1,400 research outputs found

    Dispersion and fidelity in quantum interferometry

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    We consider Mach-Zehnder and Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometers with nonclassical states of light as input, and study the effect that dispersion inside the interferometer has on the sensitivity of phase measurements. We study in detail a number of different one- and two-photon input states, including Fock, dual Fock, N00N states, and photon pairs from parametric downconversion. Assuming there is a phase shift Ï•0\phi_0 in one arm of the interferometer, we compute the probabilities of measurement outcomes as a function of Ï•0\phi_0, and then compute the Shannon mutual information between Ï•0\phi_0 and the measurements. This provides a means of quantitatively comparing the utility of various input states for determining the phase in the presence of dispersion. In addition, we consider a simplified model of parametric downconversion for which probabilities can be explicitly computed analytically, and which serves as a limiting case of the more realistic downconversion model.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Goldstone-Mode Phonon Dynamics in the Pyrochlore Cd2Re2O7

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    We have measured the polarized Raman scattering spectra of Cd2Re2O7, the first superconducting pyrochlore, as a function of temperature. For temperatures below the cubic-to-tetragonal structural phase transition (SPT) at 200K, a peak with B1 symmetry develops at zero frequency with divergent intensity. We identify this peak as the first observation of the Goldstone phonon in a crystalline solid. The Goldstone phonon is a collective excitation that exists due to the breaking of the continuous symmetry with the SPT. Its emergence coincides with that of a Raman-active soft mode. The order parameter for both features derives from an unstable doubly-degenerate vibration (with Eu symmetry) of the O1 atoms which drives the SPT.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figures. Updated figures and text. Accepted to PR

    Generating Polarization-Entangled Photon Pairs with Arbitrary Joint Spectrum

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    We present a scheme for generating polarization-entangled photons pairs with arbitrary joint spectrum. Specifically, we describe a technique for spontaneous parametric down-conversion in which both the center frequencies and the bandwidths of the down-converted photons may be controlled by appropriate manipulation of the pump pulse. The spectral control offered by this technique permits one to choose the operating wavelengths for each photon of a pair based on optimizations of other system parameters (loss in optical fiber, photon counter performance, etc.). The combination of spectral control, polarization control, and lack of group-velocity matching conditions makes this technique particularly well-suited for a distributed quantum information processing architecture in which integrated optical circuits are connected by spans of optical fiber.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Metallic "Ferroelectricity" in the Pyrochlore Cd2Re2O7

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    A class of materials known as ``ferroelectric metals'' was discussed theoretically by Anderson and Blount in 1965 [Phys. Rev. Lett. 14, 217 (1965)], but to date no examples of this class have been reported. Here we present measurements of the elastic moduli of Cd2Re2O7 through the 200 K cubic-to-tetragonal phase transition. A Landau analysis of the moduli reveals that the transition is consistent with Cd2Re2O7 being classified as a ``ferroelectric metal'' in the weaker sense described by Anderson and Blount (loss of a center of symmetry). First-principles calculations of the lattice instabilities indicate that the dominant lattice instability corresponds to a two-fold degenerate mode with Eu symmetry, and that motions of the O ions forming the O octahedra dominate the energetics of the transition.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Symmetric Autocompensating Quantum Key Distribution

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    We present quantum key distribution schemes which are autocompensating (require no alignment) and symmetric (Alice and Bob receive photons from a central source) for both polarization and time-bin qubits. The primary benefit of the symmetric configuration is that both Alice and Bob may have passive setups (neither Alice nor Bob is required to make active changes for each run of the protocol). We show that both the polarization and the time-bin schemes may be implemented with existing technology. The new schemes are related to previously described schemes by the concept of advanced waves.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figur

    Two-Photon Spiral Imaging with Correlated Orbital Angular Momentum States

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    The concept of correlated two-photon spiral imaging is introduced. We begin by analyzing the joint orbital angular momentum (OAM) spectrum of correlated photon pairs. The mutual information carried by the photon pairs is evaluated, and it is shown that when an object is placed in one of the beam paths the value of the mutual information is strongly dependent on object shape and is closely related to the degree of rotational symmetry present. After analyzing the effect of the object on the OAM correlations, the method of correlated spiral imaging is described. We first present a version using parametric downconversion, in which entangled pairs of photons with opposite OAM values are produced, placing an object in the path of one beam. We then present a classical (correlated, but non-entangled) version. The relative problems and benefits of the classical versus entangled configurations are discussed. The prospect is raised of carrying out compressive imaging via twophoton OAM detection to reconstruct sparse objects with few measurements

    Odd-Order Aberration-Cancellation in Correlated-Photon Imaging

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    We discuss a correlated two-photon imaging apparatus that is capable of producing images that are free of the effects of odd-order aberration introduced by the optical system. We show that both quantum-entangled and classically correlated light sources are capable of producing the desired spatial-aberration cancelation

    Twin-Photon Confocal Microscopy

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    A recently introduced two-channel confocal microscope with correlated detection promises up to 50% improvement in transverse spatial resolution [Simon, Sergienko, Optics Express {\bf 18}, 9765 (2010)] via the use of photon correlations. Here we achieve similar results in a different manner, introducing a triple-confocal correlated microscope which exploits the correlations present in optical parametric amplifiers. It is based on tight focusing of pump radiation onto a thin sample positioned in front of a nonlinear crystal, followed by coincidence detection of signal and idler photons, each focused onto a pinhole. This approach offers further resolution enhancement in confocal microscopy
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