16 research outputs found

    Trump’s image in a political cartoon: analysis of expressive potential

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    This study is an attempt to describe the expressive means used in American political cartoons covering the most prominent events before and during Donald Trump’s presidency. Political cartoon as a type of political text is widely adopted in political communication with the aim to manipulate people’s mind

    Linguo-pragmatic features of elliptic constructions in media discourse

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    The article is devoted to a linguistic research of the impact of social media texts on modern society. The article considers the linguistic and pragmatic features of ellipsis in mass media texts and their influence on readers. The argument of the article is illustrated through the discourse analysis of media texts. The object of the present paper is to analyze ellipsis as a particular characteristic of media text

    Cutaneous sinus histiocytosis of face of the non-Langerhans cell histiocytoses type (cutaneous Rosai — Dorfman disease)

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    An extremely rare case of sinus histiocytosis of the non-Langerhans cell histiocytoses type is described in 55-year-old patient with isolated localization of cutanious lesion on the right cheek without involvement of nodular structures. Main skin lesion was an erythematous-cyanotic node with multiple milia-like lesions on the top of it. Histologically revealed feature was a large number of plasma cells, besides phenomenon of emperipolesis was described, which was first falsely perceived by pathologists as phagocytosis. In immu-nohistochemistry assay the changes were characterized by proliferation of large polygonal histiocytes with accumulation of pentalamellar markers in its cytoplasm (protein S-100, CD68)

    Application of surface brachytherapy in treatment of classic Kaposi’s sarcoma relapse

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    The authors describe a patient of 63 years with a classic Kaposi’s sarcoma relapse, having contraindi - cations for cytostatic therapy. They also present literature data concerning the etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of disease

    Физико-химические основы химии и технологии платиновых металлов и их соединений

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    The date of investigation on chemistry and technology of platinum metals in the large years are presented. The complexes of palladium(II) with macroheterocyclyc compounds are syntesited. The application of electrochemical processes for selection of platinum metals from solutions and applyed of concentrate of platinum metals is shownКратко рассмотрены результаты выполненных в последние годы работ в области химии и технологии платиновых металлов. Выполнен синтез комплексов палладия(II) с макрогетероциклическими соедине-ниями. Показана возможность применения электрохимического метода для извлечения платиновых металлов из растворов и получения концентратов

    Political cartoon as a creolized text in political discourse

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    Тhе роlitiсаl discourcе аlways finds thе ехргеssion in the tехt, it аrises апd соmes tо light in the tехt, but it isn't limited to it at all , not reduced to a purticular tex

    Linguo-pragmatic features of elliptic constructions in media discourse

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    The article is devoted to a linguistic research of the impact of social media texts on modern society. The article considers the linguistic and pragmatic features of ellipsis in mass media texts and their influence on readers. The argument of the article is illustrated through the discourse analysis of media texts. The object of the present paper is to analyze ellipsis as a particular characteristic of media text

    The physico-chemical results of chemistry and technology of platinum metals and their compounds

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    The date of investigation on chemistry and technology of platinum metals in the large years are presented. The complexes of palladium(II) with macroheterocyclyc compounds are syntesited. The application of electrochemical processes for selection of platinum metals from solutions and applyed of concentrate of platinum metals is show