22 research outputs found

    Revealing Josephson vortex dynamics in proximity junctions below critical current

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    Made of a thin non-superconducting metal (N) sandwiched by two superconductors (S), SNS Josephson junctions enable novel quantum functionalities by mixing up the intrinsic electronic properties of N with the superconducting correlations induced from S by proximity. Electronic properties of these devices are governed by Andreev quasiparticles [1] which are absent in conventional SIS junctions whose insulating barrier (I) between the two S electrodes owns no electronic states. Here we focus on the Josephson vortex (JV) motion inside Nb-Cu-Nb proximity junctions subject to electric currents and magnetic fields. The results of local (Magnetic Force Microscopy) and global (transport) experiments provided simultaneously are compared with our numerical model, revealing the existence of several distinct dynamic regimes of the JV motion. One of them, identified as a fast hysteretic entry/escape below the critical value of Josephson current, is analyzed and suggested for low-dissipative logic and memory elements.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, 43 reference

    Electron paramagnetic resonance in turbostratic carbonic materials with introduced, radiation and own structural defects

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    Electron properties and the structure of carbonic materials are investigated in the paper aiming at the test of the applicability of the quasi two-dimensional graphite zone model to the description of the electron paramagnetic resonance in turbostratic carbonic materials and the investigation of the defect structure in these materials. The description possibility forg-factor, para- and dimagnetic susceptibility of turbostratic carbonic materials with various structural defects has been confirmed in frameworks of the quasi two-dimensional graphite zone model. Methods for the sample preparation and measurement holding of the electron paramagnetic resonance signal in carbonic materials have been developed. The anisotropy presence has been established. Components of g-factor of localized paramagnetic centres in carbonic materials have been determinedAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Superconducting Valve Exploiting Interplay between Spin-Orbit and Exchange Interactions

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    We theoretically investigated the proximity effect in SNSOF and SF’F structures consisting of a superconductor (S), a normal metal (NSO), and ferromagnetic (F’,F) thin films with spin–orbit interaction (SOI) in the NSO layer. We show that a normal layer with spin–orbit interaction effectively suppresses triplet correlations generated in a ferromagnetic layer. Due to this effect, the critical temperature of the superconducting layer in the SNSOF multilayer turns out to be higher than in a similar multilayer without spin–orbit interaction in the N layer. Moreover, in the presence of a mixed type of spin–orbit interaction involving the Rashba and Dresselhaus components, the SNSOF structure is a spin valve, whose critical temperature is determined by the direction of the magnetization vector in the F layer. We calculated the control characteristics of the SNSOF spin valve and compared them with those available in traditional SF’F devices with two ferromagnetic layers. We concluded that SNSOF structures with one controlled F layer provide solid advantages over the broadly considered SF’F spin valves, paving the way for high-performance storage components for superconducting electronics

    Impact of study load on psychophysiological status of high school students

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    The study comprised 43 students of the 10th grade of a comprehensive school with socio-economic bias and lyceum with physical and mathematical bias. Lung capacity was measured using a dryair spirometer. According to the results of spirometry, the functional state of the respiratory system in the majority (76.67 %) of the tested schoolchildren and lyceum students turned out to be below average, which indicates a lag in their physical development. The endurance ratio was calculated in order to characterize the functionality of the cardiovascular system. For the majority of students (97.68 %) it corresponded to the average level, and for the minimum number of students (2.32 %) it was low. The functional state of the body was also assessed by determining the stress level indicator. In 81.82 % of schoolchildren, the stress level at rest had a value corresponding to its increase, and only in 18.18 % of schoolchildren, the stress level indicator was within the normal level. Thus, most tenth graders experienced high levels of stress. In addition, the psycho-emotional state of students was studied by other methods using standard tests: determining the level of personal and reactive (situational) anxiety, assessment of personal well-being, activity and mood. The results of self-assessment of lyceum students and schoolchildren corresponded to good and favorable conditions. Among tenth graders, 8.7 % of lyceum students were characterized by an unfavorable condition. 30.4 % of lyceum students and 55.0 % of schoolchildren with high personal anxiety were identified

    Contribution of Processes in SN Electrodes to the Transport Properties of SN-N-NS Josephson Junctions

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    In this paper, we present a theoretical study of electronic transport in planar Josephson Superconductor–Normal Metal–Superconductor (SN-N-NS) bridges with arbitrary transparency of the SN interfaces. We formulate and solve the two-dimensional problem of finding the spatial distribution of the supercurrent in the SN electrodes. This allows us to determine the scale of the weak coupling region in the SN-N-NS bridges, i.e., to describe this structure as a serial connection between the Josephson contact and the linear inductance of the current-carrying electrodes. We show that the presence of a two-dimensional spatial current distribution in the SN electrodes leads to a modification of the current–phase relation and the critical current magnitude of the bridges. In particular, the critical current decreases as the overlap area of the SN parts of the electrodes decreases. We show that this is accompanied by a transformation of the SN-N-NS structure from an SNS-type weak link to a double-barrier SINIS contact. In addition, we find the range of interface transparency in order to optimise device performance. The features we have discovered should have a significant impact on the operation of small-scale superconducting electronic devices, and should be taken into account in their design

    Role and place of economic mechanism in modern conditions

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    Abstract: The concepts of "economic mechanism", "legal sub-system", "organizational sub-system", "economic sub-system", "operational sub-system" and "innovative sub-system" have been defined here. The economic mechanism is considered by us, as a result of subjective activity of a person; as a system consisting subsystems i.e. lower structural level with certain specific sets of elements; as the process with integral part of existing methods, principles, functions, etc. instruments of management. Particular scientific interest is focused on the research of specific structures of economic mechanism in which special area is devoted to the economic subsystems. [Troshin A.S., Sandu I.S., Kupriyanov S.V., Stryabkova E.A., Saldanha H.F.D. Role and place of economic mechanism in modern conditions. Life Sci J 2014;11(10s):487-490] (ISSN:1097-8135)