23 research outputs found

    Affinity chromatography of milk sIgA-1 preparation from first donor on DNA-cellulose and ATP-Sepharose.

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    <p>sIgA-1 preparation was chromatographed on DNA-cellulose (A) and ATP-Sepharose (B) in standard conditions: (–), absorbance at 280 nm; symbols correspond to the relative catalytic activities (RA) in the hydrolysis of DNA (β–΅), ATP (β—‹), oligosaccharides (Γ—) as well as phosphorylation of lipids (β–ͺ) and polysaccharides (β‹„) tightly bound with sIgAs. Depending on the RA and reaction analyzed, the reaction mixtures were incubated for 0.5–2 h and then the RAs were normalized to the standard conditions and the RA of the fraction with the highest activity was taken for 100%. The average error in the initial rate determination from two experiments in each case did not exceed 7–10%. See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048756#s4" target="_blank">Materials and methods</a> for other details.</p

    Affinity chromatography of milk pIgGs on two different resins.

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    <p>Various IgG fractions were separated using DNA-cellulose (A) and ATP-Sepharose (B): (–), absorbance at 280 nm; symbols correspond to the relative catalytic activities (RA) in the hydrolysis of DNA (β–΅), ATP (β—‹), oligosaccharides (Γ—); phosphorylation of lipids (β–ͺ) and polysaccharides (β‹„) tightly bound with IgGs. Depending on the RA and reaction analyzed, the reaction mixtures were incubated for 0.5–2 h and then the RAs were normalized to the standard conditions and the RA of the fraction with the highest activity was taken for 100%. The average error in the initial rate determination from two experiments in each case did not exceed 7–10%.</p

    The dependencies of the absorbance (A<sub>450</sub>) on the concentration of tested IgG preparation.

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    <p>The analysis was performed using a direct (A) and sandwich (B) ELISA. For a direct analysis, the tested IgG preparations were adsorbed on ELISA strips, then mouse Abs against human kappa-IgGs or lambda-IgGs (anti-kappa-Abs and anti-lambda-Abs) were added, and finally the conjugate of polyclonal rabbit anti-mouse IgGs with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used (C). For a sandwich analysis, anti-kappa-Abs and anti-lambda-Abs were adsorbed on ELISA strips, then tested IgG preparations were added, and finally the conjugate of HRP with mouse Abs against human kappa-IgGs or lambda-IgGs (anti-x-Ab-HRP) were used (B). Anti-lambda-Abs (or anti-lambda-Abs and anti-lambda-Ab-HRP) were used for the analysis of the content of IgGs having affinity only for anti-lambda-Ab-Sepharose (β–ͺ), for anti-kappa-Ab-Sepharose (β–‘), and for both of these Sepharoses (β–΄), while anti-kappa-Abs (or anti-kappa-Abs and anti-kappa-Ab-HDP) were used for the analysis of preparations having affinity only for anti-kappa-Ab-Sepharose (β€’), for anti-lambda-Ab-Sepharose (β—‹), and for both of these Sepharoses (β–Ύ). (β‹„), a control mixture containing no analyzed IgGs (A and B). The RAs of lambda-IgGs, kappa-IgGs, and kappa-lambda-IgGs in the catalysis of different chemical reactions (C). The RA of the preparation with the highest activity in each reaction analyzed was taken for 100%. See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042942#s4" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a> for other details.</p

    SDS-PAGE analysis of FITC-modified pIgG<sub>mix</sub> formation.

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    <p>The analysis was performed after non-labeled pIgG<sub>mix</sub> incubation with preparations of separated FITC-modified heavy (A, B) and light chains (C, D) of Abs. The relative fluorescence of proteins (A and C) and their position on the gel (B and D; Coomassie staining) were analyzed. Before electrophoresis, FITC-heavy-chains were incubated alone (lanes 1, A and B), in the presence of the IgG<sub>mix</sub> and GSH (lanes 2, A and B) or in the presence of the IgG<sub>mix</sub>, GSH and human milk plasma (lanes 3, A and B). Lane 4 (B) corresponds to human milk plasma incubated alone. FITC-L-chains were incubated alone (lanes 1, C and D), in the presence of the IgG<sub>mix</sub> and GSH (lanes 2, C and D) or in the presence of the IgG<sub>mix</sub>, GSH, and human milk plasma (lane 3 C and D). The arrows (lane 4, D) indicate the positions of molecular mass markers. For details, see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0042942#s4" target="_blank">Materials and methods</a>.</p

    Affinity chromatography of non-modified and FITC-modified pIgG<sub>mix</sub> on DNA-cellulose.

