2 research outputs found

    Training Future Physical Education Teachers for Physical and Sports Activities: Neuropedagogical Approach

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    The article proves the need to create an effective system of training athletes, which is the basis for ensuring higher achievements in sports and causes a certain rise in the field of scientific and pedagogical research on the problems of sports pedagogy, physical education, and education of youth. It urges one to optimize educational conditions for training future physical education teachers for physical and sports activities based on the latest neuropedagogical and didactic requirements. The research aims to experimentally verify the newly created or updated pedagogical conditions required to train future physical education teachers for sport and physical activity at secondary schools. Research methods are as follows: modelling, observations, tests, questionnaires, pedagogical experiment, tests determining the level of physical development, the PWCno test, anthropomorphological measurements (body weight, height, chest circumference, lung capacity), heart rate, respiratory rate; methods of mathematical statistics (Student's t-test, Pearson's χ2 criterion). The experimental group consisted of 180 respondents and the control group – 189 respondents. A high level increased by 16.5%, an average level – by 24.3%; a low level decreased by 40.8%. Conclusions. It has been found that the experimental group students have higher levels of readiness for sport and physical activity at secondary schools. Moreover, the indicated differences in the levels are not coincidental and are the result of the implementation of relevant pedagogical conditions. The international relevance of the article lies in expanding the formative and diagnostic instruction tools within the updated conditions, which corresponds to innovative technological and neuropedagogical approaches to developing a physical education teacher today.</p

    Pedagogical Conditions of the Future Physical Education Teachers' Preparation to Physical and Sports Activities at Secondary Schools

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    У статті здійснено обґрунтування педагогічних умов підготовки майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до фізкультурно-спортивної діяльності в загальноосвітній школі: оволодіння студентами теоретичними знаннями про сутність, зміст фізкультурно-спортивної діяльності та методики її проведення в умовах сучасної загальноосвітньої школи за допомогою інтерактивних форм і методів навчання; стимулювання стійкого інтересу, позитивної мотивації й ціннісних уявлень майбутніх учителів фізичної культури до фізкультурно-спортивної діяльності на основі добору засобів навчання; активізація процесу фізичного самовдосконалення студентів під час самостійної роботи. Розкрито реалізацію кожної умови.The article highlights pedagogical conditions of the future physical education teachers' preparation to physical and sports activities at secondary schools: mastering theoretical knowledge about the basic nature and content of physical and sports activities, and methodology of their teaching in contemporary secondary schools' conditions by interactive forms and methods of teaching; stimulation of lasting interest, positive motivation and important imagination of the future physical education teachers about physical and sports activities on the basis of the selection of ways of teaching; intensification of the process of students' physical self¬perfection during the self-study. The realization of every condition is revealed. The realization of the first condition is provided by the improvement of training process and changes in the content of the course 'The Theory and Methodology of Physical Education', as well as the sequence of themes' courses of basic physical and sports kinds of 'Gymnastics and the Methodology of its Teaching', 'Track and Field Athletics and the Methodology of its Teaching', 'Active Games', 'Sports Games', 'Skiing', 'Swimming and the Methodology of its Teaching', as well as holding the special seminar 'The Organization and the Methodology of physical and sports activities at secondary schools'. The realization of the second condition is aimed to perform various forms of physical and sports actions, active games, sports competitions' refereeing of wrestling (race 50 and 500 m, jumping, throwing), sports holidays, physical exercises for the improvement of special groups of muscles (running, walking, swimming, exercises for elasticity, and so on), using active methods: dialogues, role-play and organizational-practical games, etc. The realization of the third condition is based on the use of tests, interviews, group psychotrainings, pedagogical situations, discussions, individual and creative tasks, reflexion and practical activities in general. It is also based on doing individual tasks oriented at different practical actions for the preparation and holding holidays, Days of Health, active changes, sports hours, sports and entertaining actions during extra-curricular activities. One of effective instruments of self-study is keeping 'The Dairy of Self-Improvement' and creating the e-portfolio