228 research outputs found

    Classification of 3-dimensional integrable scalar discrete equations

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    We classify all integrable 3-dimensional scalar discrete quasilinear equations Q=0 on an elementary cubic cell of the 3-dimensional lattice. An equation Q=0 is called integrable if it may be consistently imposed on all 3-dimensional elementary faces of the 4-dimensional lattice. Under the natural requirement of invariance of the equation under the action of the complete group of symmetries of the cube we prove that the only nontrivial (non-linearizable) integrable equation from this class is the well-known dBKP-system. (Version 2: A small correction in Table 1 (p.7) for n=2 has been made.) (Version 3: A few small corrections: one more reference added, the main statement stated more explicitly.)Comment: 20 p. LaTeX + 1 EPS figur


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    The theses present a draft of the upcoming study.  The research is basis on the generalization of the author's many years of practical experience, analysis and systematization of data. The importance of the consistent formation and improvement of hockey goaltenders psychological preparedness substantiated. The scientifically based program of psychological and pedagogical influences consider innate individual characteristics and in accordance to sports periodization implementation as well as the choice of tools and methods for practical application will help to ensure players’ competitive advantages and competitive reliability.В тезисах представлен проект предстоящего исследования.  На основании обобщения многолетнего авторского практического опыта, анализа и систематизации данных обосновывается важность последовательного формирования и совершенствования психологической подготовленности хоккейных вратарей с учетом врожденных индивидуальных особенностей путем реализации научно-обоснованной программы психолого-педагогических воздействий согласно спортивной периодизации. Научно обоснованные подходы в выборе инструментов и методов для практической реализации будут способствовать обеспечению конкурентных преимуществ и соревновательной надежности игроков

    Principles of Manufacturing of DC On-Board Harness for a Spacecraft Based on 3D Technology

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    This article describes in detail principles of manufacturing of DC on-board harness for spacecraft based on a new 3D design technology. This technology puts together all activities of on-board harness production, starting from electrical design and up to the final product readiness. Based on the analysis performed we proposed: necessary software, methods of wires and connector contacts connection, applicable wires and connectors available in Russian and European markets, shielding and insulating materials, test methods. The article discusses benefits of lightweight supply buses technology implementation (as compared to bundle of wires), which are: mass reduction, electrical performances stability improvement, lesser capacity between supply lines, better interference immunity, better thermal performances

    The Metrics for Promising R&D Early Forecast

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    The paper is concerned to the new methodological approach for early prognosis of promising research and development (R&D) in the fields of science and technology. As it’s demonstrated with the texts’ corpus covering the known R&D stories from 1955 to 2014, the correct prognosis probability at the R&D life pre-investment cycle phase based on the traditional econometric methods is not high. The analogy is drawn to computer program text quality metrics based test approach and formally well-structured scientific & engineering texts. Making a start from this analogy, the four size-based quantitative metrics and four functional-based ones basing on lexical approach completed with ontological evolutionary approach to R&D texts’ corpus investigations are worked out. The relevant formulas are deduced to calculate the size-based metrics. The resulting values are interpreted form the point of view of promising R&D search and prognosis task. The key questions are described in details for source data formation to calculate more complex functional-based metrics using some lexical-graph R&D text models, to solve decomposition tasks and path search on graphs of terms collocations and co-words with the purpose of terminology evolution investigations, tautological definitions localization, and texts structure quality estimation. The source data necessary for the eight deduced formulas of author’s metrics calculation are rigorously specified. The non-linear pair correlation indexes are evaluated for every metric and known R&D historical result on the test text corpus. The probabilities of correct forecast with the eight metrics demonstrate good level of correlation with successful R&D stories. The ranges of resulting values for all the metrics are rigorously described and interpreted, their details of correlation indexes behavior and correct forecast probabilities are explained to support good decision regarding the most promising R&D choice and fulfill a purpose of investment activity at the early phase of R&D life cycle. As it’s demonstrated by the author the implementation of described mathematical approach based on the eight metrics results in higher probability of prognosis for better R&D choice and lets an investment manager to achieve the purpose of optimal funding in combination with other known methods

    Влияние обработки высокоинтенсивным потоком ионов Zr на структуру и механические свойства высокопрочной стали 30ХГСН2А

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    Исследование структуры модифицированного поверхностного слоя высокопрочной стали30ХГСН2А проводили с помощью оптической просвечивающей электронной микроскопии, а так жеметодов рентгеновской дифракции. Испытания на статическое и циклическое растяжение проводилидля стальных образцов в состоянии поставки, а так же после модификации поверхностного слояпотоком ионов Zr

    Radiation from relativistic electrons in "light" and in conventional undulators. Classical and quantum approaches

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    A photon spectrum of undulator radiation (UR) is calculated in the semi-classical approach. The UR intensity spectrum is determined by an electron trajectory in the undulator neglecting by energy losses for radiation. Using the Planck's law, the UR photon spectrum can be calculated from the classical intensity spectrum both for linear and nonlinear regimes. The radiation of an electron in a field of strong electromagnetic wave (radiation in the "light" undulator) is considered in the quantum electromagnetic frame. Comparison of results obtained by both approaches has been shown that UR spectra in the whole cone coincide with high accuracy for the case x<<1. Characteristics of the collimated UR beam were simulated with taking into account the discrete process of photon emission along an electron trajectory in both kinds of undulators

    Properties of nickel-phosphorous coatings codeposited by the electroless and electrochemical plating process

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    At present, despite numerous studies and practical application, the process of chemical nickel plating remains imperfect. The low nickel deposition rate, the high consumption of the solution components, and the complexity of the deposition process do not contribute to the widespread use of chemical nickel plating. At the same time, chemically deposited coatings are significantly different from the electrochemical: they possess valuable properties. In the paper, the intensification method of chemical nickel plating considered through the use of the co-deposition process with chemical and electrochemical methods. The co-deposition was carried out in an acidic electrolyte solution on an aluminum plate with the stationary potential shift from - 0.01 to - 0.25 V with the use of three electrode system. The presented technique of intensification due to the combination of nickel deposition processes by chemical and electrochemical methods is able to increase the deposition rate of the coatings, and also allows influencing their composition and mechanical properties

    Social Health and Life Plans of Modern Youth

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    The article presents the results of sociological research of the dynamics of the positions of youth for the period 2012-14 on a number of significant issues such as the degree of satisfaction with various aspects of life, assessment of social opportunities in the realization of its interests, its views on the prospects for study, work, profession and place of residence, as well as assessment of local authorities and their help in solving youth problems