14 research outputs found

    Investigation of the relationship between exercise addiction and personality traits of university students

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    Background and Study Aim. It is a fact that in recent years people's interest in being healthy and physical appearance has increased. Therefore, it can be said that the number of people exercising is increasing day by day. It is seen that some of these people who exercise are now at the level of addiction. This study was conducted to determine the effect and relationship of personality traits on exercise addiction. Material and Methods. The sample of the study consists of 535 people, 160 females and 375 males, who are studying at Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University and selected by simple random sampling method. In order to collect data in the study a personal information form including the demographic characteristics of the participants was requested. The Exercise Addiction Scale for Youth was administered. The Five Factor Personality Scale, which consists of openness to experience, conscientiousness (self-control), extraversion, agreeableness and emotional instability (neuroticism) sub-dimensions, was used. T-test was used for pairwise comparisons and ANOVA test was used for multiple comparisons. Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between personality and exercise addiction and regression analysis was used to determine the effect of personality on exercise addiction. Results. In the study, it was determined that there was a significant difference in terms of exercise addiction in the variables of gender, age, having an athlete license and years of doing sports. In addition, it was seen that there was a significant difference in terms of personality sub-dimensions in the variables of gender, having an athlete license and years of doing sports. While it was seen that there was a significant positive correlation between the participants' personality scale average and exercise addiction. It was determined that personality explained 18% of exercise addiction. Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was observed that: being male and being a licensed athlete increased the level of exercise addiction; the exercise habit turned into addiction with increasing age. Personality traits were found to have a positive relationship and significant effect on exercise addiction

    Premature Ejaculation and Utilization of Cognitive Techniques

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    Introduction: Premature ejaculation is the most common male sexual dysfunction leading to distress in many couples. Master and Johnson emphasized the concept of early learned experiences and Kaplan emphasized lack of sensory awareness. For treatment sex therapists mainly utilize start-stop and squeeze techniques as homework. Couples enter sex therapy with some cognitive distortions and beliefs about sex and sexuality. These beliefs are also named sexual myths. For some couples using techniques to challenge cognitive distortions and maladaptive beliefs about sex and sexuality can be used. In this paper by presenting a case we discussed how cognitive techniques can be used along with behaviour techniques with couples. Case: Presenting clients are five years married couple who are thirty and twenty nine years old respectively. They attended to the outpatient clinic with the request of the female client. Their main complaint was premature ejaculation. They were diagnosed premature ejaculation using clinical interview. In treatment besides start and stop technique, cognitive techniques were utilized to address dysfunctional beliefs about sexuality. Discussion: Premature ejaculation is a male sexual dysfunction that causes distress and intimacy problems between couples. Stop start and squeeze techniques were accepted as the choice of treatment but their effectiveness is questioned recently. Also cognitive distortions and maladaptive beliefs may hamper therapy progress. Besides that, behavioral techniques utilizing cognitive techniques to lessen the degree of dysfunctional beliefs about sex and sexuality may help the couple to overcome premature ejaculation and enhance sexual satisfaction and intimacy

