34 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Local Immune Response to Hydatid Cysts in Sheep Liver

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    In order to characterize the inflammatory phenotype of livers of sheep naturally infected by cystic echinococcosis, 100 sheep livers have been macroscopically assessed for the presence of hydatid cysts and sampled for histopathological and molecular analysis. According to gross and microscopic examination, livers were subsequently classified into three groups: normal liver (Group A), liver with the presence of fertile hydatid cysts (Group B), and liver with the presence of sterile hydatid cysts (Group C). Immunohistochemical analyses were accomplished using primary antibodies anti-Iba1, anti-CD3, anti-CD20, anti-TGF-β, and anti-MMP9. Finally, real-time PCR was performed in order to estimate the concentration levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interferon-γ (INF-γ), interleukin (IL)-12, IL-10, and TGF-β. Immunohistochemical analysis showed a diffuse immunolabelling of mononuclear cells for Iba-1 and TGF-β and a higher amount of CD20+ B cells compared to CD3+ T cells in both Groups B and C. The expression levels of Th-1-like immune cytokines TNF-α, INF-γ, and IL-12 did not show significant statistical differences. However, we found a significant increase in expression levels of Th-2 immune cytokines TGF-β and IL-10 in Groups B and C compared to Group A. Taken together, our findings suggest that macrophages have a predominant role in the local immune response to cystic echinococcosis. Moreover, we can speculate that Th2 immunity may be dominant, corroborating the idea that B cells are decisively essential in the control of the immune response during parasitic infection and that the immunomodulatory role of IL-10 and TGF-β may ensure the persistence of the parasite within the host

    A multi-center output factor intercomparison to uncover systematic inaccuracies in small field dosimetry

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    Large uncertainties in output factor (OF) small fields dosimetry motivated multicentric studies. The focus of the study was the determination of the OFs, for different linacs and radiosurgery units, using new-generation detectors. Intercomparison studies between radiotherapy centers improved quality dosimetry practices. Results confirmed the effectiveness of the studies to uncover large systematic inaccuracies in small field dosimetry. Keywords: Multicentric studies, Small field dosimetry, Output factor

    Myopathy with central cores in a foal.

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    Central core disease is a nonprogressive or slowly progressive congenital myopathy with a variable degree of hypotonia and axial and proximal muscle weakness that is histologically characterized by areas devoid of oxidative enzyme activity, resulting from an absence or low numbers of mitochondria in these regions (central core). A 10-month-old, male, pony foal was examined because of stiff gait, marked contractures of the distal portion of the limbs, flexion deformities of the hooves, and moderate hypotonia that had been present from birth. The foal had increased creatine kinase (282 U/liter; reference interval 10-135 U/liter), lactate dehydrogenase (1,188 U/liter; reference interval 150-450 U/liter), and aspartate transaminase (377 U/liter; reference interval <290 U/liter) activities, suggesting muscle disease. Muscle biopsy was performed. In cytochrome oxidase-, succinate dehydrogenase-, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase-reacted sections, the dominant morphologic feature was the absence of oxidative enzyme activity in the cores. By use of immunohistochemical technique with a monoclonal antibody against desmin, the cores were clearly delineated and a desmin network was present within the cores. Ultrastructurally, the core areas were characterized by preserved sarcomeres with irregular Z-lines, with some streaming or zigzag appearance and abnormal sarcoplasmic reticulum profiles and T-tubules. Lack of mitochrondria within central cores was observed. Diagnosis of myopathy with central cores was made

    Outbreak of fatal nitrate toxicosis associated with consumption of fennels (Foeniculum vulgare) in cattle farmed in Campania Region (Southern Italy)

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    Nitrate and nitrite are toxicants which have become increasingly significant environmental chemicals. An increase in environmental distribution of nitrogenous compounds, especially in surface and ground water has been attributed to the intensive use of nitrate as agricultural fertilizers and to increasing amounts of nitrogenous wastes produced by municipalities, industries and feedlots. The purpose of this study is to illustrate a fatal nitrate toxicosis in cattle associated with the consumption of fennels (Foeniculum vulgare). Fifteen cows from the same farm suddenly developed weakness, muscular tremors, respiratory distress and finally anoxic convulsions. Affected animals died within 24 to 48 hours from the onset of the clinical signs. Five cows underwent a complete post-mortem examination. In all examined animals, gross lesions included presence of dark uncoated blood around the nostrils and the anal region, moderate inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, and brown discoloration of the skeletal muscles and kidneys. The histological examination showed tubular degeneration and congestion of glomerular vessels in the kidney. Toxicological analysis detected high levels of nitrates in the fennels used to feed the animals. The source of exposure to nitrates was identified in the fennels. The fennels were grown in a polluted area of Campania region and distributed in a public market for human consumption. The waste from the sale of the fennels were collected and fed the cows. The accumulation of nitrates in some vegetables pose a risk not only for animal health but also for human and environmental safety

