5 research outputs found
Blood pressure and kidney function parameters in non-treated non-obese diabetic mice (Diabetic), NOD-insulin treated mice (Diabetic+INS) and non-obese resistant non-diabetic mice (Control).
<p>A: At the end of the early stage study, systolic and diastolic blood pressure measured by tail-cuff method in Diabetic, Diabetic+INS and Control mice. B: Urinary albumin/creatinine ratio of Diabetic, Diabetic+INS and Control mice at both study stages. C: Glomerular filtration rate measured by inulin in Diabetic, Diabetic+INS and Control mice studied at early stage of diabetes. *<i>P≤0.05.</i></p
Animal characteristics for NOD diabetic mice (Diabetic), NOD diabetic mice treated with insulin (Diabetic+INS) and NOR control mice (Control).
<p>Animal characteristics for NOD diabetic mice (Diabetic), NOD diabetic mice treated with insulin (Diabetic+INS) and NOR control mice (Control).</p
ACE2 activity in serum (A), urine (B) and kidney cortex (C) from non-treated non-obese diabetic mice (Diabetic), NOD-insulin treated mice (Diabetic+INS) and non-obese resistant non-diabetic mice (Control) (A, B, C).
<p>ACE2 protein expression measured by western blot of protein preparations from kidney cortex lysates in Diabetic, Diabetic+INSand Control mice (D). Immunoblot analysis of ACE2 in kidney cortex tissue (E). Shown is representative immunoblot of ACE2 protein in kidney cortex from Control, Diabetic, and Diabetic+INS mice, at early and late stage of diabetes. *<i>P≤0.05.</i></p
Morphometric analysis for NOD diabetic mice (Diabetic), NOD diabetic mice treated with insulin (NOD+INSULIN) and NOR control mice (Control).
<p>Morphometric analysis for NOD diabetic mice (Diabetic), NOD diabetic mice treated with insulin (NOD+INSULIN) and NOR control mice (Control).</p
Effect of Insulin on ACE2 Activity and Kidney Function in the Non-Obese Diabetic Mouse - Figure 2
<p><b>A. Representative micrographs of periodic acid–Schiff (PAS)-stained kidney sections.</b> Upper panel: Diabetic, Diabetic-INS early stage of diabetes and Control mice. B: Lower panel: Diabetic, Diabetic-INS late stage of diabetes and Control mice. <b>B. Podocyte number in Diabetic, Diabetic-INS, and Control mice.</b> Representative photomicrograph depicting glomerular WT-1 staining in glomeruli from Diabetic, Diabetic-INS mice at late stage of diabetes and Control mice. Original magnification X400. <b>C. Ultrastructural studies in non-treated non-obese diabetic mice, Diabetic-insulin treated mice and Controls.</b> Upper panel: Diabetic, Diabetic-INS early stage of diabetes and Control mice. Lower panel: Diabetic, Diabetic-INS late stage of diabetes and Control mice. Glomeruli from late stage NOD Diabetic mice (lower middle panel) showed increased mesangial expansion due to increased mesangial matrix increase (see asterisks) as compared with Control mice. Insulin administration prevented mesangial expansion in NOD Diabetic mice. Original magnification, X4600.</p