36 research outputs found

    The evaluation of habitual conditions in children with chronic respiratory diseases from rural areas

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    Catedra Igienă, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, IMSP „SCR Edineţ”The habitual conditions in children with chronic respiratory diseases from rural areas were evaluated. As a result of this study it was shown that habitual conditions in children in the studied group are more unfavorable in comparison with children in the group of control, regarding the microclimatic parameters, the concentration of CO2 and of the constructive particularities. Au fost evaluate condiţiile rezidenţiale ale elevilor cu maladii respiratorii cronice din localităţile rurale. În rezultatul studiului s-au evidenţiat că condiţiile rezidenţiale ale elevilor dingrupul de studiu sunt mai nefavorabile faţă de elevii grupului de control, în ceea ce priveşte parametrii microclimatici, concentraţia CO2 şi a particularităţilor constructive

    Hexa­kis­(1H-imidazole-κN 3)iron(II) sulfate–1H-imidazole (1/2)

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Fe(C3H4N2)6]SO4·2C3H4N2, contains two complex cations, two sulfate anions and four imidazole mol­ecules. In both cations, the FeII atom is coordinated by six monodentate imidazole ligands and exhibits a slightly distorted octa­hedral coordination geometry. The Fe—N distances [2.184 (4)–2.218 (4) Å] point to a high-spin state of the Fe2+ ions. N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the ionic components generate a three-dimensional framework containing corrugated channels along [001], which are filled by N—H⋯N hydrogen-bonded imidazole chains

    The major risk factors for road traffic injuries

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    Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Republic of Moldova, College of Public Health, The University of Iowa, United StatesIntroduction. Injuries caused by road crashes are major public health problem because they are the cause of 98.8% of the total number of transport accidents. Annually, as a result of the global traffic, more than 1.3 million people die and 20-50 million are with no injuries and it is the main cause of mortality of young people aged 15-29. Road injuries ranks 8th after the leading causes of death and is forecast to rank fifth by 2030. This public health problem is widespread thanks to the social and economic sequelae that can influence the development and stability of countries. The negative social and economic impact for the people affected, for their families and for the country as a whole is very high. Children, pedestrians, cyclists and the elderly remain among those most at risk of road accidents. Material and methods. A specialized search was conducted within the main international databases as: PubMed/MEDLINE, Google Scholar and Research Gate. The search was done by applying Boolean operators: road trauma AND accident, road trauma AND risk factors, “road trauma” AND “risk factors”, (trauma OR risk factor) car accident. Considering the significant amount of information published on the topic, the search was limited to a period of 10 years (2010-2020). The inclusion criteria were the following: studies related to motor vehicle crashes and risk factors, original research, observational studies and systematic reviews, full-text articles, book chapters, papers presented at conferences written in English and published in open access. Data and references were extracted and systematized into results tables, including: author/citation, study design, assessments/data, limitations, key facts. Reported outcomes were compiled in narrative form. Results. A flow diagram was created based on the inclusion criteria in this review in regard to the major risk factors and their contribution in motor vehicle injuries. From the total of 4535 results, 87 studies were included in the evaluation. Road injuries have been studied by many researchers and scientists both in the country and abroad. According to the evaluated data, the authors of the studies used different methods and obtained obvious data about road traumas and major risk factors. Among the main causes of unintentional motor vehicle injuries where underlined: excessive speed, alcohol consumption while driving, psychological trauma, drugs, unsupervised children. During the last years there is an increasing tendency of road injuries among children, and most of the road accidents with their involvement occur in May-September, between 11.00 and 18.00. Statistics confirm that 81% of all cases of road trauma in children are the result of their non-compliance with traffic rules. Among the most effective actions in reducing road injuries, being mentioned: activities aimed at sensitizing the general public in a safer traffic, communicating road traffic risks, raising driver’s awareness, educating pedestrians for correct behavior on the streets; seat belt coupling; compliance with road traffic regulations. Conclusions. There are many factors which contributes to road crashes and related injuries, but they can be prevented. The obtained ones further motivate us the need to study this topic in more depth, on separate age groups and to propose specific prevention measures for each actor involved in

    Transplantul hepatic: protocol clinic naţional PCN-347

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    Acest protocol a fost elaborat de grupul de lucru constituit din specialiştii: hepatologi și gastrochirurgiale USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, în colaborare cu colaboratorii IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican „Timofei Moşneaga”. Protocolul este elaborat în conformitate cu ghidurile internaţionale privind transplantul hepatic

    Regimul de tutelă și mandat – modalități de exercitare a competențelor teritoriale ale statului în dreptul internațional public

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    Rezumat Teritoriul este una dintre „marile noțiuni” de drept internațional, născută din necesitatea statelor de a-și repartiza competențele pe continentele europene și americane între secolele al XV-lea și al XVII-lea. În anumite perioade de timp, conceptul de „competență absolută” a statului asupra teritoriului său a suferit transformări. În acest sens, comunitatea internațională, prin intermediul organizațiilor internaționale, în scopul asigurării păcii și securității internaționale, a echilibrului dintre marile puteri și țări care abia își conturau suveranitatea, au instituit mecanisme internaționale de administrare a teritoriilor. În acest articol științific vom analiza regimul de mandat internațional și cel de tutelă internațională. Cuvinte-cheie: teritoriu, competență, administrare internațională, mandat, tutel

    The trusteeship and mandate systems – methods of exercising the territorial jurisdiction of the state in public international law

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    Territory is one of the “major notions” of international law, arose from the need of states to distribute their competences on European and American continents between the 15th and 17th centuries. In certain time periods, the concept of “absolute competence” of the state over its territory underwent transformations. In this respect, the international community, through international organizations, in order to ensure international peace and security, the balance between the great powers and the countries which were only just starting to affirm their sovereignty, established international mechanisms for the administration of the territories. The scientific research that we have proposed to carry out will analyze the international mandate system and the international trusteeship system. Keywords: territory, jurisdiction, international administration, mandate, trusteeshi

    Achieving the efficacy of control of non-communicable diseases by fortifying the technical-material base of the health center

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    IMSP Centrul de Sănătate Colibași, r. CahulProiectul Sporirea eficacității controlului maladiilor netransmisibile prin fortificarea bazei tehnico-materiale a CS Colibași a fost implementat de Centrul de Sănătate Colibași în perioada 12.12.2018 – 12.06.2019. Suma totală a proiectului a constituit 63.000 MDL. Proiectul a avut ca scop ameliorarea accesului a 120 de persoane cu dizabilități, greu deplasabile sau țintuite la pat, la serviciile medicale prestate de instituție, precum și sensibilizarea tuturor locuitorilor de pe aria deservită de IMSP CS Colibași, despre importanța și necesitatea controlului profilactic anual pentru diagnosticul timpuriu al maladiilor cronice și managementul terapeutic și profilactic oportun al acestora