18 research outputs found

    Vacuum Polarization at Finite Temperature around a Magnetic Flux Cosmic String

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    We consider a general situation where a charged massive scalar field ϕ(x)\phi(x) at finite temperature interacts with a magnetic flux cosmic string. We determine a general expression for the Euclidean thermal Green's function of the massive scalar field and a handy expression for a massless scalar field. With this result, we evaluate the thermal average and the thermal average of the energy-momentum tensor of a nonconformal massless scalar field.Comment: 22 pages, latex, no figure

    Ground State Energy of Massive Scalar Field Inside a Spherical Region in the Global Monopole Background

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    Using the zeta function regularization method we calculate the ground state energy of scalar massive field inside a spherical region in the space-time of a point-like global monopole. Two cases are investigated: (i) We calculate the Casimir energy inside a sphere of radius RR and make an analytical analysis about it. We observe that this energy may be positive or negative depending on metric coefficient α\alpha and non-conformal coupling ξ\xi. In the limit RR\to\infty we found a zero result. (ii) In the second model we surround the monopole by additional sphere of radius r0<Rr_0<R and consider scalar field confined in the region between these two spheres. In the latter, the ground state energy presents an additional contribution due to boundary at r0r_0 which is divergent for small radius. Additional comments about renormalization are considered.Comment: 30 pages and 2 figures. LATEX fil

    Ground State Energy of Massive Scalar Field in the Background of Finite Thickness Cosmic String

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    We calculate the ground state energy of a massive scalar field in the background of a cosmic string of finite thickness (Gott-Hiscock metric). Using zeta functional regularization we discuss the renormalization and the relevant heat kernel coefficients in detail. The finite (non local) part of the ground state energy is calculated in 2+1 dimensions in the approximation of a small mass density of the string. By a numerical calculation it is shown to vanish as a function of the radius of the string and of the parameter ξ\xi of the nonconformal coupling.Comment: 23 pages, Latex, 3 figures, subm. to Phys. Rev.

    Корреляционные зависимости для определения выгорания и содержания актинидов в облученном ядерном топливе

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    Correlation dependencies have been obtained to determine the burn­out and content of actinides in spent nuclear fuel based on an analysis of published experimental data on the definition of burnout and isotopic composition of spent nuclear fuel rods for samples of PWR and VVER reactor types using statistical methods. Given dependencies of the mass concentration of actinides at the end of irradiation after checking for normality correspond to the initial experimental data. These relationships may be of interest to use for non­destructive methods for the purpose of express evaluation of spent nuclear fuel burnout at all stages of the nuclear cycle.Получены корреляционные зависимости для определения выгорания и содержания актинидов в облученном ядерном топливе на основании анализа опубликованных экспериментальных данных по определению выгорания и изотопного состава облученного ядерного топлива для образцов твэлов реакторов PWR и ВВЭР с использованием статистических методов. Корреляционные зависимости по определению массовой концентрации актинидов по окончании облучения после проверки на нормальность соответствуют исходным экспериментальным данным. Эти зависимости могут представить интерес для использования методов неразрушающего контроля с целью проведения экспрессной оценки выгорания и содержания компонентов ОЯТ на всех этапах ядерного цикла

    Some cases of untranslatability between russian and english

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    Serebriany Sergei. Some cases of untranslatability between russian and english [Электронный ресурс] / Sergei Serebriany// Язык как инструмент понимания и непонимания : русско-американские лингвистические и культурные сопоставления : материалы Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., РГГУ (Москва), 26-27 февр. 2008 г. - Москва : РГГУ, 2008. - С. 81-87

    Some cases of untranslatability between russian and english

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    Serebriany Sergei. Some cases of untranslatability between russian and english [Электронный ресурс] / Sergei Serebriany// Язык как инструмент понимания и непонимания : русско-американские лингвистические и культурные сопоставления : материалы Междунар. науч.-практ. конф., РГГУ (Москва), 26-27 февр. 2008 г. - Москва : РГГУ, 2008. - С. 81-87

    Teaching philosophy at university: Western philosophy versus non-Western philosophies

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    Serebriany Sergei. Teaching philosophy at university: Western philosophy versus non-Western philosophies [Электронный ресурс] / Sergei Serebriany// Философия в диалоге культур : Всемирный день философии (Москва-Санкт-Петербург, 16-19 ноября 2009 года) : материалы / Рос. акад. наук, Ин-т философии. - М. : Прогресс-Традиция, 2010. - С. 1238-1241

    On the "soviet paradigm"

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    Serebriany S. D. On the "soviet paradigm" [Электронный ресурс] : (remarks of an indologist) / Sergei Serebriany// Studies in East European thought. - [S. l.] : Springer, 2005. - Vol. 57, N 2. - P. 93-138

    On the "soviet paradigm"

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    Serebriany S. D. On the "soviet paradigm" [Электронный ресурс] : (remarks of an indologist) / Sergei Serebriany// Studies in East European thought. - [S. l.] : Springer, 2005. - Vol. 57, N 2. - P. 93-138

    Le roman en Russie et en Inde. Deux cas de transfert d’un objet culturel occidental dans une culture non occidentale

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    Cet article peut être appelé un essai de « transférologie comparée ». Deux histoires sont racontées brièvement et comparées entre elles : il s’agit de voir comment le roman en tant que genre littéraire produit par la culture européenne moderne fut transféré et transplanté d’abord en Russie (au xviiie siècle) et en Inde (au xixe siècle). Le transfert du roman en Russie a produit aux xixe et xxe siècles des fruits connus de tous. Le roman s’est aussi enraciné en Inde, mais les résultats de cette implantation, bien qu’ils soient importants et populaires localement, n’ont pas pour le moment également réussi sur le marché global (mondial). Dans cet article on propose quelques raisons de cet échec comparatif.Diesen Beitrag kann man als einen Versuch « vergleichender Transferologie » betrachten. Zwei Geschichten werden hier erzählt und miteinander verglichen : wie der Roman (eine in der modemen europäischen Kultur wurzelnde literarische Gattung) erstens nach Rußland (im 18. Jahrhundert) und spater auch nach Indien (im 19. Jahrhundert) verpflanzt wurde. Die Verpflanzung der Romangattung nach Rußland hat im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert weltberühmte literarische Werke hervorgebracht. Der Roman als Gattung etablierte sich auch in Indien, aber die einzelnen Werke, so wichtig sie auch auflokaler Erbene sein konnten, sind auf dem Weltmarkt nicht so erfolgreich gewesen. In dem vorliegenden Beitrag versucht man auch einige Ursachen eines solchen Mißerfoiges zu nennen.This paper may be called an essay in « comparative transferology ». Two stories are told in brief and compared between themselves :how the novel (a literary genre produced by modem Western culture) was transferred and transplanted first to Russia (in the 18th century) and later to India (in the 19th century). The transference (transplantation) of the novel to Russia produced a world-famous growth in the 19th and 20th centuries. The novel in India has also taken roots, but the fruits, although quite important and popular locally, have not yet been as successful in the global market. In the paper, some reasons for this comparative failure are suggested