30 research outputs found

    Організаційно-правові основи морського агентування

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    Сергєєва Н. М. Організаційно-правові основи морського агентування : автореф. дис. ... канд. юрид. наук : 12.00.07 / Н. М. Сергєєва; кер. роботи Є. В. Додін; Нац. ун.-т "Одеська юридична академія". – Одеса, 2000. – 21 с.Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук за спеціальністю 12.00.07 - теорія управління; адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право. - Одеська національна юридична академія, Одеса, 2000. У дисертації проводиться аналіз організаційно-правових основ морського агентування - інституту адміністративного права, регулювання якого істотно змінилося за останні роки. Комплексно розглядаються взаємовідносини держаних органів і суднових агентів при здійсненні адміністративно-правового регулювання морського агентування, визначається специфіка організаційно-правових засобів і методів регулювання діяльності суднових агентів та пропонуються заходи щодо вдосконалення законодавства України з питань морського агентування.Диссертация на соискание научной степени кандидата юридических наук по специальности 12.00.07 - теория управления; административное право и процесс; финансовое право. - Одесская национальная юридическая академия, Одесса, 2000. В диссертации проводится анализ организационно-правовых основ морского агентирования - института административного права, регулирование которого существенно изменилось в последние годы. Комплексно рассматриваются взаимоотношения государственных органов и судовых агентов при осуществлении административно-правового регулирования морского агентирования, определяется специфика организационно-правовых средств и методов регулирования деятельности судовых агентов и предлагаются меры по совершенствованию законодательства Украины по вопросам морского агентирования.Thesis for a Candidate of Law's degree by specialized 12.00.07 - Theory of Management; Administrative Law and Process; Financial Law. - Odessa National Law Academy, Odessa, 2000. From the point of view of the science of administration and law and the science of maritime law this paper is the first complex research of organizational and legal bases of ships' agency service. It is noted that in the legal literature, as a whole, problems of ships' agency service have not been discussed from the standpoint of its organizational and legal bases, therefore the science of law has no developed conceptual provisions connected with organizational and legal status of a ship agent, there are no elaborations as for specificity of the state regulation of ships' agency service, its foundations and limits. The thesis discloses the notion substance of a ship agent, clarifies the essence of ships' agency service, points out specific functions of a ship agent which are of administrative nature. There are revealed historical preconditions of ships' agency service, the history of legal regulation of ships' agency service is given, the process of ships' agency service formation as an independent kind of activity is discussed. The thesis lists the comparative characteristic of legal acts, as well as methods of state regulation of ships' agency service in various countries of the world: Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Italy, Russia, France, Sweden, Japan. There is given an analysis of effective normative legal acts of Ukraine which establish the procedure for implementation of ships' agency service in Ukraine, as well as legal means of its state regulation are determined. The thesis gives compound consideration of mutual relations between state bodies and ship agents when implementing processes of state registration of subjects of ships' agency service, licensing of ships' agency service, control on the part of authorized state bodies over the activity of ship agents and implementation of other means and methods of administrative and legal regulation with respect to ship agents when they perform their functions in organizing and coordinating all operations connected with supply and services of ships, as well as proposes measures for perfection of means of legal regulation of ships' agency service and their use. Proposals are made as for the necessity to simplify state legitimacy of the subjects of ships' agency service activity, to perfect criteria for referring agency service of the merchant marine to licensed types of activity, to introduce definite qualification requirements to persons exercising ships' agency service, to adopt a professional code of conduct for ship agents proceeding from their special status and specifics of activity, as well as the necessity to observe international standards for ship agents

    Economic Migration in Central Siberia and Ethnic Conflict Risks (Based on Krasnoyarsk Krai Analysis)

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    Migration, be it free or forced, is an essential prerequisite of the dynamic development of many territories, Krasnoyarsk Krai inclusive. The territory of the region is irregularly and poorly populated: 84% of inhabitants are concentrated in the south of the region, in the territory comprising only 10% of the regional territory. Under the circumstances Krasnoyarsk Krai needs an increased flow of migrants for the participation in economic development of unpopulated areas of Krai. But on the other hand, economic need in migrants becomes the reason of the ethnic conflicts risks increase in Central Siberia through creation of various negative myths on migrants. The experts report an increase in social tension between migrants and host parties in the Siberian regions of the Russian Federation. The interrelations inside the social medium and cultural contacts are in many respects determinant for the economic development of the region because the main actors of the economics are people. Keywords: economic migration, tolerance index, Siberia, Krasnoyarsk Krai JEL Classifications: D8, R1, Z

    Evidence for the formation of an intermediate complex in the direct metalation of tetra(4-bromophenyl)-porphyrin on the Cu(111) surface

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    A strong molecule-surface interaction between free-base-tetra(4-bromophenyl)-porphyrin and Cu(111) results in a distortion of both the molecule and the underlying copper surface in the vicinity of the molecule. This in turn leads to the formation of an intermediate complex due to bonding between the iminic nitrogens and surface copper atoms

    Влияние климатических условий на традиционную экономику коренных малочисленных народов, проживающих в Эвенкийском муниципальном районе (Красноярский край)

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    At present the climate problem is one of the most relevant and discussed in various contexts. The article raises a problem of the interconnection between climatic conditions and the implementation of traditional forms of the economy management by the indigenous inhabitants of the Evenkiysky Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Based on the results of the field research, interviewing of experts and application of the Delphi survey method, the authors make conclusions about the current state of the traditional economy of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the impact of climatic conditions on it, and provide forecasts on the prospects for the development of traditional forms of the economy management (reindeer breeding, hunting, fishing, wild plant gathering) taking into account the influence of climatic conditions and their dynamicsПроблема климата на сегодняшний день является одной из самых актуальных и обсуждаемых в различных контекстах. В настоящей статье поднимается проблема взаимосвязи климатических условий и осуществления традиционных форм хозяйствования коренными жителями Эвенкийского муниципального района Красноярского края. На основе результатов полевых исследований, интервьюирования экспертов и применения метода Дельфи-опроса сделаны выводы о современном состоянии традиционной экономики коренных малочисленных народов Севера Красноярского края и влиянии на нее климатических условий, а также представлены прогнозы о перспективах развития традиционных форм хозяйствования (оленеводства, охоты, рыбной ловли, сбора дикоросов) с учетом влияния климатических условий и их динамик