14 research outputs found

    The role of corruption in consumer culture

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    This article examines the role of corruption in consumer culture. The concept of ”corruption” and its relationship between cultural characteristics and macroeconomic indicators are considered. The relevance of this topic is due to the extremely high degree of its public danger. Keywords: corruption, culture, organization, bribery, collective, development, consumption, indicators

    The black market of personal data: financial, legal and social aspects

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    This article touches on the topic of the black market of personal data. The concept of the ”black market of personal data” and the description of its financial, legal and social aspects are considered. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that offers on the black market have not only not decreased, on the contrary, their number has visibly increased. This article describes the basic rules for the security of personal data storage. Keywords: black market, personal data, user, messenger, darknet, information, database

    Concept and Essence of Social Supply Chain and Professional Self-Determination in education System

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    Abstract The author of this article reveals the content of the concepts of «identity», «professional identity», «social supply chain and professional identity» in education system. This topic has been recently studied as a system of value and supply of higher education. We made a conclusion about the need for the formation of social supply chain and professional identity of high school students, taking into account the spiritual and moral orientations, professional orientation, professional self-awareness of education system. The proposed social supply chain system can be effectively applied in the education system for various conditions

    Legal, environmental and technological bases of social shelters in Russia and in the republic of Mordovia

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    The article briefly describes the current state of orphans who are in social shelters. The article considers the legal and technological bases of the activities of such institutions in the Russian Federation in the field of restoring child-parent relations. An example is given of the activities of the GKUSO RM “Republican Social Shelter for children and adolescents “Nadezhda”” (Republic of Mordovia). The structure and activities of the shelter, goals, objectives, technologies and project activities are analyzed in detail

    Information systems for food supply management in the region

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    The article deals with the problem of eliminating the inappropriate level of development of information technologies and their use in solving urgent problems of informatization of the food supply system. The article analyzes the main information systems of the agro-industrial complex in the aspect of managing the food supply system, and offers recommendations for eliminating the existing gap in the use of information technologies in the agro-industrial sector

    The black market of personal data: financial, legal and social aspects

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    This article touches on the topic of the black market of personal data. The concept of the ”black market of personal data” and the description of its financial, legal and social aspects are considered. The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that offers on the black market have not only not decreased, on the contrary, their number has visibly increased. This article describes the basic rules for the security of personal data storage. Keywords: black market, personal data, user, messenger, darknet, information, database

    The role of corruption in consumer culture

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    This article examines the role of corruption in consumer culture. The concept of ”corruption” and its relationship between cultural characteristics and macroeconomic indicators are considered. The relevance of this topic is due to the extremely high degree of its public danger. Keywords: corruption, culture, organization, bribery, collective, development, consumption, indicators

    The role of investments for the economy of the Russian Federation

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    The article analyzes the concept of investments, their forms, types, as well as the impact on the economic climate in the country via comparative quantitative research methods. As a result, the characteristic of the structure of the main investing countries in the economy of Russia, the recipient countries of direct investments from the Russian Federation is given and a high percentage of the process of investing in a country is the returning capital of organizations from abroad. In conclusion, investments are the lever of progressive formation and positive actions for economic processes in the country.El artículo analiza el concepto de inversiones, sus formas, tipos, así como el impacto en el clima económico del país a través de métodos comparativos de investigación cuantitativa. Como resultado, se da la característica de la estructura de los principales países inversores en la economía de Rusia, los países receptores de inversiones directas de la Federación de Rusia y un alto porcentaje del proceso de inversión en un país es el capital de retorno de las organizaciones. desde el extranjero. En conclusión, las inversiones son la palanca de la formación progresiva y las acciones positivas para los procesos económicos en el país