. M., & Luecken, L. J. (2006). Heart Rate Variability as an Index of Regulated Emotional Responding. 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    Influence of color in a lactation room on users affective impressions and preferences

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    [EN] Objective: The present study aims to examine the influence of environmental color hue in a lactation room at a health center on users' affective response and preference. Background: Hospital design plays an important role in the emotional experience of patients. In this regard, many studies have attempted to find relationships between design variables and healthcare facilities users' response. Color has been frequently examined because it is always present in the environment and can be easily changed. However, most of the studies dealing with color-emotion relationships acquire users' affective response by questionnaires developed by experts which could lead to inaccurate results since nonexperts may misunderstand concepts set by experts and use nonimmersive images to simulate the environments to assess. Methods: To overcome these limitations, a Kansei Engineering-based approach was proposed. In the first phase, users' specific affective factors for lactation rooms were determined using Semantic Differential. In the second phase, the influence of nine different color hues on users' affective factors was obtained. An immersive display system was used to visualize the room altering hues in an isolated and controlled way. Results: (1) Six user's affective factors connected to the lactation rooms were discovered: safety, elegance, coziness, spaciousness, simplicity, and luminosity, of which coziness has the most impact on the assessment of the room. (2) Warm colors like orange and yellow tend to score highly for coziness which puts them in leading positions when users' assess lactation rooms. Conclusions: Results provide recommendations for designers and show the advantages of using semantic differential and immersive displays to analyze user's affective response to environments.The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. Spain [Project TIN2013-45736-R].López-Tarruella, J.; Llinares Millán, MDC.; Serra Lluch, J.; Iñarra Abad, S.; Wijk, H. (2019). Influence of color in a lactation room on users affective impressions and preferences. HERD Health Environments Research & Design Journal. 12(2):55-70. https://doi.org/10.1177/19375867187965935570122Codinhoto, R., Tzortzopoulos, P., Kagioglou, M., Aouad, G., & Cooper, R. (2009). The impacts of the built environment on health outcomes. Facilities, 27(3/4), 138-151. doi:10.1108/02632770910933152Dalke, H., Little, J., Niemann, E., Camgoz, N., Steadman, G., Hill, S., & Stott, L. (2006). Colour and lighting in hospital design. Optics & Laser Technology, 38(4-6), 343-365. doi:10.1016/j.optlastec.2005.06.040Faul, F., Erdfelder, E., Lang, A.-G., & Buchner, A. (2007). G*Power 3: A flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences. Behavior Research Methods, 39(2), 175-191. doi:10.3758/bf03193146Gao, X.-P., & Xin, J. H. (2006). Investigation of human’s emotional responses on colors. Color Research & Application, 31(5), 411-417. doi:10.1002/col.20246Gledhill, D., Tian, G. Y., Taylor, D., & Clarke, D. (2003). Panoramic imaging—a review. Computers & Graphics, 27(3), 435-445. doi:10.1016/s0097-8493(03)00038-4Gray, W. A., Kesten, K. S., Hurst, S., & Anderko, L. (2012). Using Clinical Simulation Centers to Test Design Interventions: A Pilot Study of Lighting and Color Modifications. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 5(3), 46-65. doi:10.1177/193758671200500306Trujillo, J. L. H., Aviñó, A. M. i, & Millán, C. L. (2016). User Evaluation of Neonatology Ward Design. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 10(2), 23-48. doi:10.1177/1937586716641275Kaya, N., & Crosby, M. (2005). Color associations with different building types: An experimental study on American college students. Color Research & Application, 31(1), 67-71. doi:10.1002/col.20174Küller, R., Mikellides, B., & Janssens, J. (2009). Color, arousal, and performance-A comparison of three experiments. Color Research & Application, 34(2), 141-152. doi:10.1002/col.20476Leino-Kilpi, H., Välimäki, M., Dassen, T., Gasull, M., Lemonidou, C., Scott, A., & Arndt, M. (2001). Privacy: a review of the literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 38(6), 663-671. doi:10.1016/s0020-7489(00)00111-5López-Tarruella Maldonado, J., LINARES MILLAN, C., GUIXERES PROVINCIALE, J., & HIGUERA TRUJILLO, J. L. (2016). ENTORNOS VIRTUALES ONLINE Y DISEÑO CENTRADO EN EL USUARIO: UN ESTUDIO DE CASO. DYNA INGENIERIA E INDUSTRIA, 91(1), 634-638. doi:10.6036/7905Malenbaum, S., Keefe, F. J., Williams, A. C. de C., Ulrich, R., & Somers, T. J. (2008). Pain in its environmental context: Implications for designing environments to enhance pain control. Pain, 134(3), 241-244. doi:10.1016/j.pain.2007.12.002Manav, B. (2007). Color-emotion associations and color preferences: A case study for residences. Color Research & Application, 32(2), 144-150. doi:10.1002/col.20294Mourshed, M., & Zhao, Y. (2012). Healthcare providers’ perception of design factors related to physical environments in hospitals. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 32(4), 362-370. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2012.06.004O’Connor, Z. (2011). Colour psychology and colour therapy: Caveat emptor. Color Research & Application, 36(3), 229-234. doi:10.1002/col.20597Schütte *, S. T. W., Eklund, J., Axelsson, J. R. C., & Nagamachi, M. (2004). Concepts, methods and tools in Kansei engineering. 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HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 1(3), 61-125. doi:10.1177/193758670800100306Valdez, P., & Mehrabian, A. (1994). Effects of color on emotions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 123(4), 394-409. doi:10.1037/0096-3445.123.4.394Yu, C., & Yoon, H. (2010). The Role of Colour in ‘Health and Wellbeing’ of the Built Environment. Indoor and Built Environment, 19(4), 403-404. doi:10.1177/1420326x1037806

    The preservation of the chromatic image of historical cities as a cultural value. The old city of Valencia (Spain)

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    [EN] Understanding the physical and material characteristics of our historical cities is essential for the preservation of their hereditary and cultural values. Beyond the historical logic of the urban scene and its functional nature, the city is sensed through the spaces, which it creates and configures. The spaces of the historical city represent the soul of its history and the final result of its development. Through the architectural configuration of these spaces, we can visualize the historical and vital logic that underlies the city, the heritage of the people and cultures that make it up. The Study for the Recovery of Urban Spaces in Valencia Historical Center is an interdisciplinary project of intervention in patrimonial architecture, aiming to recover the original image of spaces in the historical city center. This is a project started in 1995 and ended in 2013, which is formed by a series of activities in which both, the Polytechnic University of Valencia as a research institution and the public administrations involved in the processes of regeneration and restoration of the historic center, take part. The aim of the project has been the start-up of a dynamic restoration process of the city's historic urban centre and its landscape value. By combining scientific studies, tasks of awareness and sensitization of population, it aims to determine the formal and chromatic characteristics of original spaces that create the architecture of the city.The conclusions of this article are based on projects funded by the Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Valencia (Spain), and the Conselleria de Cultura Educacion y Ciencia de la Generalitat Valenciana (Spain).Llopis Verdú, J.; Torres Barchino, AM.; Serra Lluch, J.; García Codoñer, Á. (2015). The preservation of the chromatic image of historical cities as a cultural value. The old city of Valencia (Spain). Journal of Cultural Heritage. 16(5):611-622. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2015.01.005S61162216