1,439 research outputs found
Generating Polarization-Entangled Photon Pairs with Arbitrary Joint Spectrum
We present a scheme for generating polarization-entangled photons pairs with
arbitrary joint spectrum. Specifically, we describe a technique for spontaneous
parametric down-conversion in which both the center frequencies and the
bandwidths of the down-converted photons may be controlled by appropriate
manipulation of the pump pulse. The spectral control offered by this technique
permits one to choose the operating wavelengths for each photon of a pair based
on optimizations of other system parameters (loss in optical fiber, photon
counter performance, etc.). The combination of spectral control, polarization
control, and lack of group-velocity matching conditions makes this technique
particularly well-suited for a distributed quantum information processing
architecture in which integrated optical circuits are connected by spans of
optical fiber.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
Aberration cancellation in quantum interferometry
We report the first experimental demonstration of even-order aberration
cancellation in quantum interferometry. The effect is a spatial counterpart of
the spectral group velocity dispersion cancellation, which is associated with
spectral entanglement. It is manifested in temporal interferometry by virtue of
the multi-parameter spatial-spectral entanglement. Spatially-entangled photons,
generated by spontaneous parametric down conversion, were subjected to spatial
aberrations introduced by a deformable mirror that modulates the wavefront. We
show that only odd-order spatial aberrations affect the quality of quantum
Symmetric Autocompensating Quantum Key Distribution
We present quantum key distribution schemes which are autocompensating
(require no alignment) and symmetric (Alice and Bob receive photons from a
central source) for both polarization and time-bin qubits. The primary benefit
of the symmetric configuration is that both Alice and Bob may have passive
setups (neither Alice nor Bob is required to make active changes for each run
of the protocol). We show that both the polarization and the time-bin schemes
may be implemented with existing technology. The new schemes are related to
previously described schemes by the concept of advanced waves.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figur
Performance of Photon-Pair Quantum Key Distribution Systems
We analyze the quantitative improvement in performance provided by a novel
quantum key distribution (QKD) system that employs a correlated photon source
(CPS) and a photon-number resolving detector (PNR). Our calculations suggest
that given current technology, the CPR implementation offers an improvement of
several orders of magnitude in secure bit rate over previously described
Role of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in multiferroic perovskites
With the perovskite multiferroic RMnO3 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy) as guidance, we argue
that the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) provides the microscopic
mechanism for the coexistence and strong coupling between ferroelectricity and
incommensurate magnetism. We use Monte-Carlo simulations and zero temperature
exact calculations to study a model incorporating the double-exchange,
superexchange, Jahn-Teller and DMI terms. The phase diagram contains a
multiferroic phase between A and E antiferromagnetic phases, in excellent
agreement with experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
Quantum Holography
We propose to make use of quantum entanglement for extracting holographic
information about a remote 3-D object in a confined space which light enters,
but from which it cannot escape. Light scattered from the object is detected in
this confined space entirely without the benefit of spatial resolution. Quantum
holography offers this possibility by virtue of the fourth-order quantum
coherence inherent in entangled beams.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to Optics Expres
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