    Premature Ejaculation and Utilization of Cognitive Techniques

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    Giriş: Prematüre ejakülasyon erkeklerde en sık rastlanılan cinsel işlev bozukluğudur. Erkek danışanlar ve eşlerinde sıklıkla gerginliğe neden olmaktadır. Tedavisinde başta durma başlama ve sıkma teknikleri olmak üzere cinsel terapi teknikleri kullanılmaktadır. Bu yazıda cinsel terapi sırasında bilişsel tekniklerin çiftle beraber diğer davranışsal yöntemlerin yanında nasıl kullanılabildiği bir olgu üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Olgu: Erkek danışan ve eşi 30 ve 29 yaşlarında evli bir çift. Beş yıldır devam eden erken boşalma yakınması üzerine kadın danışanın isteği ile tedaviye başvurdular. Klinik görüşme ile prematüre ejakülasyon tanısı konan çifte, tedavide durma başlama yönteminin kullanılmasının yanı sıra çiftin cinsellik ile ilgili işlevsel olmayan inanışları bilişsel yöntemlerle de ele alınarak tedavi süreci yürütülmüştür. Tartışma: Prematüre ejekülasyon çiftler arasında ilişki sorunları yaratan bir durumdur. Tedavisinde kullanılmakta olan durma başlama ve sıkma tekniklerinin etkin olduğu kabul edilmesine karşın son dönemde bu etkinlik sorgulanmaktadır. Davranışçı yöntemlerin yanında cinsellik ile ilgili işlevsel olmayan inançların bilişsel yöntemler kullanılarak her iki çiftte de zayıflatılması, hem çiftin bu sorunun üstesinde gelebilmesine yardımcı olacak hem de karşılıklı yaşadıkları cinsel doyum ve yakınlaşmayı arttıracaktırGiriş: Prematüre ejakülasyon erkeklerde en sık rastlanılan cinsel işlev bozukluğudur. Erkek danışanlar ve eşlerinde sıklıkla gerginliğe neden olmaktadır. Tedavisinde başta durma başlama ve sıkma teknikleri olmak üzere cinsel terapi teknikleri kullanılmaktadır. Bu yazıda cinsel terapi sırasında bilişsel tekniklerin çiftle beraber diğer davranışsal yöntemlerin yanında nasıl kullanılabildiği bir olgu üzerinden ele alınmıştır. Olgu: Erkek danışan ve eşi 30 ve 29 yaşlarında evli bir çift. Beş yıldır devam eden erken boşalma yakınması üzerine kadın danışanın isteği ile tedaviye başvurdular. Klinik görüşme ile prematüre ejakülasyon tanısı konan çifte, tedavide durma başlama yönteminin kullanılmasının yanı sıra çiftin cinsellik ile ilgili işlevsel olmayan inanışları bilişsel yöntemlerle de ele alınarak tedavi süreci yürütülmüştür. Tartışma: Prematüre ejekülasyon çiftler arasında ilişki sorunları yaratan bir durumdur. Tedavisinde kullanılmakta olan durma başlama ve sıkma tekniklerinin etkin olduğu kabul edilmesine karşın son dönemde bu etkinlik sorgulanmaktadır. Davranışçı yöntemlerin yanında cinsellik ile ilgili işlevsel olmayan inançların bilişsel yöntemler kullanılarak her iki çiftte de zayıflatılması, hem çiftin bu sorunun üstesinde gelebilmesine yardımcı olacak hem de karşılıklı yaşadıkları cinsel doyum ve yakınlaşmayı arttıracaktı

    A Technique: Examining the Evidence

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    Introduction: Cognitive therapy is based on the realistic epistemology which exerts that there is an objective reality beyond human experience. Cognitive models of psychopathology stipulate that the processing of external event or internal stimuli is biased and therefore systematically distorts the individual’s construction of his or her experiences, leading to a variety of cognitive errors. These distorted cognitions predispose or perpetuates mental disorders. If this bias that is also manifested in the automatic thoughts during specific instances can be attenuated by weakening the belief in these thoughts, it may lead into change in the accompanying emotion and dysfunctional behaviour. Objective: The aim of this review is to describe the basic technique of cognitive therapy namely “examining the evidence” and also present the clinical application of this technique. In order to perform this technique, first situation must be detailed. Then assessed emotion is graded according to its severity. After that, key automatic thought must be identified and phrased accordingly. After grading belief in the thought, evidence for and against the thought can be generated using appropriate questioning. In the end by using this evidence, the belief in the automatic thought and the emotion must be reviewed. Examining the evidence can also be used as a homework assignment to be done between sessions. In this text, steps of examining the evidence, which questions to be asked, and the points that must be attendant is reviewed and a sample interview is included. Conclusion: By its empirical nature “examining the evidence” is the most valuable technique of cognitive therapy and when it is applied properly long lasting change can occur in client

