2,581 research outputs found

    Towards a Benchmark of Natural Language Arguments

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    The connections among natural language processing and argumentation theory are becoming stronger in the latest years, with a growing amount of works going in this direction, in different scenarios and applying heterogeneous techniques. In this paper, we present two datasets we built to cope with the combination of the Textual Entailment framework and bipolar abstract argumentation. In our approach, such datasets are used to automatically identify through a Textual Entailment system the relations among the arguments (i.e., attack, support), and then the resulting bipolar argumentation graphs are analyzed to compute the accepted arguments

    ACTA: A Tool for Argumentative Clinical Trial Analysis

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    International audienceArgumentative analysis of textual documents of various nature (e.g., persuasive essays, online discussion blogs, scientific articles) allows to detect the main argumentative components (i.e., premises and claims) present in the text and to predict whether these components are connected to each other by argumentative relations (e.g., support and attack), leading to the identification of (possibly complex) argumentative structures. Given the importance of argument-based decision making in medicine, in this demo paper we introduce ACTA, a tool for automating the argumentative analysis of clinical trials. The tool is designed to support doctors and clinicians in identifying the document(s) of interest about a certain disease, and in analyzing the main argumentative content and PICO elements

    Selection and Characterization Criteria of Probiotics Intended for Human Use from the Past to the Future

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    The probiotic product consumption has recently increased with the prevalent intent to promote human and animal wellbeing. The complex selection process dealing with new-isolated probiotic candidates is the first challenge that has to be faced. From the isolation to the launch on the market, information about safety, tolerance to host physiological conditions, adhesion properties, genetics and interaction with the host has to be collected. Probiotics must be safe, survive to the exposition to bile salts and to gut transit, adhere to intestinal cells lining and colonize the lumen of the tract. The evaluation process of the possible probiotic health benefits is widely supported by in-vitro assays simulating the in-vivo conditions. The aim of this work is to summarize the classical models usually employed for the probiotic screening by underlying strengths and weaknesses of all models and to present some more recent analysis tools used in the probiotic field. The long term goal in new probiotic candidate selection experiencing these combined essays together would lead to the hypothetical assignment acknowledged as one strain-one function

    Never Retreat, Never Retract: Argumentation Analysis for Political Speeches

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    International audienceIn this work, we apply argumentation mining techniques, in particular relation prediction, to study political speeches in monological form, where there is no direct interaction between opponents. We argue that this kind of technique can effectively support researchers in history, social and political sciences, which must deal with an increasing amount of data in digital form and need ways to automatically extract and analyse argumentation patterns. We test and discuss our approach based on the analysis of documents issued by R. Nixon and J. F. Kennedy during 1960 presidential campaign. We rely on a supervised classifier to predict argument relations (i.e., support and attack), obtaining an accuracy of 0.72 on a dataset of 1,462 argument pairs. The application of argument mining to such data allows not only to highlight the main points of agreement and disagreement between the candidates' arguments over the campaign issues such as Cuba, disarmament and health-care, but also an in-depth argumentative analysis of the respective viewpoints on these topics

    Neutrophil unsaturated fatty acid release by GM-CSF is impaired in cystic fibrosis

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    Dysregulated inflammation in cystic fibrosis (CF) is attributed to an altered production of inflammatory mediators derived from polyunsaturated lipids. In comparison to the arachidonic acid (AA) cascade, little is known about the modulation of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) membrane release. We compared data on neutrophil DHA- and AA- release from both control (CT) and patients with CF using [3H]AA or [14C]DHA as a markers for, respectively, AA and DHA- release. Granulocyte-macrophage-colony stimulating factor stimulated DHA release from CT, but not CF, neutrophils. Comparison showed that both [14C]DHA and [3H]AA liberated after stimulation was higher in CT than in CF neutrophils. Since bioactive mediators derived from DHA are resolving factors and those derived from AA are both pro- and anti- inflammatory, these results suggest that CF is associated with a reduction of the release of PUFA-precursors of lipooxygenated resolving mediators. This leads to the hypothesis that defects in the resolving factors production could contribute to the inflammatory dysregulated processes in CF. Furthermore, the methodology used may help to improve knowledge on the regulation and resolution of inflammation

    Impact of contrast-enhanced ultrasound in patients with renal function impairment

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    To investigate the role of contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in evaluating patients with renal function impairment (RFI) showing: (1) acute renal failure (ARF) of suspicious vascular origin; or (2) suspicious renal lesions

