18 research outputs found
When is better ground state preparation worthwhile for energy estimation?
Many quantum simulation tasks require preparing a state with overlap
relative to the ground state of a Hamiltonian of interest, such that the
probability of computing the associated energy eigenvalue is upper bounded by
. Amplitude amplification can increase , but the conditions
under which this is more efficient than simply repeating the computation remain
unclear. Analyzing Lin and Tong's near-optimal state preparation algorithm we
show that it can reduce a proxy for the runtime of ground state energy
estimation near quadratically. Resource estimates are provided for a variety of
problems, suggesting that the added cost of amplitude amplification is
worthwhile for realistic materials science problems under certain assumptions
Near-Minimal Gate Set Tomography Experiment Designs
Gate set tomography (GST) provides precise, self-consistent estimates of the
noise channels for all of a quantum processor's logic gates. But GST
experiments are large, involving many distinct quantum circuits. This has
prevented their use on systems larger than two qubits. Here, we show how to
streamline GST experiment designs by removing almost all redundancy, creating
smaller and more scalable experiments without losing precision. We do this by
analyzing the "germ" subroutines at the heart of GST circuits, identifying
exactly what gate set parameters they are sensitive to, and leveraging this
information to remove circuits that duplicate other circuits' sensitivities. We
apply this technique to two-qubit GST experiments, generating streamlined
experiment designs that contain only slightly more circuits than the
theoretical minimum bounds, but still achieve Heisenberg-like scaling in
precision (as demonstrated via simulation and a theoretical analysis using
Fisher information). In practical use, the new experiment designs can match the
precision of previous GST experiments with significantly fewer circuits. We
discuss the prospects and feasibility of extending GST to three-qubit systems
using our techniques.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, to be published in proceedings of 2023 IEEE
International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE
Benchmarking quantum logic operations relative to thresholds for fault tolerance
Contemporary methods for benchmarking noisy quantum processors typically
measure average error rates or process infidelities. However, thresholds for
fault-tolerant quantum error correction are given in terms of worst-case error
rates -- defined via the diamond norm -- which can differ from average error
rates by orders of magnitude. One method for resolving this discrepancy is to
randomize the physical implementation of quantum gates, using techniques like
randomized compiling (RC). In this work, we use gate set tomography to perform
precision characterization of a set of two-qubit logic gates to study RC on a
superconducting quantum processor. We find that, under RC, gate errors are
accurately described by a stochastic Pauli noise model without coherent errors,
and that spatially-correlated coherent errors and non-Markovian errors are
strongly suppressed. We further show that the average and worst-case error
rates are equal for randomly compiled gates, and measure a maximum worst-case
error of 0.0197(3) for our gate set. Our results show that randomized
benchmarks are a viable route to both verifying that a quantum processor's
error rates are below a fault-tolerance threshold, and to bounding the failure
rates of near-term algorithms, if -- and only if -- gates are implemented via
randomization methods which tailor noise
Two-Qubit Gate Set Tomography with Fewer Circuits
Gate set tomography (GST) is a self-consistent and highly accurate method for
the tomographic reconstruction of a quantum information processor's quantum
logic operations, including gates, state preparations, and measurements.
However, GST's experimental cost grows exponentially with qubit number. For
characterizing even just two qubits, a standard GST experiment may have tens of
thousands of circuits, making it prohibitively expensive for platforms. We show
that, because GST experiments are massively overcomplete, many circuits can be
discarded. This dramatically reduces GST's experimental cost while still
maintaining GST's Heisenberg-like scaling in accuracy. We show how to exploit
the structure of GST circuits to determine which ones are superfluous. We
confirm the efficacy of the resulting experiment designs both through numerical
simulations and via the Fisher information for said designs. We also explore
the impact of these techniques on the prospects of three-qubit GST.Comment: 46 pages, 13 figures. V2: Minor edits to acknowledgment
Consistency of high-fidelity two-qubit operations in silicon
The consistency of entangling operations between qubits is essential for the
performance of multi-qubit systems, and is a crucial factor in achieving
fault-tolerant quantum processors. Solid-state platforms are particularly
exposed to inconsistency due to the materials-induced variability of
performance between qubits and the instability of gate fidelities over time.
Here we quantify this consistency for spin qubits, tying it to its physical
origins, while demonstrating sustained and repeatable operation of two-qubit
gates with fidelities above 99% in the technologically important silicon
metal-oxide-semiconductor (SiMOS) quantum dot platform. We undertake a detailed
study of the stability of these operations by analysing errors and fidelities
in multiple devices through numerous trials and extended periods of operation.
Adopting three different characterisation methods, we measure entangling gate
fidelities ranging from 96.8% to 99.8%. Our analysis tools also identify
physical causes of qubit degradation and offer ways to maintain performance
within tolerance. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of qubit design,
feedback systems, and robust gates on implementing scalable, high-fidelity
control strategies. These results highlight both the capabilities and
challenges for the scaling up of spin-based qubits into full-scale quantum
ChemVox: Voice-Controlled Quantum Chemistry
Over the last decade, artificial intelligence has been propelled forward by advances in machine
learning algorithms and computational hardware, opening up myriad new avenues for scientific
research. Nevertheless, virtual assistants and voice control have yet to be widely utilized in the
natural sciences. Here, we present ChemVox, an interactive Amazon Alexa skill that uses speech
recognition to perform quantum chemistry calculations. This new application interfaces Alexa
with cloud computing and returns the results through a capable device. ChemVox paves the way
to making computational chemistry routinely accessible to the wider communit
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Voice-controlled quantum chemistry
Over the past decade, artificial intelligence has been propelled forward by advances in machine learning algorithms and computational hardware, opening up myriads of new avenues for scientific research. Nevertheless, virtual assistants and voice control have yet to be widely used in the natural sciences. Here, we present ChemVox, an interactive Amazon Alexa skill that uses speech recognition to perform quantum chemistry calculations. This new application interfaces Alexa with cloud computing and returns the results through a capable device. ChemVox paves the way to making computational chemistry routinely accessible to the wider community
InteraChem: Virtual Reality Visualizer for Reactive Interactive Molecular Dynamics
Interactive molecular dynamics in virtual reality (IMD-VR) simulations provide a digital molecular playground for students as an alternative or complement to traditional molecular modelling kits or 2D illustrations. Previous IMD-VR studies have used molecular mechanics to enable simulations of macromolecules such as proteins and nanostructures for theclassroom setting with considerable success. Here, we present the INTERACHEM molecular visualizer, intended for reactive IMD-VR simulation using semiempirical and ab initio methods.INTERACHEM visualizes not only the molecular geometry, but also 1) isosurfaces such as molecular orbitals and electrostatic potentials, and 2) two-dimensional graphs of time-varyingsimulation quantities such as kinetic/potential energy, internal coordinates, and user-applied force. Additionally, INTERACHEM employs speech recognition to facilitate user interaction and introduces a novel “atom happiness” visualization using emojis to indicate the energeticfeasibility of a particular bonding arrangement. We include a set of accompanying exercises that we have used to teach chemical reactivity in small molecular systems