159 research outputs found

    Interaction effects in assembly of magnetic nanoparticles

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    A specific absorption rate of a dilute assembly of various random clusters of iron oxide nanoparticles in alternating magnetic field has been calculated using Landau- Lifshitz stochastic equation. This approach simultaneously takes into account both the presence of thermal fluctuations of the nanoparticle magnetic moments, and magneto-dipole interaction between the nanoparticles of the clusters. It is shown that for usual 3D clusters the intensity of magneto- dipole interaction is determined mainly by the cluster packing density eta = Np*V/Vcl, where Np is the average number of the particles in the cluster, V is the nanoparticle volume, and Vcl is the cluster volume. The area of the low frequency hysteresis loop and the assembly specific absorption rate have been found to be considerably reduced when the packing density of the clusters increases in the range of 0.005 < eta < 0.4. The dependence of the specific absorption rate on the mean nanoparticle diameter is retained with increase of eta, but becomes less pronounced. For fractal clusters of nanoparticles, which arise in biological media, in addition to considerable reduction of the absorption rate, the absorption maximum is shifted to smaller particle diameters. It is found also that the specific absorption rate of fractal clusters increases appreciably with increase of the thickness of nonmagnetic shells at the nanoparticle surfaces.Comment: The paper is accepted for Nanoscale Res. Let

    Networking in the food sector of regional economy

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    Purpose: The article aims to study the features and the directions of development of network interaction of subjects of the food sector in different regions of the economy. Design/Methodology/Approach: The use of different methodological approaches allowed us to formulate a holistic management concept for the development of a network of competences in the food sector of the regional economy. Findings: The study identified the subjects of such interaction, as well as features that allow them to unite into groups that form networks of competencies. Considering the food sector of the region's economy as a socio-economic system, noted its extreme structural complexity, which necessitates the development of special approaches to its management, or rather the need for structural management is presented. The format of such interaction is a network of competencies, representing a spatially localized socio-economic structure formed on the initiative of active subjects of the regional economy. Practical Implications: The results obtained can be used as a basis for designing a network form of development of the food sector of the region's economy, taking into account the nature of placement and interaction of participants, as well as allowing for effective use of their resource capabilities, experience and knowledge. Originality/Value: In order to overcome the problems associated with the formation of network identity, network management competence is proposed to use a structured approach allowing them to make targeted decisions based on objective conditions and institutional nature.peer-reviewe

    Predictors of Long-Term Outcomes after Surgical Myocardial Revascularization

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    High mortality from cardiovascular diseases (CVD) requires improved approaches to the treatment of this socially significant pathology. Wide implementation of surgical myocardial revascularization makes it possible to improve significantly both life quality and expectancy in patients with coronary heart disease. The aim of this work was to analyze the literature on the impact of preoperative, operative and postoperative factors on the long-term prognosis after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). The review refers to both recent and earlier informative works. The target groups for this article are therapists, cardiologists, rehabilitologists, who work with patients in the short and long term after CABG. Data of Russian and foreign literature show that the long-term prognosis after CABG is largely determined by preoperative factors, in particular – age, set of cardiovascular risk factors (RF) and comorbidity, specifically – severity of coronary and systemic atherosclerosis, incident cardiovascular complications, structural and functional state of the heart. In the aggregate these factors reflect the cumulative effect and further potential of actual cardiovascular RFs, affect longterm risk of adverse events, and determine the therapeutic targets of secondary prevention. Priority of arterial conduits and completeness of revascularization are the main operative factors that determine the course of the long-term period after CABG. Among the postoperative factors, the efficiency of secondary CVD prevention is of paramount importance, in particular – achievement of target RF levels, compensation of cardiac and extracardiac pathology, adherence to the long-term medical therapy, known to improve outcomes based on specific comorbidity. Efficiency of secondary CVD prevention largely depends on patient's health attitudes, the key influence on which beyond attending physician can be provided by participation in rehabilitation programs, teaching patients the meaning and essentials of lifestyle modification and cardiovascular RFs’ control

    Analysis of factors associated with arterial stiffness in the general working-age population