    Age-Related Changes in Skeletal Muscle of Cattle

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    Sarcopenia, the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength, is a multifactorial condition that represents a major healthcare concern for the elderly population. Although its morphologic features have been extensively studied in humans, animal models, and domestic and wild animals, only a few reports about spontaneous sarcopenia exist in other long-lived animals. In this work, muscle samples from 60 healthy Podolica-breed old cows (aged 15-23 years) were examined and compared with muscle samples from 10 young cows (3-6 years old). Frozen sections were studied through standard histologic and histoenzymatic procedures, as well as by immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and Western blot analysis. The most prominent age-related myopathic features seen in the studied material included angular fiber atrophy (90% of cases), mitochondrial alterations (ragged red fibers, 70%; COX-negative fibers, 60%), presence of vacuolated fibers (75%), lymphocytic (predominantly CD8+) inflammation (40%), and type II selective fiber atrophy (40%). Immunohistochemistry revealed increased expression of major histocompatibility complex I in 36 cases (60%) and sarcoplasmic accumulations of β-amyloid precursor protein-positive material in 18 cases (30%). In aged cows, muscle atrophy was associated with accumulation of myostatin. Western blot analysis indicated increased amount of both proteins-myostatin and β-amyloid precursor protein-in muscles of aged animals compared with controls. These findings confirm the presence of age-related morphologic changes in cows similar to human sarcopenia and underline the possible role of amyloid deposition and subsequent inflammation in muscle senescence

    Age related skeletal muscle atrophy and upregulation of autophagy in dogs

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    Sarcopenia, the age related loss of muscle mass and strength, is a multifactorial condition that occurs in a variety of species and represents a major healthcare concern for older adults in human medicine. In veterinary medicine, skeletal muscle atrophy is often observed in dogs as they reach old age, but the process is not well understood. Autophagy is a mechanism for degradation and recycling of cellular constituents and is potentially involved in sarcopenia. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the expression of three markers of autophagy, Beclin 1, LC3 and p62, in muscle wasting of geriatric dogs, to establish whether the levels of autophagy change with increasing age. Muscle biopsies from 25 geriatric dogs were examined and compared with those from five healthy young dogs. Samples from older dogs, assessed by routine histology, histoenzymatic staining and immunohistochemistry, showed evidence of muscle atrophy, sarcoplasmic vacuolisation and mitochondrial alterations. Furthermore, in 80% of the muscle samples from the older dogs, marked intracytoplasmic staining for Beclin 1 and LC3 was observed. Significantly greater expression of LC3 II and Beclin 1, but lower expression of p62, was found by Western blotting, comparing muscle samples from old vs. young dogs. The results of the study suggest that enhanced autophagy might be one of the factors underlying muscle atrophy in dogs as they age

    Immunopathological features of canine myocarditis associated with leishmania infantum infection

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    Myocarditis associated with infectious diseases may occur in dogs, including those caused by the protozoa Neospora caninum, Trypanosoma cruzi, Babesia canis, and Hepatozoon canis. However, although cardiac disease due to Leishmania infection has also been documented, the immunopathological features of myocarditis have not been reported so far. The aim of this study was to examine the types of cellular infiltrates and expression of MHC classes I and II in myocardial samples obtained at necropsy from 15 dogs with an established intravitam diagnosis of visceral leishmaniasis. Pathological features of myocardium were characterized by hyaline degeneration of cardiomyocytes, necrosis, and infiltration of mononuclear inflammatory cells consisting of lymphocytes and macrophages, sometimes with perivascular pattern; fibrosis was also present in various degrees. Immunophenotyping of inflammatory cells was performed by immunohistochemistry on cryostat sections obtained from the heart of the infected dogs. The predominant leukocyte population was CD8+ with a fewer number of CD4+ cells. Many cardiomyocytes expressed MHC classes I and II on the sarcolemma. Leishmania amastigote forms were not detected within macrophages or any other cell of the examined samples. Our study provided evidence that myocarditis in canine visceral leishmaniasis might be related to immunological alterations associated with Leishmania infection