    A Technique: Examining the Evidence

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    Introduction: Cognitive therapy is based on the realistic epistemology which exerts that there is an objective reality beyond human experience. Cognitive models of psychopathology stipulate that the processing of external event or internal stimuli is biased and therefore systematically distorts the individual’s construction of his or her experiences, leading to a variety of cognitive errors. These distorted cognitions predispose or perpetuates mental disorders. If this bias that is also manifested in the automatic thoughts during specific instances can be attenuated by weakening the belief in these thoughts, it may lead into change in the accompanying emotion and dysfunctional behaviour. Objective: The aim of this review is to describe the basic technique of cognitive therapy namely “examining the evidence” and also present the clinical application of this technique. In order to perform this technique, first situation must be detailed. Then assessed emotion is graded according to its severity. After that, key automatic thought must be identified and phrased accordingly. After grading belief in the thought, evidence for and against the thought can be generated using appropriate questioning. In the end by using this evidence, the belief in the automatic thought and the emotion must be reviewed. Examining the evidence can also be used as a homework assignment to be done between sessions. In this text, steps of examining the evidence, which questions to be asked, and the points that must be attendant is reviewed and a sample interview is included. Conclusion: By its empirical nature “examining the evidence” is the most valuable technique of cognitive therapy and when it is applied properly long lasting change can occur in clients. [JCBPR 2012; 1(3.000): 184- 190

    A Technique: Exposure Therapy

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    Introduction: Exposure with response prevention is an effective treatment for all anxiety disorders. According to the behavioral learning theories, fears which are conditioned via classical conditioning are reinforced by respondent conditioning. Avoidance and safety seeking behaviors prevent disconfirmation of anxious beliefs. In exposure client faces stimulates or cues that elicit fear or distress, by this avoidance is inhibited. Clients are also encouraged to resists performing safety seeking behaviors or rituals that they utilize to reduce fear or distress. Accomplishing these habituation or extinction is achieved. In addition to this clients learn that feared consequences does not realize or not harmful as they believed by experiencing. Emotional processing is believed to be the mechanism of change in exposure. Objective: The aim of this review is to provide a definition of exposure and its effectiveness briefly, and describe how to implement exposure, its steps and remarkable aspects using. Exposure therapies and treatments that involve exposure are proved to be effective in all anxiety disorders. Exposure therapy can be divided in three parts: Assessment and providing a treatment rationale, creating an exposure hierarchy and response prevention plan, implementing exposure sessions. Clients must also continue to perform exposure between sessions. Therapy transcripts are also provided to exemplify these parts. Conclusion: Exposure with response prevention is a basic and effective technique. Every cognitive behavior therapist must be able to implement this technique and be cognizant of pearls of this procedure. (Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research 2013, 2: 121-128) [JCBPR 2013; 2(2.000): 121-128

    A Technique: Generating Alternative Thoughts

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    Introduction: One of the basic techniques of cognitive therapy is examination of automatic thoughts and reducing the belief in them. By employing this, we can overcome the cognitive bias apparent in mental disorders. Despite this view, according to another cognitive perspective in a given situation, there are distinct cognitive representations competing for retrieval from memory just like positive and negative schemas. In this sense generating or strengthening alternative explanations or balanced thoughts that explain the situation better than negative automatic thoughts is one of the important process goals of cognitive therapy. Objective: Aim of this review is to describe methods used to generate alternative/balanced thoughts that are used in examining automatic thoughts and also a part of automatic thought records. Alternative/balanced thoughts are the summary and end point of automatic thought work. In this text different ways including listing alternative thoughts, using examining the evidence for generating balanced thoughts, decatastrophizing in anxiety and a meta-cognitive method named two explanations are discussed. Different ways to use this technique as a homework assignment is also reviewed. Remarkable aspects of generating alternative explanations and realistic/balanced thoughts are also reviewed and exemplified using therapy transcripts. Conclusion: Generating alternative explanations and balanced thoughts are the end point and important part of therapy work on automatic thoughts. When applied properly and rehearsed as homework between sessions, these methods may lead to improvement in many mental disorders. [JCBPR 2013; 2(1.000): 53-59

    Early Maladaptive Schemas in Depressed Women and Its Relationship with Depression