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    Aim. To examine associations of cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) with classical, behavioral and social risk factors (RFs) of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adult population.Material and methods. The study included 1365 people (women, 59%) from a representative sample aged 25-64 years (ESSE-RF), who underwent standard cardiology screening and volume sphygmography (VaSera-1500). All respondents signed an informed consent to participate in the study. The analysis included blocks of classical, social and behavioral risk factors for CVD. A linear model was used to identify associations. An error rate of &lt;5% was considered significant.Results. Age, sex, systolic blood pressure (SBP), triglycerides were associated with higher CAVI values, and body mass index (BMI) was associated with lower values, respectively. After 45 years, a direct association with heart rate (HR) became increasingly important, while after 50 years — with diabetes and the intake of beta-blockers, while the association between diabetes and CAVI was observed only among individuals not taking angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. A direct association was found with high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) in men, and an inverse association with diuretics in women, respectively. A sedentary work in combination with a history of bronchitis or with positive family history for CVD showed a direct relationship, while a sufficient physical activity (PA) showed an inverse relationship with the studied indicator, but only among people with belowaverage income.Conclusion. According to the data obtained, in addition to age and sex, the following risk factors made a significant contribution to CAVI parameters in the examined population: BMI, SBP, triglycerides, diabetes, HR, intake of betablockers, diuretics, ACE inhibitors; hsCRP, PA. The unfavorable role of betablockers, high HR, diabetes, sedentary work, chronic lung pathology, hereditary burden, as well as the protective role of ACE inhibitors, diuretics and intense PA in relation to arterial stiffness in the working-age population has been shown. Additional studies are needed to determine the nature of a number of associations. The results obtained may contribute to the study of CAVI role in risk stratification and further development of methodological approaches to CVD prevention

    Детерминанты контроля артериальной гипертонии в гипертензивной популяции, получающей медикаментозную терапию

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    Highlights. The leading factor of ineffective arterial hypertension (AH) control in the population taking medications was the number of metabolic risk factors (RF). In addition, in men, the odds of reaching the blood pressure targets were lower if there was a history of kidney disease and bronchitis, and higher, if statins and hypotensive drugs were taken together, respectively. In women, heart rate equal or higher than 75 beats/min and total carotid atherosclerotic plaque thickness were associated with lower and a visit to a physician in the past year - with higher odds of effective hypertension control, respectively.Aim. Analysis of factors associated with reaching blood pressure targets in hypertensive population taking medications.Methods. We examined men and women of 25-64 y.o., randomly drawn from general population, having hypertension and receiving medications. All participants underwent standardized cardiac screening, including a survey on a number of socio-demographic, psychosocial, behavioral variables, traditional and metabolic cardiovascular risk factors, life quality. We measured anthropometric and blood pressure variables, "intima-media" thickness, presence and total thickness of carotid atherosclerotic plaques. Analysis included data from 480 respondents. Parametric and nonparametric statistics were used. To analyze relationships, multivariable logistic regression was used. An error probability &lt;5% was considered statistically significant.Results. After adjustment for age, wealth level, cardio-vascular deseases and the number of antihypertensive drugs, the following factors increased the chances of effective treatment for hypertension in men - statins, positive answer to the question “Do you feel pain or discomfort?” on the EQ5D scale. Lower odds for detecting target blood pressure levels were associated to the count of metabolic syndrome components according to IDF criteria except arterial hypertension (0-4), kidney disease, previous bronchitis, age. A direct association with the effectiveness of treatment for hypertension in women was shown by a visit to the doctor during the past year, and the opposite - the number of metabolic syndrome components, heart rate ≥75 per minute and the total thickness of carotid atherosclerotic plaques, respectively.Conclusion. Lack of hypertension control was associated to metabolic risk factors count, age, kidney disease, heart rate ≥75 per minute, previous bronchitis, lack of visit to a doctor over the past year, as well as total thickness of carotid atherosclerotic plaques. The situation can be improved by deliberately losing weight, taking statins by all people at very high and high risk, and seeing a doctor regularly. It is necessary to further study the factors that hinder achievement of blood pressure targets, as well as methods aimed at the prevention and effective correction of metabolic disorders.Основные положения. Ведущим фактором неэффективного контроля артериальной гипертонии (АГ) в медикаментозно лечащейся популяции было количество метаболических факторов риска (ФР). Кроме того, у мужчин шансы достижения целевого уровня артериального давления были ниже при наличии в анамнезе заболеваний почек и бронхита, и выше - при совместном приеме статинов и гипотензивных препаратов, соответственно. У женщин частота сердечных сокращений &gt;75 уд/мин и суммарная толщина каротидных атеросклеротических бляшек ассоциировались с более низкими, а визит к врачу за прошедший год - с более высокими шансами эффективного контроля заболевания.Цель. Анализ факторов, ассоциированных с вероятностью эффективного медикаментозного контроля артериальной гипертонии (АГ) в гипертензивной популяции.Материалы и методы. Объект исследования - мужчины и женщины репрезентативной выборки неорганизованной популяции 25-64 лет, страдающие АГ и получающие медикаментозную терапию. Все участники исследования прошли стандартизованный кардиологический скрининг, включающий опрос по ряду социально-демографических, психосоциальных, поведенческих переменных, анамнез и семейный характер заболеваний, наличие традиционных и метаболических факторов риска сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний, оценку качества жизни, антропометрические измерения, измерение артериального давления (АД), толщины комплекса «интима - медиа», наличия и суммарной толщины каротидных атеросклеротических бляшек. В анализ вошли данные 480 респондентов. Использованы методы параметрический и непараметрической статистики. Для анализа взаимосвязей применяли многофакторную логистическую регрессию. Вероятность ошибки &lt;5% считали статистически значимой.Результаты. Согласно оценкам, полученным с поправкой на возраст, уровень достатка, наличие сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний и количество принимаемых гипотензивных препаратов, у мужчин шансы эффективного лечения АГ повышали прием статинов и положительный ответ на вопрос о боли или дискомфорте по шкале EQ5D; понижали шансы выявления целевых уровней АД количество компонентов метаболического синдрома кроме АГ по критериям IDF (0-4), заболевания почек, перенесенный бронхит, возраст. Прямую ассоциацию с эффективностью лечения АГ у женщин показал визит к врачу за прошедший год, обратную - количество компонентов метаболического синдрома, частота сердечных сокращений ≥75 уд/мин и суммарная высота каротидных атеросклеротических бляшек.Заключение. Результаты данной работы подчеркивают важный вклад в неэффективность контроля АГ таких факторов, как количество метаболических факторов риска, возраст, заболевания почек, высокая частота сердечных сокращений, перенесенный бронхит, непосещение врача за прошедший год, а также выраженность каротидного атеросклероза. На ситуацию может положительно влиять намеренное снижение избыточного веса, прием статинов лицами очень высокого и высокого риска, а также регулярное посещение врача. Необходимо дальнейшее изучение факторов, затрудняющих достижение целевых уровней АД, а также методов, нацеленных на профилактику и эффективную коррекцию метаболических расстройств