    Cross-Platform Evaluation for Italian Hate Speech Detection

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    International audienceEnglish. Despite the number of approaches recently proposed in NLP for detecting abusive language on social networks , the issue of developing hate speech detection systems that are robust across different platforms is still an unsolved problem. In this paper we perform a comparative evaluation on datasets for hate speech detection in Italian, extracted from four different social media platforms, i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and What-sApp. We show that combining such platform-dependent datasets to take advantage of training data developed for other platforms is beneficial, although their impact varies depending on the social network under consideration. 1 Italiano. Nonostante si osservi un cre-scente interesse per approcci che identi-fichino il linguaggio offensivo sui social network attraverso l'NLP, la necessità di sviluppare sistemi che mantengano una buona performance anche su piattaforme diverseè ancora un tema di ricerca aper-to. In questo contributo presentiamo una valutazione comparativa su dataset per l'identificazione di linguaggio d'odio pro-venienti da quattro diverse piattaforme: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Wha-tsApp. Lo studio dimostra che, combinan-do dataset diversi per aumentare i dati di training, migliora le performance di clas-sificazione, anche se l'impatto varia a se-conda della piattaforma considerata.

    The use of polymorphic state modifiers in solid lipid microparticles: The role of structural modifications on drug release performance

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    This study investigates the correlation between the structural and release properties of solid lipid microparticles (MPs) of tristearin containing 5 % w/w of four different liquid additives used as crystal modifiers: isopropyl myristate (IM), ethyl oleate (EO), oleic acid (OA) and medium chain triglycerides (MCT). All additives accelerated the conversion of the unstable α-form of tristearin, formed after the MPs manufacturing, to the stable β-polymorph and the transformation was completed within 24 h (for IM and EO) or 48 h (for OA and MCT). The kinetic of polymorphic transition at 25 ◦C was investigated by simultaneous synchrotron SAXS/WAXS and DSC analysis after melting and subsequent cooling of the lipid mixture. After crystallization in the α-phase, additives accelerate the solid-solid phase transformation to β-tristearin. SAXS data showed that two types of structural modifications occurred on MPs during storage: compaction of the crystal packing (slight decrease in lamellar thickness) and crystal growth (increased number of stacked lipid lamellae). The release behavior of a model hydrophilic drug (caffeine) at two different amounts (15 % and 30 %) from MPs was studied in water and biorelevant media simulated the gastric and intestinal environment. It was particularly significant that the introduction of IM, EO and MCT were able to prolong the drug release in water, passing from a diffusion-based Higuchi kinetics to a perfect zero-order kinetic. Moreover, the overall release profiles were higher in biorelevant media, where erosion/digestion of MPs was observed. After 6 months, a moderate but statistically significant change in release profile was observed for the MPs with IM and EO, which can be correlated with the timedependent structural alterations (i.e. larger average crystallite size) of these formulations; while MPs with OA or MCT displayed stable release profiles. These findings help to understand the correlation between release behavior, polymorphism and supramolecular-level structural modification of lipid formulations containing crystal modifiers

    Inconsistencies Detection in Bipolar Entailment Graphs

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    International audienceEnglish. In the latest years, a number of real world applications have underlined the need to move from Textual Entailment (TE) pairs to TE graphs where pairs are no more independent. Moving from single pairs to a graph has the advantage of providing an overall view of the issue discussed in the text, but this may lead to possible inconsistencies due to the combination of the TE pairs into a unique graph. In this paper, we adopt argumentation theory to support human annotators in detecting the possible sources of inconsistencies. Italiano. Negli ultimi anni, in svari-ate applicazioni sta sorgendo la necessit a di passare da coppie di Textual Entail-ment (TE) a grafi di TE, in cui le cop-pie sono interconnesse. Il vantaggio dei grafi di TE e di fornire una visione glob-ale del soggetto di cui si sta discutendo nel testo. Allo stesso tempo, questopù o gener-are inconsistenze dovute all'integrazione dipì u coppie di TE in un unico grafo. In questo articolo, ci basiamo sulla teo-ria dell'argomentazione per supportare gli annotatori nell'individuare le possibili fonti di inconsistenze

    Cross-Platform Evaluation for Italian Hate Speech Detection

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    Despite the number of approaches recently proposed in NLP for detecting abusive language on social networks, the issue of developing hate speech detection systems that are robust across different platforms is still an unsolved problem. In this paper we perform a comparative evaluation on datasets for hate speech detection in Italian, extracted from four different social media platforms, i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp. We show that combining such platform-dependent datasets to take advantage of training data developed for other platforms is beneficial, although their impact varies depending on the social network under consideration
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