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    Objective: Objective: Schemas are deep enduring cognitive structures that are the source of dysfunctional cognitions, emotions and behaviors, activate after critical incidents in depression. A subset of schemas called Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) which are hyphotised to arise from early traumatic and adverse life events are also claimed to be related with not only personality disorders but also mood disorders. In this study we aimed to investigate the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and depression and relationship between schema scores and depression severity in depressed women and compare it with non-depressed controls.Methods: 40 women attending to an outpatient psychiatry clinic and 30 healthy controls participated. All participants were assessed with SCID-1. Data were obtained by using a Sociodemographic Questionnaires, Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form 3 (YSQ) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).Results: All except one (enmeshment/undeveloped self) maladaptive schema scores of depressed women were higher than controls. BDI was correlated to some schema and schema domain scores in both depressed and control groups but the correlations were stronger in control group. Mean emotional deprivation, negativism, abandonment and instability, failure EMS scores showed the highest difference between two groups. The schema domains most related to depression symptom severity were disconnection and rejection, impaired autonomy and performance.Conclusions: Almost all early maladaptive schemas are related to depression, and some schemas are related to depression symptom severity but these correlations are weaker in control group. This may mean that EMS are stable and mood independent structures. Although other schemas are related to depression, mostly related EMS in women might be emotional deprivation schema. These schemas may also overlap with Beck’s unlovability core belief or sociotropy dimensio

    Kadınlarda Erken Dönem Uyumsuz Şemalar ve Depresyon ile İlişkisi

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    Amaç: Şemalar işlevsel olmayan, bilişlerin, duyguların ve davranışların kaynağı olan derin bilişsel yapılardır. Depresyonda tetikleyici bir olay sonrasında aktive olurlar. Bu şemaların bir kısmına erken dönem uyumsuz şemalar denmektedir ki bunların erken travmatik ve olumsuz yaşam olayları sebebiyle geliştiği öne sürülmektedir. Ayrıca sadece kişilik bozuklukları ile ilgili olmayıp aynı zamanda duygudurum bozukluklarıyla da bağlantılı oldukları iddia edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada erken dönem uyumsuz şemalar ve kadınlardaki depresyon arasındaki ve erken dönem uyumsuz şema puanları ile depresyon şiddeti arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemeyi ve bunu depresyonu olmayan kontrol grubu ile karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. Yöntem: Psikiyatri polikliniğine başvuran 40 kadın ve 30 sağlıklı kontrol çalışmaya dahil edildi. Tüm hastalara SCID-I uygulanarak tanıları kondu. Sosyodemografik verileri içeren bir form ile beraber Young Şema Ölçeği (YSQ) ve Beck Depresyon Envanteri (BDE) kullanılarak veriler elde edildi. Bulgular: Depresyondaki kadınların bir erken dönem uyumsuz şema skoru dışında (iç içe geçmişlik/gelişmemiş benlik) tüm şema skorları kontrollerden yüksek olarak bulundu. BDE skorları hem şemalar hem de şema alanları ile korele bulundu ama bu korelasyon kontrol grubunda daha güçlü idi. İki grup arasındaki şema skorları ortalamalarındaki en büyük fark duygusal yosunluk, karamsarlık, terk edilme ve kararsızlık ve de başarısızlık şemaları arasında bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Tüm erken dönem uyumsuz şemalar kesitsel olarak depresyonla ve bazıları da depresyon şiddeti ile ilişkilidir fakat şiddet için olan bu ilişki kontrollerde daha güçlüdür. Bu EMS'lerin kararlı ve duygudurum değişikliklerinden bağımsız yapılar olduğuna işaret ediyor olabilir. Her ne kadar kadınlarda tüm şemalar depresyon ile ilişkili olsa en güçlü ilişki duygusal yoksunluk ile olabilir. Bu şema Beck'in sevilmeme temel inancı ya da sosyotropi kişilik boyutları ile bir oranda örtüşme gösteriyor olabilirObjective: Objective: Schemas are deep enduring cognitive structures that are the source of dysfunctional cognitions, emotions and behaviors, activate after critical incidents in depression. A subset of schemas called Early Maladaptive Schemas (EMS) which are hyphotised to arise from early traumatic and adverse life events are also claimed to be related with not only personality disorders but also mood disorders. In this study we aimed to investigate the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and depression and relationship between schema scores and depression severity in depressed women and compare it with non-depressed controls. Methods: 40 women attending to an outpatient psychiatry clinic and 30 healthy controls participated. All participants were assessed with SCID-1. Data were obtained by using a Sociodemographic Questionnaires, Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form 3 (YSQ) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results: All except one (enmeshment/undeveloped self) maladaptive schema scores of depressed women were higher than controls. BDI was correlated to some schema and schema domain scores in both depressed and control groups but the correlations were stronger in control group. Mean emotional deprivation, negativism, abandonment and instability, failure EMS scores showed the highest difference between two groups. The schema domains most related to depression symptom severity were disconnection and rejection, impaired autonomy and performance. Conclusions: Almost all early maladaptive schemas are related to depression, and some schemas are related to depression symptom severity but these correlations are weaker in control group. This may mean that EMS are stable and mood independent structures. Although other schemas are related to depression, mostly related EMS in women might be emotional deprivation schema. These schemas may also overlap with Beck’s unlovability core belief or sociotropy dimension (Journal of Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy and Research 2013, 2: 98-105)