    Innovational methods of development of intellectual labor for economy’s security

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    The notion “development of intellectual labor for the purpose of economy’s security” is viewed as development of society’s intellectual potential that includes the protected socio-economic information, developed by a person or a group of persons. The social factors that reduce economic security and their consequences in economy are given, namely: negative dynamics of implementing new progressive technologies into production, insufficient coordination of work in the sphere of innovational development, etc. The forms of intellectual development of human resources (intellectual development of personality, control over intellectual information) are offered, which bring the country’s economy to competitiveness and security. The traditional and innovational methods of intellectual labor development are studied (studying in universities and colleges, increase of personnel’s qualification in view of academic degrees (Ph.D., doctor of economics), as well as receipt of economic information through Internet resources, scientific publication, statistical information, etc.), as well as the methods of development of IT services and methods of prevention of intellectual diversions and violation of information confidentiality. It is offered to implement the program of equal initial possibilities for intellectual development of human resources in view of access to higher education, creative activities, as well as legal protection for everyone, etc. Analysis of implementation of innovational methods of intellectual labor development supposes planning activities in view of development of intellectual labor for the purpose of the region’s economy’s security.peer-reviewe

    The practice of organizing a call center at the outpatient stage in the conditions of a pandemic

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    The purpose of the study is to consider the practical experience of reprofiling a call center based on LLC Citidoc-Ural.Цель исследования – рассмотреть практический опыт перепрофилирования колл-центра на базе ООО «Ситидок-Урал»

    Prescribing frequency and adherence to statins in outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and comorbid cardiovascular diseases

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    BACKGROUND: Due to the high rate of growth in the incidence and burden of cardiovascular complications, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a significant medical problem in the world. Even in the absence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), patients with T2DM are classified as high and very high risk. In addition to glycemic control, an extremely important aspect of managing this group of patients is prevention of cardiovascular complications. T2DM and hyperlipidemia determines the target group for statins. At the same time, little is known about the frequency of administration of this class of drugs among people with T2DM.AIM: To study prescribing frequency and adherence to statins in outpatients with T2DM and comorbid cardiovascular diseases.METHODS: 156 patients with type 2 diabetes (87.2% — women, average age — 65.2 years) were examined as part of an outpatient appointment with an endocrinologist at the city polyclinic ofTomsk. We used a standard questionnaire compiled on the basis of adapted international methods, including information on cardiac pathology, medications, income level, and Morisky-Green test. Anthropometric parameters, fasting plasma glucose, glycated hemoglobin, lipid spectrum parameters were measured. Methods of parametric and nonparametric statistics were used for comparisons.RESULTS: Statins were prescribed to 45.0% of the surveyed, and 47.0% of them were constantly taking statins. In 41 and 39% of cases, statins were prescribed by an endocrinologist and a cardiologist, respectively. Those taking statins were characterized by a more severe functional class of angina pectoris (p=0.03), a higher prior myocardial infarction rate (p=0.01). For other concomitant diseases, and also indicators of carbohydrate metabolism, differences between the groups were not revealed. One third of patients were adherent (3–4 points), 2/3 were not adherent to treatment (0–2 points), respectively. Patients with incomes between 1 and 2 cost of living took statins more often than the rest (p=0.021).CONCLUSION: An insufficient frequency of prescription and adherence to statin therapy in patients with T2DM was revealed. In most cases, statins were prescribed by an endocrinologist or cardiologist. Functional class of angina pectoris, prior myocardial infarction and moderate income were associated with more frequent use of statins. To increase the coverage of patients with T2DM with statin treatment, more attention needs to be paid to the issues of CVD prevention from both medical professionals and patients