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    <p>(–) and (–), absorbance of IgGs at 280 nm before and after modification of IgGs with FITC, respectively; the bars correspond to the relative fluorescence of FITC-IgG<sub>mix</sub> fractions (A). Analysis of a relative efficiency of specific-molecule exchange under different conditions between non-modified IgG<sub>mix</sub> and FITC-IgG<sub>mix</sub> having different affinity for DNA-cellulose (B–D). Before chromatography, the IgG<sub>mix</sub> eluted from DNA-cellulose by 0.15 M NaCl (0.15 M-IgG<sub>mix</sub>) were incubated with FITC-IgG<sub>mix</sub> eluted by 1.5 M NaCl (1.5 M-FITC-IgG<sub>mix</sub>) in the presence of TBS and GSH (B); 0.5 M-IgG<sub>mix</sub> and 1.5 M-FITC-IgG<sub>mix</sub> (C) or 0.5 M-FITC-IgG<sub>mix</sub> +1.5 M-IgG<sub>mix</sub> (D) were incubated in the presence of TBS containing GSH and human milk plasma.</p

    Sequential affinity chromatography of sIgA-2 and sIgA-3 preparations on casein-Sepharose and lipid-resin.

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    <p>After chromatography of sIgA-2 and sIgA-3 preparations on ATP-Sepharose (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048756#pone-0048756-g003" target="_blank">Figs 3C and 3D</a>, respectively), fractions 10–18 having high affinity to ATP-Sepharose were combined and chromatographed on casein-Sepharose (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048756#pone-0048756-g004" target="_blank">Figs 4A and 4B</a>, respectively). Panel C demonstrates chromatography on lipid-resin of a mixture of fractions 9–17 corresponding to sIgA-2 and sIgA-3 eluted from casein-Sepharose (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048756#pone-0048756-g003" target="_blank">Figs 3C and 3D</a>): (–), absorbance at 280 nm; relative catalytic activities (RA) in the hydrolysis of DNA (β–΅), phosphorylation of casein (β–‘) and lipids tightly bound with Abs (β–ͺ). Depending on the RA and reaction analyzed, the reaction mixtures were incubated for 0.5–2 h and then the RAs were normalized to the standard conditions and the RA of the fraction with the highest activity was taken for 100%. The average error in the initial rate determination from two experiments in every case did not exceed 7–10%. See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048756#s4" target="_blank">Materials and methods</a> for other details.</p

    Sequential affinity chromatography of sIgA-2 and sIgA-3 preparations on phenyl-Sepharose and DNA-cellulose.

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    <p>Hydrophobic chromatography of sIgA<sub>mix</sub> (equimolar mixture of Abs from five donors) on phenyl-Sepharose using reverse gradient of NaCl concentration (A). Chromatography of fractions 0–70 ml (B) and 160–190 ml (C) eluted from phenyl-Sepharose on DNA-cellulose: (–), absorbance at 280 nm; relative catalytic activities (RA) in the hydrolysis of DNA (Ξ”) and maltoheptaose (x) as well as phosphorylation of oligosaccharides (β—Š) and lipids (β–ͺ) tightly bound with Abs. Depending on the RA and reaction analyzed, the reaction mixtures were incubated for 0.5–2 h and then the RAs were normalized to the standard conditions and the RA of the fraction with the highest activity was taken for 100%. The average error in the initial rate determination from two experiments in each case did not exceed 7–10%. See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048756#s4" target="_blank">Materials and methods</a> for other details.</p

    Affinity chromatography of milk pIgGs on anti-kappa-L-Sepharose.

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    <p>The chromatography was performed under the conditions of over-saturation of the affinity capacity of the sorbent (A) and re-chromatography of the preparation eluted by acidic buffer (peak 2) on anti-lambda-L-Sepharose (B) under the conditions of the excess of the affinity sorbent. After incubation of a mixture of equal amounts of purified lambda- and kappa-IgGs for 24 h, lambda+kappa-IgG<sub>mix</sub> was subjected to standard affinity chromatography on Protein G-Sepharose (C) and gel filtrated (data not shown). Then lambda- and kappa-IgGs were separated by affinity chromatography of lambda+kappa-IgG<sub>mix</sub> on anti- lambda-L-Sepharose (D). The preparation of lambda-IgGs purified on anti-lambda-L-Sepharose was rechromatographed on anti-kappa-L-Sepharose (E), while kappa-IgGs on anti-lambda-L-Sepharose (F). In all cases: (–), absorbance at 280 nm (A<sub>280</sub>).</p

    Affinity chromatography of non-modified and FITC-modified sIgA<sub>mix</sub> on DNA-cellulose:

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    <p>(–) and (- - -), absorbance of sIgA<sub>mix</sub> at 280 nm before and after modification of sIgAs with FITC, respectively. Analysis of a relative efficiency of specific-molecule exchange under different conditions between non-modified sIgA<sub>mix</sub> and FITC-sIgA<sub>mix</sub> having different affinity for DNA-cellulose; relative fluorescence (RF) is shown by the bars (B–D). Before chromatography, the sIgA<sub>mix</sub> eluted from DNA-cellulose by 0.6 M NaCl (0.6M-IgG<sub>mix</sub>, Panel A) were incubated for 24 h with FITC-IgA<sub>mix</sub> eluted by 8 M urea (8M-FITC-IgA<sub>mix</sub>, Panel A) in the presence of TBS and GSH (B), TBS + human milk plasma (C), and with this buffer containing both GSH and human milk plasma (D). See <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0048756#s4" target="_blank">Materials and methods</a> for other details.</p