    Взаємозв'язок між рівнями вигорання та уважністю студентів-спортсменів

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    Background and Study Aim. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between burnout levels and mindfulness of students who are active athletes. Material and Methods. Descriptive analysis and correlational research model were utilized in the study. As data collection tools in the study, "Personal Information Form" including demographic information of the students was requested at first. Two scales were used: The "Athlete Burnout Scale," developed by Raedeke and Smith and adapted into Turkish by Kelecek et al.; The "Athlete Mindfulness Scale," developed by Thienot et al. and adapted into Turkish by Tingaz. The research group consisted of a total of 378 people, 96 women and 282 men, who were selected by random sampling method, actively practicing sports. In the study, t-test was used for pairwise comparisons and ANOVA test was used for multiple comparisons. Pearson Correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship between mindfulness and burnout levels. Results. In the study, it was found that there were significant differences in burnout levels depending on the gender variable and in some mindfulness sub-dimensions depending on the branch variable. In addition, it was determined that there was a significant negative relationship between burnout levels and mindfulness levels. Conclusions. The study found that active sports students with high mindfulness levels had lower levels of burnout, indicating that mindfulness may play a role in reducing burnout. While there were differences in mindfulness sub-dimensions based on age and sport type, overall mindfulness levels did not differ significantly.Передумови та мета дослідження. Це дослідження було проведено, щоб вивчити зв’язок між рівнем вигорання та усвідомленістю студентів, які є активними спортсменами та навчаються в університеті.Матеріал і методи. У дослідженні використовувалися описовий аналіз і кореляційна модель дослідження. Як інструмент збору даних у дослідженні спочатку була запропонована «Форма персональної інформації», що містить демографічну інформацію про студентів. Було використано дві шкали: «Шкала вигорання спортсмена», розроблена Редеке та Смітом і адаптована на турецьку мову Келечеком та ін.; «Шкала уважності спортсмена», розроблена Thienot et al. і адаптовано на турецьку мову Тінгазом.. Дослідницька група складалася з 378 осіб, у тому числі 96 жінок і 282 чоловіків, які були відібрані методом випадкової вибірки. Усі учасники були студентами університету, які активно займалися спортом. У дослідженні t-критерій використовувався для попарних порівнянь, а тест ANOVA використовувався для множинних порівнянь. Кореляційний аналіз Пірсона використовувався для визначення зв’язку між усвідомленістю та рівнем вигорання.Результати. Під час дослідження було виявлено значні відмінності в рівнях вигорання залежно від гендерної змінної та в деяких підвимірах усвідомленості залежно від галузевої змінної. Крім того, було встановлено, що існує значний негативний зв’язок між рівнем вигорання та рівнем усвідомленості.Висновки. Дослідження показало, що активні спортивні студенти з високим рівнем усвідомленості мали нижчий рівень вигорання, що вказує на те, що уважність може відігравати певну роль у зменшенні вигорання. Хоча існували відмінності у підвимірях усвідомленості залежно від віку та виду спорту, загальні рівні усвідомленості істотно не відрізнялися