4 research outputs found

    MALDI MS-Based Investigations for SARS-CoV-2 Detection

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    The urgent need to fight the COVID-19 pandemic has impressively stimulated the efforts of the international scientific community, providing an extraordinary wealth of studies. After the sequence of the virus became available in early January 2020, safe and effective vaccines were developed in a time frame much shorter than everybody expected. However, additional studies are required since viral mutations have the potential of facilitating viral transmission, thus reducing the efficacy of developed vaccines. Therefore, improving the current laboratory testing methods and developing new rapid and reliable diagnostic approaches might be useful in managing contact tracing in the fight against both the original SARS-CoV-2 strain and the new, potentially fast-spreading CoV-2 variants. Mass Spectrometry (MS)-based testing methods are being explored, with the challenging promise to overcome the many limitations arising from currently used laboratory testing assays. More specifically, MALDI-MS, since its advent in the mid 1980s, has demonstrated without any doubt the great potential to overcome many unresolved analytical challenges, becoming an effective proteomic tool in several applications, including pathogen identification. With the aim of highlighting the challenges and opportunities that derive from MALDI-based approaches for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 and its variants, we extensively examined the most promising proofs of concept for MALDI studies related to the COVID-19 outbreak

    Revealing the Hidden Diagnostic Clues of Male Infertility from Human Seminal Plasma by Dispersive Solid Phase Extraction and MALDI-TOF MS

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    Seminal plasma (SP) mirrors the local pathophysiology of the male reproductive system and represents a non-invasive fluid for the study of infertility. Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) provides a high-throughput platform to rapidly extrapolate the diagnostic profiles of information-rich patterns. In this study, dispersive solid phase extraction (d-SPE) combined with MALDI-TOF-MS was applied for the first time to the human SP, with the aim of revealing a diagnostic signature for male infertility. Commercially available octadecyl (C18)-, octyl (C8)-bonded silica sorbents and hexagonal mesoporous silica (HMS) were tested and the robustness of MALDI-TOF peptide profiling was evaluated. Best performances were obtained for C18-bonded silica with the highest detection of peaks and the lowest variation of spectral features. To assess the diagnostic potential of the method, C18-bonded silica d-SPE and MALDI-TOF-MS were used to generate enriched endogenous peptide profiles of SP from 15 fertile and 15 non-fertile donors. Principal component analysis (PCA) successfully separated fertile from non-fertile men into two different clusters. An array of seven semenogelin-derived peptides was found to distinguish the two groups, with high statistical significance. These findings, while providing a rapid and convenient route to selectively enrich native components of SP peptidome, strongly reinforce the prominent role of semenogelins in male infertility

    Insights about MYC and Apoptosis in B-Lymphomagenesis: An Update from Murine Models

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    The balance between cell survival and cell death represents an essential part of human tissue homeostasis, while altered apoptosis contributes to several pathologies and can affect the treatment efficacy. Impaired apoptosis is one of the main cancer hallmarks and some types of lymphomas harbor mutations that directly affect key regulators of cell death (such as BCL-2 family members). The development of novel techniques in the field of immunology and new animal models has greatly accelerated our understanding of oncogenic mechanisms in MYC-associated lymphomas. Mouse models are a powerful tool to reveal multiple genes implicated in the genesis of lymphoma and are extensively used to clarify the molecular mechanism of lymphoma, validating the gene function. Key features of MYC-induced apoptosis will be discussed here along with more recent studies on MYC direct and indirect interactors, including their cooperative action in lymphomagenesis. We review our current knowledge about the role of MYC-induced apoptosis in B-cell malignancies, discussing the transcriptional regulation network of MYC and regulatory feedback action of miRs during MYC-driven lymphomagenesis. More importantly, the finding of new modulators of apoptosis now enabling researchers to translate the discoveries that have been made in the laboratory into clinical practice to positively impact human health

    Table1_Seminal plasma untargeted metabolomic and lipidomic profiling for the identification of a novel panel of biomarkers and therapeutic targets related to male infertility.DOCX

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    Male infertility occurs approximately in about 50% of all infertility cases and represents a serious concern worldwide. Traditional semen analysis alone is insufficient to diagnose male infertility. Over the past two decades, advances in omics technologies have led to the widespread application of metabolomics profiling as a valuable diagnostic tool for various diseases and disorders. Seminal plasma represents a rich and easily accessible source of metabolites surrounding spermatozoa, a milieu that provides several indispensable nutrients to sustain sperm motility and fertilization. Changes of metabolic profiles in seminal plasma reflect male reproductive tract disorders. Here, we performed seminal plasma metabolomics and lipidomics profiling to identify a new pattern of biomarkers of male infertility. Seminal plasma samples from unfertile subjects (n = 31) and fertile controls (n = 19) were analyzed using an untargeted metabolomics/lipidomics integrated approach, based on Ultra-High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography–tandem Mass Spectrometry. Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis showed a distinct separation between healthy fertile men and infertile subjects. Among the 15 selected candidate biomarkers based on Variable Importance in Projection scores, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) (18:1; 18:1) resulted with the highest score. In total, 40 molecular species showed statistically significant variations between fertile and infertile men. Heat-map and volcano plot analysis indicated that acylcarnitines, phosphatidylserine (PS) (40:2) and lactate were decreased, while PE (18:1; 18:1), Phosphatidic acid (PA) (O-19:2; 18:1), Lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE) (O-16:1) and Phosphatidylcholine (PC) (O-16:2; 18:1)-CH3 were increased in the infertile group. The present study is the first one to analyze the metabolomics/lipidomics dysregulation in seminal plasma between fertile and infertile individuals regardless of sub-infertility condition. Association of several metabolites/lipids dysregulation with male infertility reinforced data of previous studies performed with different approaches. In particular, we confirmed significantly decreased levels of PS and carnitines in infertile patients as well as the positive correlation with sperm motility and morphology. If validated on a larger prospective cohort, the metabolite biomarkers of infertility in seminal plasma we identified in the present study might inform novel strategies for diagnosis and interventions to overcome male infertility.</p