30 research outputs found

    Nodal curves with general moduli on K3 surfaces

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    We investigate the modular properties of nodal curves on a low genus K3 surface. We prove that a general genus g curve C is the normalization of a d-nodal curve X sitting on a primitively polarized K3 surface S of degree 2p-2, for p any integer between 3 and 11 and g = p - d between 2 and p. The proof is based on a local deformation-theoretic analysis of the map from the stack of pairs (S,X) to the moduli space of curves of genus g that associates to X the isomorphism class [C] of its normalization.Comment: 12 pages. Submitted preprin


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    During an excavation campaign in the Church of the Conversion of Saint Paul in Roccapelago (North Italy), a hidden crypt was discovered, which yielded the remains of more than 400 individuals. The crypt was used as a cemetery by the inhabitants of the village of Roccapelago between the 16th and 18th centuries. Along the north side of the crypt, an area apparently separated from the rest of the burials was found, bordered by stones, where several burials of newborns and infants were concentrated. From here, five fabric rolls containing bones were recovered, and it was decided not to carry out destructive analyses, allocating the two best examples to a thorough radiological investigation to try to define the type of burial and the complete biological profile of the infant. The two rolls, subjects of this study, can be dated archaeologically between the 17th and 18th centuries. CT analysis shows a varied group of bones with a fairly good state of conservation. The paleoradiological study carried out had the primary objective of avoiding the destruction of the two rolls, ensuring their conservation; but at the same time, providing essential data to understand their nature, defining the biological profile and the type of deposition

    Semicosimplicial DGLAs in deformation theory

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    We identify Cech cocycles in nonabelian (formal) group cohomology with Maurer-Cartan elements in a suitable L-infinity algebra. Applications to deformation theory are described.Comment: Largely rewritten. Abstract modified. 15 pages, Latex, uses xy-pi

    Nodal curves on surfaces of general type

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    In this paper we investigate to which extent the theory of Severi on nodal plane curves of a given degree d extends to a linear system on a complex projective nonsingular algebraic surface

    Nodal curves on surfaces of general type

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    Role of ACE-inhibitors in preventing atrial fibrillation relapses in normotensive patients

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    La fibrillazione atriale (FA) rappresenta l’aritmia cardiaca più frequente ed un rilevante problema sanitario, in considerazione delle elevate percentuali di mortalità e morbilità ad essa legate. La FA riconosce molteplici cause di innesco: la più diffusa, nel mondo occidentale, è l’ipertensione arteriosa. L’aumento dei valori pressori determina modificazioni emodinamiche che hanno effetto diretto sulla funzione e sulla struttura del ventricolo e dell’atrio sinistro. Il sistema renina angiotensina aldosterone (RAAS) svolge un ruolo importante nella regolazione del volume ematico circolante e delle resistenze vascolari sistemiche. Studi recenti hanno dimostrato che il RAAS ha, inoltre, effetti favorevoli nel modulare la contrattilità e le caratteristiche anatomiche del ventricolo e dell’atrio sinistro. Ricerche sperimentali e cliniche hanno evidenziato che gliACE-inibitori e i bloccanti dei recettori dell’angiotensina II sono efficaci nel prevenire la fibrillazione atriale nei pazienti con ipertensione arteriosa e/o altre cardiopatie. In una recente indagine abbiamo dimostrato l’efficacia del ramipril nel prevenire le recidive di FA nei pazienti con FA isolata (fibrillazione atriale in assenza di segni clinici e ecocardiografici indicativi di malattie cardiache, polmonari o endocrine), indipendentemente dall’effetto sull’anatomia cardiaca documentabile con l’ecocardiografia colorDoppler. In questo articolo discutiamo 1) il ruolo del ramipril nel prevenire le recidive di FA nei pazienti con FA isolata; 2) analizziamo i potenziali meccanismi di azione di questo farmaco; 3) valutiamo la possibilità di considerare la FA isolata come un marker di un danno d’organo subclinico in soggetti con valori pressori 130-139mmHg (pre-ipertensione secondo la classificazione del JNC-7 Report; e/o valori pressori normali alti in quella delle linee guida ESC/ESH 2007)