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    Aim. To determine the factors associated with the prevalence of arterial hypertension (AH) in the unorganized urban population of working age.Methods. Random sample drawn from adult urban population aged 25–64 years (n = 1600, 59%-women) was examined in the standardized cardiologic screening program. The following associative factors were analyzed: age, family status, level of education and income; excessive salt consumption (ESC), low physical activity, alcohol consumption; family history of AH; anxiety/depression (HADS); smoking, body mass index (BMI), heart rate (HR). Logistic regression was used to analyze the relationships. A p value of &lt;5% was considered statistically signifcant.Results. After adjustment for age, the odds for AH were higher in men (OR = 1,57, p&lt;0,001) with the maximum gender effect found in 35–44 years (OR = 3,66, p&lt;0,001). In the singlefactor analysis, age, BMI, family history of AH, HR and ESC were the most signifcant risk factors for AH in men. Secondary education and clinical anxiety in addition with the above-mentioned ones increased odds for AH in women. In the multivariable model, age, BMI, family history of AH and HR were associated with high AH prevalence in men. In women, these factors included age, BMI, family history of AH, HR, ESC, middle education and clinical anxiety. Out of the other modifable risk factors, BMI contributed greatly to the variability in AH prevalence in the examined population.Conclusion. The obtained fndings provides novel data on the comparative signifcance of the studied risk factors. The efforts to prevent excessive weight gain and dietary salt consumption seem promising to reduce AH prevalence in the population. Further studies focusing on the role of genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors for AH development will ensure the establishment of more effective, accurate and personalized prevention approaches in the future.Цель. Определить факторы, ассоциированные с частотой выявления артериальной гипертензии (АГ) в неорганизованной городской популяции людей трудоспособного возраста.Материалы и методы. По программе стандартизованного кардиологического скрининга обследована случайная популяционная выборка взрослого городского населения в возрасте 25–64 лет (n = 1600, 59% – женщины). Анализировали следующие ассоциативные факторы: возраст, семейный статус, уровень образования и достатка; привычка досаливать пищу, низкая физическая активность, потребление алкоголя; наличие АГ у ближайших родственников; тревога и/или депрессия (HADS); курение, индекс массы тела (ИМТ), частота сердечных сокращений (ЧСС). Для анализа взаимосвязей использовали логистический регрессионный анализ. Вероятность ошибки &lt; 5% считали статистически значимой.Результаты. После поправки по возрасту в обследованной популяции АГ чаще выявлялась у мужчин (отношение шансов – 1,57, p&lt;0,001) с максимально выраженным гендерным эффектом в возрасте 35–44 лет (отношение шансов – 3,66, p&lt;0,001). По данным однофакторного анализа, возраст, ИМТ, семейный характер АГ, ЧСС, привычка досаливать пищу были наиболее значимыми факторами риска (ФР) выявления АГ у мужчин. Эти же факторы, а также средний уровень образования и клиническая тревога повышали шансы выявления АГ у женщин. В многофакторной модели с более высокими шансами выявления АГ в мужской популяции были ассоциированы возраст, ИМТ, семейный характер АГ и ЧСС. В женской популяции набор факторов в данном аспекте включал возраст, ИМТ, семейный характер АГ, ЧСС, привычку досаливать пищу, средний уровень образования, клиническую тревогу. Из модифицируемых ФР ИМТ вносил наибольший вклад в вариацию распространенности АГ в обследованной популяции.Заключение. Полученные данные фокусируют внимание на сравнительной значимости ФР, ассоциированных с частотой выявления АГ в общей популяции трудоспособного возраста. На основании результатов исследования в качестве приоритетных направлений по снижению распространенности АГ среди населения следует отметить предупреждение избыточного веса и потребления соли, воздействие на которые обещает наиболее весомый превентивный эффект. Дальнейшие исследования, проясняющие роль генетических, поведенческих, экологических факторов в развитии АГ, помогут в создании более эффективных, высокоселективных и персонализированных подходов к предупреждению развития заболевания в будущем